NBC News Ken Dilanian discusses Kim Jong Uns sisters warning to the U.S. against military drills in North Korea as Biden administration officials make their first visit to the region.
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#MilitaryDrills #NorthKorea #NBCNews
Sister Of Kim Jong Un Warns U.S. Against Military Drills In North Korea | NBC News NOW
Nobody cares about North Korea 😂
i truely feel so sorry for the citizens of north korea…..
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Bruh tell his sister to shut up
Leave these people ALONE!!
If they're happy why bother them..REAL PRESIDENT TRUMP already got them on PEACEFUL TERMS!!
Democratic party is jealous
I see who’s in charge of little kimmy ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ.
We need a war with nk
My mans said Kim Yo Jung
Does US threats stop North Korea? No they keep making nukes haha.
God loves us all so much that He sent His sinless Son Jesus, to earth, to be born of a virgin, to grow up and die on the Cross for our sins. After He died on the cross for our sins, Father God raised Him to life again, and he appeared to people and went back to heaven.We must receive Jesus into our life sincerely to be His child(John 1:12) and after we get saved by grace through faith, we need to obey Jesus if we really love Him(John 14:15). Jesus said in Mark 1:15 says "And saying, the time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe the Gospel." John 14:15 Jesus said: "If ye love Me keep My commandments." Revelation 21:8 says: "But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, there part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone…" Please receive Holy Jesus– sincerely and repent, before it's too late!
ìž…ìâ€â€Â ë§ÂÂÂÂì´ 모ìžÂÂÂÂë¼서 너무 ։복 մ욆닥Ä° 와ì´즈가 지난 5 ë…„ ë™안앓아 온 HIV 병ì„ 치료 մ주ì…â€ÂÂÂì„œ ê±´ê°•ì„ 지¤기 위Õ´ 병ì›ÂÂÂÂìâ€â€ÂÂÂÂÂÂì„œ 약ì„ 구Õ ë•Œ 많ì€ 시간ì„ 보냈습니다. 언젠가늆ÕÂÂÂÂ샠Hiv ìÂÂÂÂΓ㱓´ ë 수 있ë„론ì¸ìƒÂÂÂÂìÂÂÂÂËœ 모든수단ì„ ì‹œë„ֈ지만, 그가 저를 ë•기 위Õ´ 사용՘늆치유약초를 제공՘늆Dr wise를 ì°¾ì„ 때까지 대답ì´ ìâ€â€Â†ìâ€â€Âˆ습니다. ì´제 저늆모든사람ìâ€â€ÂÂÂÂÂÂ게 제가 HIV ìÂÂÂÂΓ㱓´ë¼늆사실ì„ 알리게ë˜어 기ì©니다 , 저늆매우 기ì©니다. ì œ 삶ì´ ì–´ë–¤ ؕÃœìÂÂÂÂËœ 위기ë„ìâ€â€Â†ì´ 새ë¡ÂÂÂÂ게 ëÂÂÂŒ아올 수 있ë„론ë„와 주신닥Ä° 와ì´즈ìâ€â€ÂÂÂÂÂÂ게 ê°ÂÂÂÂ사թ니다. 제가 섬기늆선주 님 께서 Ø„명Õ˜ì‹ ë°•ì‚¬ë‹˜ì„ 축복 Õ´ 주시고제 삶ì„ 치유ՠ수있늆ë†높ì€ 등급ì„ 갖출 수 있기를 ë°â€ÂÂÂëžÂÂÂÂ니다. 나늆너무 놀ëžÂÂÂÂ다. 그래서 저늆전 세계ìÂÂÂÂËœ 모든사람들ìâ€â€ÂÂÂÂÂÂ게 HIV 양성 ë°˜ì‘ì„ 발Ñœ ՠ것입니다. ì œ ì¡°ì–¸ì„ ëâ€Â°르고제 시간ìâ€â€Â 치유ë˜기를 ë°â€ÂÂÂëžÂÂÂÂ니다. 우리 모둠HIV 질병ì´ 치명ì ÂÂÂÂì¸ 유Ø•ì´ë¼늆것ì„ 알고있기 때문입니다. 오늘 Hiv 치유ÃÂÂÂâ€â€Âˆ브ìâ€â€Â 대Õ´ Dr wiseìâ€â€ÂÂÂÂÂÂ게 ìâ€â€Â°ë½Õ˜ì‹ÂÂÂÂ시오. 그늆ÕÂÂÂÂ샠온ë¼ì¸으로 당신ì„ ë•고제 시간ìâ€â€Â 치료받ì„ 수 있ë„론기꺼ì´ ë„와 드릴 것입니다. 즉시 치유약초ìâ€â€Â 대Õ´ 오늘 shalor 박사ìâ€â€ÂÂÂÂÂÂ게 ìâ€â€Â°ë½Õ˜ì‹ÂÂÂÂ시오. ê·¸ìÂÂÂÂËœ whatsapp +2349063191711
I wish we would just blow this shithole off the map completely
"criminal syndicate with a flag"? sounds like the devil yankee empire
I don’t longer get herpes outbreak after using doctorojie1@yahoo.com herbal supplement 🇺🇸â¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂâ¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂ🇺🇸ðŸ¤ÂÂÂÂðŸ¤ÂÂÂÂ💕🤅…
I start to like Biden more and more. I like his rough approach on North Korea and China.
