Shot of equity for vaccine rollout – Car Mod Pros Portal

Julie Morita, executive vice president of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, explains how to increase vaccine equity on a large scale across the U.S.


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Shot of equity for vaccine rollout”
  1. Mark Zuckerberg on video saying the vaccine is dangerous.

    ‘We just don’t know the long-term side effects,’ Zuckerberg said during an internal weekly Q&A meeting.

    February 17, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg expressed to his staff in July that he was cautious about the COVID-19 vaccine because “we just don’t know the long-term side effects,” according to a leaked video.

    “But I do just want to make sure that I share some caution on this [vaccine] because we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA to directly encode in a person’s DNA and RNA basically the ability to produce those antibodies and whether that causes other mutations or other risks downstream,” Zuckerberg said during Facebook’s internal weekly Q&A meeting from July 16, 2020, in a leaked video of the meeting that was released by Project Veritas yesterday.

    The leaked video of Facebook’s CEO expressing concern about COVID vaccines comes in the wake of the social media company’s efforts to clamp down on voices offering an alternative perspective on COVID-19.


    Facebook announced on Feb. 8 that it was “expanding our efforts to remove false claims on Facebook and Instagram about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines and vaccines in general during the pandemic.” Facebook said it would remove claims posted to the social media outlet that the “COVID-19 vaccine changes people’s DNA.”

    Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe pointed out in a video that Zuckerberg would be “censored on the platform today” if what he said to his staff in July was posted on the social media platform. He would be “basically violating his own code of conduct,” O’Keefe added.

    “Zuckerberg would be banned from Facebook for saying this. In fact, this video of me showing the CEO of Facebook talking might be banned because he is violating Facebook’s policy,” O’Keefe said. “Seems a little bit hypocritical, don’t you think?”

    O’Keefe said that elites appear to operate by a different set of rules when compared to the general public.

    “Rules for thee, but not for me,” he said. “It is clear that [Zuckerberg] is not living up to his own book of rules.”

    Since July, however, Zuckerberg appears to have evolved on his concern about COVID vaccines. He hosted a public live stream with Dr. Anthony Fauci in November where he stated that it was now his understanding that the “vaccines do not modify your DNA or RNA.”

    Dr. Anthony Fauci replied: “No, first of all, DNA is inherent in your own nuclear cell. Sticking in anything foreign will ultimately get cleared.”

    Replied Zuckerberg: “Good, well, I’m glad we cleared that up.”

    A number of doctors have pointed out that mRNA COVID vaccines are not vaccines in the traditional sense of an agent injected in the body in a weaker form that triggers immunity, but are a form of “gene therapy.”

    Dr. Lee Merritt, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, stated in a Jan. 14 interview that mRNA vaccines, what she called “experimental biologics,” are a new technology that acts “like a computer program that tells your body to do certain things.” She warned, however, that there is no way of knowing “exactly what that mRNA is programmed to (do).”

    The COVID vaccines used in the U.S. have not been problem-free.

    Data from the U.S.-based National Vaccine Information Center shows that as of Jan. 29, there have been 501 deaths — a subset of 11,249 total adverse events — following COVID-19 vaccinations. Pfizer’s vaccine was taken by 59 percent of those who died while Moderna’s vaccine was taken by 41 percent.

    The Norwegian Medicines Agency reported on Jan. 14 that twenty-three people died within days of receiving the first dose of Pfizer’s product.

    California officials are investigating the Jan. 7 death of a 60-year-old healthcare worker who died four days after receiving his second injection of Pfizer’s product. A reportedly “perfectly healthy” 56-year-old Miami obstetrician died 16 days after receiving the Pfizer shot. State along with federal officials are investigating the Jan. 30 death of a 58-year-old Virginia woman who died hours after receiving the first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine.

    Earlier this month, Pfizer withdrew its application for emergency-use authorization of its product in India after the country’s health authorities demanded local safety testing.

  2. Mark Zuckerberg on video saying the vaccine is dangerous.

    ‘We just don’t know the long-term side effects,’ Zuckerberg said during an internal weekly Q&A meeting.

