Solutions to racial disparities in housing – Car Mod Pros Portal

Andre Perry, a senior fellow with the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program, discusses what the solution to racial disparities in housing could be since the Fair Housing Act is already on the table.

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By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Solutions to racial disparities in housing”
  1. This is RACIST America 🇺🇸. 😈 do what they do!

  2. They don't give enough info. You can't just compare income levels and make that the basis of getting a loan. Anyone who's ever gotten a mortgage knows it goes much deeper than that. Credit ratings, assets, how long you've been at your job, etc. all play a factor. If you had 2 people with very similar profiles then the report would be more accurate. As of now, it's just stirring the race pot.

  3. I've lived with this " racial disparities" all my life and I still dont get it…….we take one step forward and a decade backwards……..this is ridicules….. we all breathe we all bleed we all have feelings……If you dont like the white race dont interact with them , if you dont like the black people dont interact with them……When I meet a new person I dont see the color of their skin or even how a person dresses…….I came to hear what they have to say……I just might learn something is my thought…….I grew up in the south in the 40's and 50's and BTW I'm white female and 79years old….grow up people we all came from the same place…..out of the goodness of our savior!

  4. We really need a repeat of the great 2008 mortgage industry crisis. It’s been long enough right, people forgot. Let’s give that guy working at the car wash a jumbo loan again, he’s good for it right, it worked it 2008 didn’t it?

  5. I've lived with this " racial disparities" all my life and I still dont get it…….we take one step forward and a decade backwards……..this is ridicules….. we all breathe we all bleed we all have feelings……If you dont like the white race dont interact with them , if you dont like the black people dont interact with them……When I meet a new person I dont see the color of their skin or even how a person dresses…….I came to hear what they have to say……I just might learn something is my thought…….I grew up in the south in the 40's and 50's and BTW I'm white female and 79years old….grow up people we all came from the same place…..out of the goodness of our savior!

  6. This is embarrassing to even air on the news!!! Because the banks wants there money they don’t care if your black or white! It’s 2022 please stop with garbage already

  7. The reason this guy wants to get out of his black neighborhood is the same reason white people don't want him in their neighborhood. They don't know him personally and he's probably a great guy, but based on racial stereotyping, the more blacks in the neighborhood, the more crime and other problems. I'm not advocating, I'm just saying there's a reason why there's a problem.

  8. I've lived with this " racial disparities" all my life and I still dont get it…….we take one step forward and a decade backwards……..this is ridicules….. we all breathe we all bleed we all have feelings……If you dont like the white race dont interact with them , if you dont like the black people dont interact with them……When I meet a new person I dont see the color of their skin or even how a person dresses…….I came to hear what they have to say……I just might learn something is my thought…….I grew up in the south in the 40's and 50's and BTW I'm white female and 79years old….grow up people we all came from the same place…..out of the goodness of our savior!

  9. We really need a repeat of the great 2008 mortgage industry crisis. It’s been long enough right, people forgot. Let’s give that guy working at the car wash a jumbo loan again, he’s good for it right, it worked it 2008 didn’t it?

  10. We really need a repeat of the great 2008 mortgage industry crisis. It’s been long enough right, people forgot. Let’s give that guy working at the car wash a jumbo loan again, he’s good for it right, it worked it 2008 didn’t it?

  11. We really need a repeat of the great 2008 mortgage industry crisis. It’s been long enough right, people forgot. Let’s give that guy working at the car wash a jumbo loan again, he’s good for it right, it worked it 2008 didn’t it?

  12. I've lived with this " racial disparities" all my life and I still dont get it…….we take one step forward and a decade backwards……..this is ridicules….. we all breathe we all bleed we all have feelings……If you dont like the white race dont interact with them , if you dont like the black people dont interact with them……When I meet a new person I dont see the color of their skin or even how a person dresses…….I came to hear what they have to say……I just might learn something is my thought…….I grew up in the south in the 40's and 50's and BTW I'm white female and 79years old….grow up people we all came from the same place…..out of the goodness of our savior!

  13. lmao racism 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏽‍♀️ has not a damn thing to do with color. but goo try blaming something on racism…again🤣🤣

  14. credit history means more to banks than income level, but both are needed to be considered for loans. it has nothing to do with neighborhoods… at least not in most cities and states. if there are banks still discriminating, go to a different bank, file complaints.

    the federal gov't has nothing to do with banks choices… unless its one of the big banks we taxpayers bailed out… lol.

  15. To all libs… Go love yourself and let’s go Brandon, I agree!!!

  16. credit history means more to banks than income level, but both are needed to be considered for loans. it has nothing to do with neighborhoods… at least not in most cities and states. if there are banks still discriminating, go to a different bank, file complaints.

    the federal gov't has nothing to do with banks choices… unless its one of the big banks we taxpayers bailed out… lol.

  17. It is very important to have a good credit rating. A good credit rating is always important when making a large purchase. It is the single biggest indicator of weather the loan will clear. This should be taught in school. Those who have it, get the house. It has nothing to do with color.

  18. Purchase a home in white America? Shish, I'd like to just move out of my car, this ole senior can't take that sleeping sitting up! With the price of outrageous gas, looks like I'll have to shut off the heat too! Get real people! Come back to real world!!!!

  19. This again?? Don't crash the housing market again. You like recessions? You know this is what caused the last housing crash and you want to do it again?? So incredibly incompetent!

  20. I don't wanna live near a buncha niggas either and I'm a Black woman. I'm sorry but not all skinfolk are kinfolk. I don't think it's right obviously, but If they have evictions, noise disturbances, or a police record then that should disqualify them.

  21. Wow this is a No Brainer. They don't afford Black's with good paying job opportunities on par with whites or give Black's loans or even say hi to you on the street passing by. You think they will give you the same housing privileges as whites. Get Real 🤣

  22. Chinese are minorities but Chinese have no housing problems. Do not blame the government for race-based disparity in Housing. Subsidies are not solution for disparity for housing. Normally, people get more subsidies will sink deeper in income gap, this is because of self-esteem.

  23. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and He will deliver you."
            – Psalm 50 : 15

  24. Oh sorry agree I went into a program for first time homebuyers to San Antonio housing in Texas I lived in my home for more than 10 years there were so many defaulted promises and yet I will follow all what they asked me to do as a single mom I was very happy but knowing that the houses were defaulted it was not my Fault they discriminated all of us They were beautiful homes but they were misled because so many of the stuff the day you would China wall wanna beat you up as well as the foundation and the roof name it was a disaster it was in the news you would think they would have given us another thing to leave all the years I get anything from it I was very disappointed and I live in an apartment complex that is so bad that it’s run by the owner of the property in San Antonio housing My dreams are the hope are gone I can’t even afford to buy another home

  25. Why dont we hear this about other minorities? Is it because everyone is racist towards blacks? Or Asians and middle easterners just keeping their mouths shut.

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