Small businesses in desperate need of financial lifeline l ABC News

Small businesses in desperate need of financial lifeline l ABC News

The first government relief checks are expected to arrive via direct deposit within the next two weeks.


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#ABCNews #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Pandemic #Health #Economy #Unemployment #SmallBusiness #Banks #Money


35 thoughts on “Small businesses in desperate need of financial lifeline l ABC News

  1. Success comes with a price, I never believed in online trading after my awful bad experience losing while trading by myself, I lost heavily until a friend of mine told me about his broker experience with Mrs Emilia When I chatted with her I knew I was in the right place,I gave it a try and I gave her my last shot. But to my greatest surprise I got my withdrawal, I now earn on weekly basis,, all thanks to Mrs Emilia contact her on Instagram via @professional_fx_emilia

  2. He said " a quote, hot mess" lolololololololol😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 no tears later.

  3. Even if you get tested that day and come out negative. It doesn't meant you are immune to it the next day. You can still catch it from another irresponsible carrier. What's the point.

  4. I low key love mayhem 🙂.

  5. The stupid part out testing people, they then may come in contact someone five minutes later. Makes no sense to clear people to go back to work then they work or come in contact with people who may not have been tested.

  6. Don’t accept the fallacy that every single person needs to be tested before we can go back to our jobs. That’s outrageous!

  7. B1, Small businesses and big businesses doesn't need a financial life line. The black community FBA needs a financial life line. Now Cut the Check for reparations for the black community FBA for the biggest crime ever in the history of the world which was and still is slavery. The starting price tag is 20 Trillion dollars and don't tell the black community FBA there is no more money left. If the Asians can get trillions of dollars for coronavirus for their businesses then the black community FBA can get reparations for slavery. Now Cut the Check!

  8. Idiots 👇🏻

  9. Coronavirus Update:
    Today (so far)
    Confirmed: 336,851
    Death : 9,620

  10. ☹️👎AD TOO LONG!

  11. No tests here in Ohio I’ll bet millions have it but can’t get tested

  12. We closed our business since March 15 due to Covid 19. We still have to pay rent for April. We are praying to open back up once this virus is under control !

  13. China has alot of explaining to do for not being transparent from the beginning. There are some chinese staff or people that are shipping medical supplies from around the world to China. Now China has over 2 billion of medical supplies in their possession, that's why there is a shortage.

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