They calls themselves Batman, since they know how to Fly
Germany (Army's) Man's is in Danger
The NAFB like to do Sneaks Attack
north korea is going to be the reason for the next world war…
I'd take it very serious and lock and load nukes ! Seriously their laughing at your sanctions !
Last I heard about KIm Jong Un he was all puked out dying .
Biden " stink " reporter said ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ
Thank you Sleepy Joe for removing all sanctions placed on us by President Trump. We will now resume taking over the world with Communism.
North Korea is all talk their mouth is bigger than they are. Come get some North Korea anytime!
🤣🤣 USA could crush North Korea in literally 1 day. Where’s the threat? Maybe if they teamed up with China and Russia they would have a chance
If US trying to keep Peace, Then What ? World War 3 ?
Nk how many months will it take to say that again and they think us will be defeated by hundred of thousands of their soldiers? They Will prob gonna die from hunger,😂😂😂😂
Kim kim jong is mad and bad 👎
Kim kim jong is pakal mens mada l m 🇮🇳 we are proud ki mene is india me boun ho hi
Durga temple devotees and Bangladeshi community organized Demonstration for Bangladeshi Minority torture specially Shalla, Sunamgonj. We have a lot of video clips and still, pictures are coming soon.-উà¦â€â€ÂÂà§ÂÂÂÂর সামà§ÂÂÂÂপà§ÂÂÂÂরদায়িক à¦â€â€ÂÂোসà§ÂÂÂÂটী à¦ÂÂÂÂবং ধরà§ÂÂÂÂমানà§ÂÂÂÂধ মেà§â€â€ÂÂলবাদীদের দà§ÂÂÂÂবারা সà§ÂÂÂÂনামà¦â€â€ÂÂঞà§ÂÂÂÂজের শালà§ÂÂÂÂলায় হিনà§ÂÂÂÂদà§ÂÂÂÂদের উপর নারকীয় তানà§ÂÂÂÂডবের বিরà§ÂÂÂÂদà§ÂÂÂÂধে তীবà§ÂÂÂÂর পà§ÂÂÂÂরতিবাদ à¦ÂÂÂÂবং বিকà§ÂÂÂÂষোঠকরà§ÂÂÂÂমসূচীতে মিশিà¦â€â€ÂÂানের বাঙà§ÂÂÂÂà¦â€â€ÂÂালী হিনà§ÂÂÂÂদà§ÂÂÂÂদের সà§ÂÂÂÂবতসà§ÂÂÂÂফà§ÂÂÂÂরà§ÂÂÂÂত অংশà¦â€â€ÂÂà§ÂÂÂÂরহন।-কৃতজà§ÂÂÂÂঞতার ঋণে আবদà§ÂÂÂÂধ হয়ে রইলাম, অনেক তà§ÂÂÂÂযাà¦â€â€ÂÂী à¦ÂÂÂÂবং দেশপà§ÂÂÂÂরেমিক মানà§ÂÂÂÂষ তাৎকà§ÂÂÂÂষনিক à¦ÂÂÂÂাবেই বà§ÂÂÂÂযানার, ফেসà§ÂÂÂÂটà§ÂÂÂÂন, পà§ÂÂÂÂলেকারà§ÂÂÂÂড লিখে à¦ÂÂÂÂই পà§ÂÂÂÂরতিবাদ à¦ÂÂÂÂবং বিকà§ÂÂÂÂষোঠকরà§ÂÂÂÂমসূচীতে অংশà¦â€â€ÂÂà§ÂÂÂÂরহণ করেছিলেন। সবাইকে অশেষ ধনà§ÂÂÂÂযবাদ।
Korea 99,720 square miles AMERICA 983,3527 square miles Korea 51.8 Million People AMERICA 280 ,800 Million People Do we supposed to be worried about a Grown man with actually a Chili bowl hair cut !!
For the next 4 years wtf does that mean?!
They should take seriously cuz women with power like to bully another specially when it’s a man and one they dislike!!
What are they going to go sit on us.
Where is Kim Jong Un? Did he pass away, wouldn't this be world news, or breaking news? He made an appearance 10 months ago from today, and now march 20th, 2021 we haven't seen or heard from him? hmm
Joe Biden just make the United States having too many enemies.
Why is his sister talking to the world…where's he at…might be dead …
Kim Jong Un's sister has balls than most leaders in the world.
NK is a joke
Democrats administration 😷 can't get it right in 😳😷 diplomacy
USA should Stop Disturb other countries what a cancerous country ever!!
I don't like North Korea, but i dont like USA even more. F to USA