Siegfried & Roy: Behind the Magic l 20/20 l PART 5

Siegfried & Roy: Behind the Magic l 20/20 l PART 5

‘Siegfried and Roy’ tiger becomes confused onstage, Roy Horn falls: Part 5

On the night of Oct. 3, 2003, the ‘Siegfried and Roy’ show went horribly wrong when Roy Horn’s tiger, Mantecore, became confused. After a failed attempt to refocus the tiger, Horn fell underneath him.


#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary #SiegfriedRoy


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23 thoughts on “Siegfried & Roy: Behind the Magic l 20/20 l PART 5

  1. I like to wish Mr. Siegfried a happy birthday he would have been 82 today rest in peace I hope he is celebrating in heaven with Roy the best birthday ever🎂🎩🐇💖💗💝❤️♥️💟💕💜💛💚💙

  2. The animals became very tired and stressed. It is so normal for the animals to attack when they are under huge stress. They did non-stop shows. It took a toll on them.

  3. Einmalig. Unwirklich. Phantastisch. Unerreichbar. Grosse Verbeugung in unermesslicher Dankbarkeit. Kein Bericht zur Erinnerung und Wertschätzung im Fernsehen weit und breit. Nur Corona Corona Corona.Traurig , wie schnell solche Grössen vergessen sind. Tausend Dank für das Hochladen. LG

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