Shock waves hit the economy as the number of COVID-19 cases soars in the US – Car Mod Pros Portal

The stock market has lost $8 trillion in value in the last month and analysts estimate more than 2 million people have filed for unemployment insurance last week.

#Economy #StockMarket #Unemployment


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “Shock waves hit the economy as the number of COVID-19 cases soars in the US”
  1. The One Little Bug that brought the world to it’s knees 🦠. Time to be humbled!! 😳🤕

  2. There is another secured method used in hacking any cell phone remotely and that is the use of a PRIVATE Investigator, it has to be private and confidential because i find it hard to ask the public for help because it is a big risk. Now I know a tech support guy who works as my investigator ( or on whatsapp +14347678160 ) Whenever my husband travels or steps out without informing me where, i simply contact him with the assurance of getting enough information of where he is and who he communicates with at that moment. All i need is his phone number to make it possible. I don't live in fear anymore because nothing is hidden under my roof guys! I trust cyber tech 101%

  3. There is another secured method used in hacking any cell phone remotely and that is the use of a PRIVATE Investigator, it has to be private and confidential because i find it hard to ask the public for help because it is a big risk. Now I know a tech support guy who works as my investigator ( or on whatsapp +14347678160 ) Whenever my husband travels or steps out without informing me where, i simply contact him with the assurance of getting enough information of where he is and who he communicates with at that moment. All i need is his phone number to make it possible. I don't live in fear anymore because nothing is hidden under my roof guys! I trust cyber tech 101%

  4. There is another secured method used in hacking any cell phone remotely and that is the use of a PRIVATE Investigator, it has to be private and confidential because i find it hard to ask the public for help because it is a big risk. Now I know a tech support guy who works as my investigator ( or on whatsapp +14347678160 ) Whenever my husband travels or steps out without informing me where, i simply contact him with the assurance of getting enough information of where he is and who he communicates with at that moment. All i need is his phone number to make it possible. I don't live in fear anymore because nothing is hidden under my roof guys! I trust cyber tech 101%

  5. Shock is a poor choice of words here. Proper usage should be "expected increase" proved true! As the huge increase of the test swabs and ability for massive increases in processing the patience load (backlog). Not unusual but confirms the numbers are as expected given the processing ability. One should take note that the confirmed cases are in the expected range and a 10 to 1 ratio is what has now been confirmed. Deaths are holding in the same numbers as predicted.. The trend should prove more of the same!

  6. No shock waves, if Pelowsi gets offherass and signs Trumps bill, everyone is covered. Nuff said. Both sides had a deal yesterday until Pelosi flew back to DC from Cali to shut it down. Trump is a great man. Pelosi is evil. Shes holding it up.

  7. The fat cats have been raking big bucks for over 10 years.They did not give the more than 75%of the population a rat"s ass.So 10 days in a declining stock and bond market and they are going into shock and vying for federal aid which comes out of the pocket of the working people who will get the mouse's while the rich gets the lion's share .They were bailed by Obama in 2008 at the expense of 6 million evrryday folks who lost their houses.The automobile industry. were also bailed out but they made huge profits on common americans.Now the Gop and tHrump wants to rescue the sirline industry who had a virtaul oligopoly and imposed baggage fees ,change of tickets,no food and cramped seats, yet uncle Sam remained mum.The cruise ship is another one which exploits passengers with exorbitant price,yet they are going to be bailed out by tHrump.It is the working class which keeps the wheels of the economy as evidenced by the corona syndrome .Yet they are enslaved by the ruthless owners and no one cares Exploitation is prevalent in the bodegas and west Indian food shops which pays less than $5 per hour under horrific conditions and abuse.Of coure there are exceptions.So current bailout wil benefit the richbm and wealthy. Sooner ir later the oeunting of money to satisfy there magnanimous scheme will cause inflation as the economy slows down .Who will shoulder the rising prices of goods and services.The president and a large segment of the population are against democratic socialism but they are wiling to prop up failing businesses .This is a phenomenon of socialist practice.If you all love capitalism so much,why not let the free market settle the current problem. Businesses wantvm the super profits they make in good times but scream high murder when they gets losses.The free markets is designed forvl cyclical growth by weeding our the losers and foster the more good entrepreneurs.

  8. Trump: we have great unemployment numbers
    Everyone: ya bullshit
    Danny davito: And 👈🏽 over here BULLSHIT!
    Riley freeman: THATS SUM OL BULLLSHITT

  9. Is it possible that the health care profession not having masks has exactly nothing to do with the public having them or hoarding them? They are supplied by two completely
    different supply streams. Hospitals procure protective equipment directly from suppliers. Do you think they go down to the corner drug store to purchase their
    masks? The reason they are short is because 95% of their mask supply comes from overseas, and suppliers overseas stopped the flow and diverted it to China.
    Have you seen a single example of mask hoarding by the public? Are you, or is anybody YOU know hoarding masks?  If not, how do you really know it ever happened? Because someone keeps repeating that it did? Is that fact or opinion and how can you tell the difference? Stop parroting and start thinking and researching and you'll be less a tool of propagandists
    and more an informed citizen. Have you heard a single accounting from any owner of a drug store that people were hoarding masks? Asking them would be a novel way to find out instead of just glibly accepting the narrative because some talking head said it was so. And since there are zero masks available for anyone to hoard, how the hell does anyone suppose the public is continuing to
    hoard them? How about we put pressure on the idiots in charge to stop telling us bullshit like "don't wear a mask", and get those damn masks off the hooks in our garages and on our faces! That would be a novel idea, but it seems way too complicated for the experts to fathom.

  10. What the hell no hand sanitizers , no cleaning product ,no toilet papers in market and trump administration not even taking any step to resolve these basic issues

  11. Shock Waves – Soars > Intentional MEDIA Weaponization of CCP Virus.

    Time for ABC to Get a Grounded Grip on Reality … not their Sky is Falling Tin Hats

  12. Of course it appears like cases are soaring ( merely because we’re testing more !! Ugh 😑

  13. Financial repercussions could last a lifetime, easy! 💸🔥💸🔥💸🔥💸🔥💸

  14. Our india always have unempyoment prb..after 2014 .🇮🇳

  15. if the virus worldwide kills mostly 75 years and older (ie Italy), why arent we start first to quarantine the elderly?

  16. I think Trump is preparing everyone for this 15 day only lockdown. I am sure there are statistics on how many people will die if we lockdown for months vs just let the virus run its course. And I would not be surprised more people will die from the economy failing than from the cronovirus…just saying.

  17. number of case means NOTHING other than we are smashing our economy over a virus that is less fatal than the flu.
    Go figure

  18. What is Trump going to run on now? Bragging about the economy and the stock market isn't going to work. Maybe he can bring up Hillary's emails again?

  19. Lets remember that the rich and big business split a trillion and a half dollars every year in Trump tax cuts for the rich. Nothing short of the permanent elimination of the payroll tax, thus destroying Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Disability will get the Republicans to do what is needed for the people of America. Americans think that can't happen. It has happened in other countries already. That's the deal. Total destruction of the country by Covid-19 or total elimination of the payroll tax. Larry Kudlow (appearing impaired) admitted if they eliminate the payroll tax they cannot "backfill" the lost funding for Social Security et al.

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