Snapchat battle over free speech heads to Supreme Court – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Devin Dwyer speaks with a teen who is at the center of a Supreme Court case on freedom of speech, tackling the authority schools have over student speech off campus on social media.

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By carmodpros


44 thoughts on “Snapchat battle over free speech heads to Supreme Court”
  1. Ok, I get schools punishing legitimate cyberbullying, and that should happen even off school grounds. Yet that's NOT WHAT HAPPENED in this specific case. The girl absolutely should win, because all she did was rant, she didn't "threaten" the school, nor any specific person. Yet there should also be a carveout where schools can still punish legitimate cyberbullying. It should be LIMITED to that and only that, but still.

  2. She was never arrested, Tased, expelled, or punished in any real way. The school didn't stop, remove, or ban her freedom to speak. She and her parents voluntarily signed a contract agreeing not to do exactly what she did… identify herself as a representative of the school on the internet, and claim that she hated it. So they granted her obvious wish to be relieved of that horrible burden. Then suddenly, she was traumatized by being given her freedom.
    Which ever way the Supreme Court decides, this isn't the atrocity she is making it out to be.

  3. She's allowed to express herself however the hell she wants on her social media. That school has no jurisdiction there.
    You can go onto any social media now and see gang signs and guns being held by kids who go to school everyday. What you will end up with is schools who expel students like this cheerleader but do not equally enforce this rule against those the school administrators fear.


    !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1617410485

  5. Responsibility for one's thoughts and actions – especially one's verbal actions – should be taught early at home, in every home, so that the Right to Freedom of Speech can be meaningful. As it is, in America where anything you can get away with goes, Freedom of Speech, with and without the social media megaphone, is an absolute joke. Some are socially allowed to exercise it, some are not. This is a serious flaw of Democracy.

  6. Lmao the government just gon keep pushing our rights away until all the elites gon🗣y’all better get it together

  7. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

  8. A good f'ing lord. It was a teenager sounding off when pissed about something – it what they flipping do!!! Nobody was threatened. So, instead of helicopter parents we now have helicopter schools. Instead of punishing the girl, simply have a talk with her for the purpose of making sure she is alright. Instead of being lazy, be supportive.

  9. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and NBC are all losing viewers every single day. Why? They have been exposed. They don't report news. They attempt to create news. They lie. They sensationalize. They misinform the people. Worst of all. They censor information. That is communist. So does social media. Which really isn't social anymore.

  10. It starts at school. They some times move on to other social media and then you have to deal with people abusing free speech. It's a never ending situation. By the way, it's not just teenagers who get cyber bullied. People are harassed for having different political or religious beliefs. 🙄 Still, schools shouldn't be able to punish anyone over anything posted online unless they do it at school. Perhaps if they made it against the rules to bring electronic devices to school it might help prevent things.

  11. These guy are total morons.. They have no idea what he is talking about.. pathetic. I hope the supreme court doesn't follow this woke nonsense. If they do their job they will reject this immediately.

  12. Wow! A LEVY/LEVI is about to kill Free Speech and the First Ammendment! Wow! I bet her handlers/owners/puppet masters are super excited! The USSR/CCP/Israel Coalition Wins Again! 🎉🎊🛠🥇

  13. "I believe there is a place and a forum for that"…. yea there is place and forum for that. How about on the weekend, off school campus, on a platform that deletes messages after a few hours… oh wait. Cyberbullying and threats of violence are different and should be handled differently, but she was doing neither of those things. If we disallow children to vent in acceptable ways we will only create more explosive and caustic scenarios further down the road.

  14. it was after school, no threats were made. at that point its on the parents. These schools need to worry about what's going in the inside the classroom and leave this girl alone. it's stupid, don't apologize for it, they are just trying to be Nazis to the students.

  15. My opinion is this : It's a case by case basis. If a student criticized a large body like the school its fine. But if a student taunts and harrasses someone, then schools should have the power to use appropriate action to help the victim, since these awful messages can affect them at said school.

  16. Students should learn good behavior. Oftentimes, they can learn bad behavior from their parents or friends. People who complain about getting cancelled or censored are really complaining about themselves not being courteous or proper to other people. Norms of decency and respect to each other keep society civil and prevent unwanted deaths, whether by suicide or mass shootings. Politicians, news channels, and other public figures back down only when they get taken to court, which is very late since the damage to society is already done but at least slows down the moral decay. It is better for students to learn that words have consequences now, before they say or do something that may hurt their livelihood in the future. It’s tough love and not pleasant, but necessary nonetheless.

    We don’t need to get political and get dragged down into the cultural war nonsense. As a libertarian, just be nice, don’t say or do anything to hurt people, leave other people’s stuff alone, and keep your hands to yourself. It’s not that complicated.

  17. Freedom of speech is sometimes used to bully people same with stating your own opinion. The bullies always use this as an excuse to get away with the consequences!

  18. So this all stemmed from her acting like a little brat for not making varsity? I don't even know where to begin. Cases like these have a massive impact on other cases. She wasn't on school property or time but she showed aggression against the school and was enrolled there at the time. I can't help but compare this to the Capitol mob who are using the freedom of speech defense for their cases many of whom have lost their jobs because of their rhetoric that they posted willingly online. Yet some of the Capitol mob committed lesser to violent crimes and she(teenager) didn't. Also consider if the school was a private school or government funded school.

  19. I agree with the school. It is a school's job to police the internet. They should have total control of what their students say and do online. You know what, screw it, the school should be allowed to punish the parents of their students if said student does something they don't like online.

  20. Free speech is a sticky situation that really matters the context and the parties involved. This situation is similar to what happened to the Mandalorian actress that got fired for, guess what, free speech, and people defended Disney's decision. One can argue that Disney is operating as a private company that has the right to decide how it wants to be perceived because free speech can damage a company's profit. Conservatives hate the media because the media is dominantly liberal but these companies are just practicing the American rights that conservatives also stand for, which is a business that's not heavily controlled by the government. But what if free speech harms, like kids being bullied or death threats, is this just the negative impacts of free speech and we just have to deal with it? Are both sides of politics too stupid to tell what intent is anymore and would rather quickly resort to canceling, expelling, firing, and discrediting? Or should we start teaching kids to be careful with what they say even if it's on the internet, luckily this girl learns her mistake in school instead of her job. I'm not blaming her, this is just the world we're living in now.

  21. 📌 18 +


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  22. If you’re getting cyber bullied at school why not reported to the school and have the school directly talk to the kids parents that is bullying you. If that parent still allows their child to bully another kid then those parents should be punished or the kid should be picked up. Feel free to take this idea.

  23. Bullying is different from being able to say stuff about school. Cyberbullying laws need to be made tougher in the US as well as everywhere else, but they shouldn't be allowed to do stuff like kick people off of a team or expel them from school for using bad language or saying stuff that the school does not necessarily like.

  24. That teacher’s argument is nonsensical. The teachers are not in charge of life. The girl only expressed her opinion. She did not threaten anyone and that’s the heart of the matter. Too bad about the woman who lost a son but she is wrong. If there were theats, the police/legal system would be the proper authorities to deal with it and afterwards the school can enforce a court ordered ruling, not establish their own in perpetuity search and punishment. Different ballgame if it was at school or a school event, they would have some say then.

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