    February 17, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg expressed to his staff in July that he was cautious about the COVID-19 vaccine because “we just don’t know the long-term side effects,” according to a leaked video.

    “But I do just want to make sure that I share some caution on this [vaccine] because we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA to directly encode in a person’s DNA and RNA basically the ability to produce those antibodies and whether that causes other mutations or other risks downstream,” Zuckerberg said during Facebook’s internal weekly Q&A meeting from July 16, 2020, in a leaked video of the meeting that was released by Project Veritas yesterday.

    The leaked video of Facebook’s CEO expressing concern about COVID vaccines comes in the wake of the social media company’s efforts to clamp down on voices offering an alternative perspective on COVID-19.


    Facebook announced on Feb. 8 that it was “expanding our efforts to remove false claims on Facebook and Instagram about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines and vaccines in general during the pandemic.” Facebook said it would remove claims posted to the social media outlet that the “COVID-19 vaccine changes people’s DNA.”

    Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe pointed out in a video that Zuckerberg would be “censored on the platform today” if what he said to his staff in July was posted on the social media platform. He would be “basically violating his own code of conduct,” O’Keefe added.

    “Zuckerberg would be banned from Facebook for saying this. In fact, this video of me showing the CEO of Facebook talking might be banned because he is violating Facebook’s policy,” O’Keefe said. “Seems a little bit hypocritical, don’t you think?”

    O’Keefe said that elites appear to operate by a different set of rules when compared to the general public.

    “Rules for thee, but not for me,” he said. “It is clear that [Zuckerberg] is not living up to his own book of rules.”

    Since July, however, Zuckerberg appears to have evolved on his concern about COVID vaccines. He hosted a public live stream with Dr. Anthony Fauci in November where he stated that it was now his understanding that the “vaccines do not modify your DNA or RNA.”

    Dr. Anthony Fauci replied: “No, first of all, DNA is inherent in your own nuclear cell. Sticking in anything foreign will ultimately get cleared.”

    Replied Zuckerberg: “Good, well, I’m glad we cleared that up.”

    A number of doctors have pointed out that mRNA COVID vaccines are not vaccines in the traditional sense of an agent injected in the body in a weaker form that triggers immunity, but are a form of “gene therapy.”

    Dr. Lee Merritt, former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, stated in a Jan. 14 interview that mRNA vaccines, what she called “experimental biologics,” are a new technology that acts “like a computer program that tells your body to do certain things.” She warned, however, that there is no way of knowing “exactly what that mRNA is programmed to (do).”

    The COVID vaccines used in the U.S. have not been problem-free.

    Data from the U.S.-based National Vaccine Information Center shows that as of Jan. 29, there have been 501 deaths — a subset of 11,249 total adverse events — following COVID-19 vaccinations. Pfizer’s vaccine was taken by 59 percent of those who died while Moderna’s vaccine was taken by 41 percent.

    The Norwegian Medicines Agency reported on Jan. 14 that twenty-three people died within days of receiving the first dose of Pfizer’s product.

    California officials are investigating the Jan. 7 death of a 60-year-old healthcare worker who died four days after receiving his second injection of Pfizer’s product. A reportedly “perfectly healthy” 56-year-old Miami obstetrician died 16 days after receiving the Pfizer shot. State along with federal officials are investigating the Jan. 30 death of a 58-year-old Virginia woman who died hours after receiving the first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine.

    Earlier this month, Pfizer withdrew its application for emergency-use authorization of its product in India after the country’s health authorities demanded local safety testing.

  3. why gov don't push organic healthy living and ban all gmo, artificial ingredient, fast foods, alcohol, cigarettes …unhealthy foods from stores that they cause cancer and do lots of harm to body and it's gradual death, if they really care about us?
    The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
    -Ronald Reagan

  4. This may be of interest to you –

    This is all part of their agenda towards a NWO, controlled by AI which has existed outside of 3D for eons but is now taking control of this dimension as well (chemtrails, vaccination etc – basically everything that weakens the human DNA, so that AI can effectively fuse with it), has been in play for a long time but is now accelerating towards a global totalitarian state.

