South African COVID-19 variant spreading across US – Car Mod Pros Portal

The more contagious variant appears to chip away at the effectiveness of vaccines and has been identified in eight states.


By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “South African COVID-19 variant spreading across US”
  1. The medical researchers in Israel (thanks scientists from Israel) already proved that Pfizer vaccines are not effective against variant coronavirus right? Then shall we take a look at what is its specific mutation that causes its variant strands?

    Viruses constantly change through mutation. Currently, several variants of the virus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are creating concern because they contain mutations in the spike-like S protein that the virus uses to bind to and infect cells. (From Mayo Clinic they are better than Johns Hopkins these days… I digress..)

    Ok.. The mutation occurs in "spike like S protein that the virus uses to bind and infect cells"

    Ok cool. Understood. Then shall we take a look at how current mRNA vaccines works??

    This is from CDC lol
    "COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make a harmless piece of what is called the “spike protein.” The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19"

    Get it? The current vaccines target "spike proteins" that virus uses to attach to cells. And for some strange reasons the variant virus contains mutation in "spike proteins" also. Lol

    Ok then. Pharmaceutical companies need to come up with a vaccine that targets "common property shared by all coronaviruse original and variants" instead of targeting cell attaching spike protein.

    Also pharmaceutical companies need to develop effective antiviral drugs that targets common property shared by original and variant types of coronavirus.

  2. Habere inter se rationem, o caelum. Ex Europa et America, Asia sunt ex Africa. Et invenietis illos qui sciebant quod dixerunt. Reperio quod illi sciebant, qui nihil fecerunt. Find prodest eis, qui quaerebant de morte, angustia et dolores tenuerunt ut aliorum exempla eorum. Ipsasque occidunt. Exsculpere oculos suos pernumerare scindendi, auditum exsculpere et manus amputauit. Hoc exemplum Magistri ante mundi vanas eorum Deus. Terra autem in aeternum auferret. Possint ostendere matris abscondi. Et non abscondam a magister est. , Et nocere non possunt esse actiones et cogitationes suas deserant circumda modo se. Sic fiat.

  3. Was a big problem when President Trump called it the China virus but now everybody’s running around talking about the South African virus… 🦗 🦗 🦗

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  5. Still waiting for employees who work in contact with the general public to have a way to report their employers for not following CDC protocols at work without retaliation. So many of us in retail have ZERO chain of command or access to HR when our workplaces are unsanitary. We are a year into this and every store you go into is a petri dish, the wipes for your cart, an employee wiping a register every now and then, it's security theater and depends on the manager on duty and how busy we are. Yet the customers keep coming in and employees are told to lie on our daily health screenings because we are always so short staffed.

  6. The future is not Silicon Valley or robotics, its in virus engineering. Start your career today, cause more economic impact than Amazon and Apple's combined market caps.

  7. We are in that movie “ Outbreak” 🤣😂

  8. Bioweapons to distract from the many world leaders being persecuted for their crimes against humanity and people waking up to poor leadership, also population control

  9. As the scripture says: Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. Luke 17:33 KJV
    Many will take covid-19 vaccine thinking they are saving themselves but the truth is they will be doomed forever. WAIT AND SEE!!!, LET HE WHO HAS EARS HEAR FROM THE LORD!!!.

  10. You have a virus so deadly that one has to take a test to see if you have it. And so smart that it said well there's a vaccine so I'll make variants so the vaccine is ineffective.

  11. Covid-19 is a hoax made in order to implement a new world order or in their own words “Great Reset” where we won’t have any freedom left. They will chip away at our freedoms, rights and privacy one by one, in the name of combating the Virus. Covid-19 is actually the flu that has been renamed to Covid-19. This is also why the flu cases in 2020 till now have dropped dramatically. In reality, the Covid-19 deaths and cases are just cases of flu incidents. Here are three PDFs that go into greater detail about what the goal of the Great Reset is:


    Part 2:

  12. The CDC recommends you safeguard yourself and others by taking the following precautions: cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough; wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds; avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth; If you’re sick, avoid contact with others so that you don’t spread the infection. More than 150,000 people die every day. The leading cause of death isn’t a virus. It isn’t old age. It is sin. The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 6:23). Sin is the violation of God’s law. God has written His law on your heart. Being created in the image of God, you know it is wrong to lie, steal, take God's name in vain, or hate another human being. Because God is good, He must punish sin. The punishment He has determined for sin is eternity in Hell. God has provided only one way for you to escape His wrath and receive His forgiveness. Your only hope is for Jesus to save you from the wrath of God. God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth. He voluntarily shed his innocent blood and died on the cross, taking upon Himself the punishment sinners who would believe in Him rightly deserve for their sins against God. Three days later, He defeated sin and death when He rose from the grave. Repent and believe the gospel while God has given you time.

  13. Oh lord I don’t care 😩 I really don’t

  14. The government made it and then they tell you to be careful after they made it now is the South African strain who the f*** landing these people come in States the same people that's telling you we got a new this a new that f*** all of them they didn't drive me crazy

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