Slain US missionary’s ‘desire was to befriend’ tribespeople

Slain US missionary’s ‘desire was to befriend’ tribespeople

The missionary’s family said they forgive those responsible for his death.




32 thoughts on “Slain US missionary’s ‘desire was to befriend’ tribespeople

  1. Wow what twisted comments. Not surprised to see them on ABC’s channel though.

  2. They converted a lot of native ethinic tribes in india to christianity, this guy dug his own grave and the tribes buried him🌚

  3. Why is John family is forgiving them? what rights they have to forgive those tribe? this stupid guy did illegal encroachment and got what he deserve (PERIOD). those tribes does not need anyone forgiveness, it is only john family needs a condolence. RIP Mr Illegal Tourist.

  4. leave them alone not everyone wants to be walking in suite n tie holding a brief case and a bible spreading modern day slavery. this the same thing christopher columbus did when he seen tribes people he tried giving the gift but only ended up giving them diseases and killed them. this what this young man is doing. they are good without that devil book.

  5. Setinalese tribes are my heroes!♥️

  6. John Chau's body was mixed with vegetables, spices, and made into a delicious chow. No need to look for his body, this Christian donated it to feed the villagers he saved. He fed the flock, even the little ones. Out of his love and compassion for others the tribe decided to let him go home to live with his God. He's at peace now. No need to look for his bones which were probably crushed into powder to add to soup or to create makeup. These people are not wasteful like us, I'm 100% certain he was not wasted. I'm sure they used the fur from his head and pubic region, even skinned him for his leather. John Chau sacrificed himself so that others could eat and he could go live with God. He brought christian meat as his offering. Instead of being upset we should show these people we love them by giving them our Donald J Trump. I can see children playing on the beach with their blond fuzzy furs and their orange leather shoes. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

  7. Wow he was a super hero, going on a boat to that island to throw them some government cheese and powdered milk that he got from the food bank on the Westside Compton CA preaching offerings and tides, so the islander's took that shitt and shot that fool with one hundred thousands of green arrows of toxic poison and That's how he became green arrow DC comics. One day Batman asked him how did you get your powers bruh? He replied don't even ask.

  8. Poor judgment to intrude on those who make it clear they don't want company, poor judgment to do it 3 times after being chased away twice before, poor judgment to purposefully break the law, poor judgment to try to introduce a new set of beliefs to someone you can't express those beliefs to in the first place…..I think I've identified the problem.

  9. He was A GENOCIDE TERRORIST…spreading contamination, colonization, enslavement, and EVIL people on a remote island..His Family need to FORGIVE Themselves for spawning such a HATEFUL DEMONIC ASSHOLE who DESERVED to be killed twice…. He was deeply involved in the many SATANIC RITUALS of his RELIGION as a MISSIONARY for DISRESPECTFUL UNGODLY BEHAVIOUR in the name of Jesus and Christianity.

  10. His parents forgave the one's responsible, their son was the one responsible for his own death. It was suicide. How crazy a person has to be to explain Christianity to people who don't even know the diversities in the world. I mean seriously I want to tell these people about Jesus 😕

  11. They know God well. They survived from tsunami and living there for 60000 years. Let them live alone. They are god's gift to India. Don't disturb them. No Hindu disturbing them with religion. Why you are doing?

  12. He could’ve been the new Christopher Columbus…… but no RIP

  13. He’s no martyr. He poked his head where he didn’t belong and had it coming.

  14. For isolated remote Tribes that had no contact with outsiders for so long , Killing invaders is the true definition of self defence! What would you do if someone is coming to kill your entire family/Tribe by bringing disease! Perhaps this has happened to them before and rightfully this is the only way they know how to prevent it!

  15. “Firing arrows at a helicopter” sorry buddy that’s not going to do much

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