Siegfried & Roy: Behind the Magic l 20/20 l PART 1

Siegfried & Roy: Behind the Magic l 20/20 l PART 1

How Siegfried and Roy get their start: Part 1

Siegfried Fischbacher met Roy Horn for the first time when he helped Siegfried perform “magic” on a cruise. After Roy showed Siegfried the cheetah he had snuck onboard, the cat joined the act.


#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary #SiegfriedRoy


24 thoughts on “Siegfried & Roy: Behind the Magic l 20/20 l PART 1

  1. Rip 💔💔💔

  2. The miscreant division additionly overflow because philippines obviously choke underneath a pastoral bronze. tightfisted, interesting beautician

  3. Der Eintritt war noch billig für das was Siegfried und Roy da geboten hatten, wenn man diese 2 Magier mal live gesehen hat ist eine Helene Fischer mit ihrer Show sowas von uninteressant… Und es waren glaube ich total liebe und gute Menschen….. Sehr traurig das sie gestorben sind und nichts ewig bleibt

  4. 🏳️‍🌈 A beautiful, dynamic couple but not once do they mention they were in love with one another. Hopefully their need to hide being gay to survive is ebbing away forever.

  5. If u really look at it, barry manilow has a resemblance to siegfried n roy combined.!😐😑😑

  6. Wild Animals should not be bred to entertain… They should be able to run free away from humans… You can not get them domesticated.. There is only so much animals can take.. There will come a day when they can and will turn on you..I hate to be blunt.. But Karma got him with the tiger attack and Karma finished the job when Covid hit… The lies and the cover ups MUST STOP.. One of the people that worked for him was attacked and is now in a wheelchair.. The story was shown on HLN's How it Really Happened…

  7. I heard roy died in the 90' and was replaced Secretly! 🤔😱🤯

  8. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷Roy😢😢😢😢🌷🌷🌷🌷

  9. I do not believe Siegfried and Roy abuse animals. I believe they shelter, feed, train, and possibly provide medical care for animals. If you leave nasty comments saying that those guys abused animals, then I want to see the proof.


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