Sipping while shopping: Are stores that offer wine making you spend more?

Sipping while shopping: Are stores that offer wine making you spend more?

Big-name stores may be encouraging you to take the stress out of shopping with alcohol, but does it make you buy things you dont need?


35 thoughts on “Sipping while shopping: Are stores that offer wine making you spend more?

  1. Ha I don’t even drink so suck it grocery and retail stores!!! Y’all want extra money then have a massage parlor that offers a happy ending. I’ll pay for that!!!

  2. Fucking drunks, can’t wait till stoners rule the world

  3. It works for my husband 😘

  4. Alcohol is a well known brain toxin with numerous deleterious effects on the body/brain, how people are convinced to drink this drug is telling #sheeple
    ….and NO, humans don't naturally "enjoy" alcohol, humans are indoctrinated into liking this liver taxing substance with a lifetime of massive propaganda, marketing, peer pressure, and gateway alcohol containing mixed drinks (sugary, flavored, etc.) that eventually lead to acclimating to the taste of alcohol in general.
    Don't believe it? Try and give a baby vodka, yeah, exactly, the baby will turn away with one taste. And the fact that such an experiment should never be done and would be considered child abuse is very telling of just how toxic alcohol is.

  5. Love sipping while shopping I buy more Lol 😂

  6. DUI’s will be on the climb. Discount on “road beers”?

  7. I read the title wrong I thought it said “ simping”

  8. This isn’t new! Lol it’s always happy hour at stores now.

  9. I’m foreshadowing some old people getting DUIs in the soup isle on the motorized carts

  10. Some will start puffing while shopping now. 😂😂

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