Smoke covers US, India battles COVID-19, saving koalas: World in Photos, Sept. 17 – Car Mod Pros Portal

A look at the top photos from around the globe.


By carmodpros


26 thoughts on “Smoke covers US, India battles COVID-19, saving koalas: World in Photos, Sept. 17”
    Do you think you are born again just because you go to a church? Not all churches declare the Truth. On the contrary, your church could be a completely worldly church. For your own soul, you must come out of the churches that use the Bible but do not declare the Truth and speak lies differing from the bible. Hear what the Spirit of Truth says to the churches and receive the eternal gospel!!!!!

  2. #Vote for President Trump to serve a second term. Do NOT EVER trust Biden who has Dementia and Kamala Harris who flip flops from one issue to another. Don't believe the DEMORATS who desperately want your Vote and will lie and promise anything to get your vote. Save this Country from the far left and ANTIFA. #Trump2020 #KAGA2020👍👍👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸.

  3. "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of." – Edward Barnays, Author Propaganda

    If you get triggered reading this quote, I suggest looking in the mirror because you are the problem.

  4. ARE YOU PEOPLE REALLY THIS CLUELESS?! This whole damn thing is about taking away our freedom and forcing ALL OF US to take their vaccine!

    Most of you are suffering from cult of personality worshipping/virtue signaling/appeal to authority/appeal to the media syndrome. Some of you are just dumb as dirt! The ACTORS on TV laid out the agenda months ago! They're not even hiding it! It's not a conspiracy theory, it's a conspiracy fact!! Wake up! We're being played!!!

    The reason we're all wearing masks is because it's the only way they can keep this SCAMd*mic alive! It only really exists on TV and in your mind. No masks and most people would just ignore the mass media pr*paganda and go about their lives.

    They're gonna keep us in these masks until they can force all of us to take their experimental v*ccine and all its boosters (which will never be properly tested for safety) because that's been their agenda since day one!

    They're gonna blame the people that aren't dumb enough to take an experimental vaccine (anti-vaxxers) for why we're all still wearing masks and for why things aren't going back to normal. The appeal to authority/media idiots buying this psyop will literally hate the people resisting (divide & conquer).

  5. In 2017, during a presentation at Georgetown University Medical Center, Fauci told an audience that there would be a "surprise outbreak" in the coming administration.

    Look up Event 201 A Global Pandemic Exercise that took place in October 2019. The scenario mirrors our current "crisis". Paid for by The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation. Establishment fact check sites will have you believe this is just a "conspiracy theory" and a coincidence. You decide.

    Look up The Rockefeller Foundation 2010 document Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development (page 18 Lock Step). This talks about a pandemic being used to lock down society.

    Look up the 2020 US Quarter. Why do you think they chose to use bats on this quarter? Just a coincidence? Unlikely… Everything happening has been meticulously planned by these evil POS!

  6. We are being played by big pharma, the media (GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS), politicians (left AND right – think WWE), NGOs/non-governmental organizations (The Council on Foreign Relations, UN, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, Royal Institute of International Affairs) & elitist tax exempt foundations (The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, etc.)!

    The job of the establishment media is to DECEIVE, DISTRACT, and DIVIDE! There are no real journalists on TV! Whether this virus is real or not (I don't believe there is any legitimate science proving it's real) doesn't even freaking matter!!!! They are CLEARLY using this virus to turn us against each other (Divide & Conquer – oldest trick in the book) and push elitist agendas (mandatory vaccinations (that have never been properly tested for safety), vaccination certifications, immunity passports, total police state surveillance & control system).

    If you think you're too smart to be fooled. If you get off on virtue signaling, cult of personality worshipping, appealing to authority and the establishment media AND you're too dumb and/or brainwashed by academia and the media to see GIANT contradictions and OBVIOUS agendas, may your chains and your family's chains rest lightly upon you.

    It's time to stop believing everyone that questions the establishment is a "conspiracy theorists" and wake the F up!!! We are losing our freedom right f*cking now!!! THIS IS NOT A "CONSPIRACY THEORY"! IT IS HAPPENING!!!

  7. To all the folks in burning areas: Don‘t panic – it‘ll magically go away somewhen somehow. TRUMP 2020

  8. 🔥🔥🔥 At least 15 Democrats caught & arrested for arson on the west coast so far. California governor Newsom released prisoners and passed legislation allowing some of them to assist fire fighters. They are also setting the fires ? Dems want to destroy Trump’s economy. 🔥🔥🔥
    NOT Climate change. Democrat ARSONISTS !!! 🔥 🔥 🔥 😱

  9. I am very grateful to you Dr. Papa Egbe for what you just did in my life and family I will forever grateful to you, after living with Herpes virus for 3years with my family's you still give us reason to be happy I don't know much to say to you Dr. Papa Egbe but all i want to say is thank you from my greatest heart your medication is still the best, now I'm in lifetime.He have the herbal medication for different diseases.Contact him on WhatsApp +2348134959928 or email him at

  10. Masking has traditionally played a very important role in occult rituals.

    Among other things, the wearing of the mask over one’s mouth is a token of submission…a gesture of your willingness to be subject to others who are not your usual Sovereign.

  11. from Black Conervative Patriot… 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
    I'm a black man and can say with certainty that BLM / Antifa don't care about anyone let alone blacks!
    Emmett Sullivan is a complete fool!  A dipshit out of order!
    Obama is a Liar!  🇺🇸
    Fake Media is EVERYONE'S Enemy!
    Watch my video's if you can. Thx!

  12. Does anyone elts have that feeling that certain people know the world is getting worse and we are pretty much at the end of earths life cycle because of humanity, that covid was made up to keep people indoors so we can't see the world falling around us? lava doesn't need to flow up and kill us the earth is week and can't protect us from our own sun at this point and is scorching the earth.

  13. When it comes to climate change to the virus republican polticians believe they know more than scientists and doctors THINK ABOUT THAT

  14. With all that is going on in the world right now, you may be wondering, what in the world is going on? There is a global pandemic happening right now that has never happened before in history, and then there's the riots and the fires. You may be asking, why is God allowing this? Please understand, there is a purpose. God's word, the Bible, is true and it will come to pass. Right now we are witnessing end time Bible prophecies beginning to be fulfilled, as written in the book of Revelation. This is our wake up call. We need to take this time and draw close to Jesus Christ. If you haven't already, please repent and give your life to Jesus, trusting him as your Lord and Savior.

  15. Jesus Christ is coming soon to rapture his people repent and accept him as lord and savior ✝️🙏🙌❤️

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