    Specific info regarding the plandemic –

  5. As a black male, I hear they want black people to take it first, seems like a modern day Tuskegee experiment to me, I'm not taking any part 🙅‍♂️

  6. "Shot of equity for (Covid) vaccine rollout" motivates us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica. Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the #UKvariant strain(s) mutations and others like the South African, Brazilian, Californian & #Cluster5Mink mutations rendering current vaccines no longer effective.

  7. Wow..such a difference …..I think stress and indifference from previous administration created this caos….Now we have a Peaceful environment …..the mind is so powerful 😁

  8. 🚫💉💦Fake Pandemic 💸💸💸

  9. Facial recognition proves who was responsible for Jan.6th. in D.C. They were not T supporters. It was preplanned just like the speeches afterwards. The mainstream media is the mouth of the anti christ. Pray for them for they will suffer only pain & torments in hell for eternity. We are being played again by both sides controlled by satan. This is spiritual warfare. Their god is lucifer. God is always in control; sometimes He allows evil to prevail for reasons that are above our understanding. NO FEAR!!! God will heal our land if we Repent & Pray. Do you worship I.A.; The" I Am" ? or A.I.? Believe and Trust in the bl o o d that was shed by J e s u s C h r i s t for your sins; being born again/saved. Humble yourself before the LORD and S A V I O U R J e s u s C h r i s t and pray. Pray by lying prostrate on the floor with your face to the ground. The ultimate humility before Jesus Christ is you on your face. Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Watch; "Coronavirus and Vaccination crime… . " Watch B i b l e teacher R o b e r t B r e a k e r's videos, "Understanding The Times." & "Can You See in 2020?", . Watch, testimony of people who went to hell; You can make a difference! We can't lose with J e s u s C h r i s t. Give Him your heart today and serve Him!

  10. there's no system in place to ensure vaccination equity especially with backlog in supply; majority of online sites are about first come first serve in practice

  11. It will surely succeed…..💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️

  12. “Race to Vaccinate”. Why does everything have to be about race?

  13. People who use the words "I think"… do you know what "I think" means … it means you are using your brain with a thought that isn't factual.. its ether "IT IS" ORRRRR "IT IS NOT" ITS NOT "I THINK" …"THE CAVE MAN THINK" … PEOPLE NEED TO GET OFF AND OVER COME THE "I THINK" PART OF THIER BRAIN… "CAVE MAN "THINK" WHATS THE ACTUAL FACTUAL EVIDENCE?? NOT "YOUR THINKS" PLEASE AND THANK YOU!

  14. They can roll it out to anyone who will accept it, but not at our house. *By the favor of Almighty Yahuah (KJV: "the LORD"; Stone Edition Tanach: "HASHEM") I have avoided "immunizations" for my family & for me for over 40 years.* In '69, my brother and his wife lost an infant son to a DPT shot. In '74, my younger stepdaughter was inoculated–contrary to her mom's orders!–with a measles shot two weeks before her graduation from preschool. She & half the class missed the graduation ceremony WITH THE MEASLES.
    I got off easy, only suffering an annoying case of psoriasis that broke out at the site of the "smallpox" vaccinations that I got while a teen and in my early 20's. *Big Bully Pharma can go stick their needles in their own bodies and suffer their OWN consequences, in the Name of our Master Yahusha ("Lord Jesus"), who forms our bodies in the womb for us to take care of them, not to let the vultures of Big Bully Pharma poison us, amein & amein!*


  16. Now President Trump out of office the mainstream media don't have to push fear and propaganda about a virus with the 99.9% survival rate.
    The numbers have always been manipulated so it's easy to reverse the numbers.

  17. Black/African-American Male right here… NEVER!!! 🚫💉🚫

  18. Its so goddam funny how this fking virus all of a sudden declining sine hair sniffer joe Biden and Pakistanian Kamala HARRIS in the white house.

  19. Fix your focus loved ones. Whatever we allow to roll around in our thoughts & minds, directly affects what goes on in our brains & bodies. Let the redeemed say so, the rest will follow.

  20. FIRST!!!!!😮😮😮😮😮😎😎😎😎😎

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