After she revealed her battle with stage four breast cancer the actress explained in an exclusive interview with ABC News why she waited so long to tell the world.
#ABCNews #ShannenDoherty #BreastCancer #StageFour
After she revealed her battle with stage four breast cancer the actress explained in an exclusive interview with ABC News why she waited so long to tell the world.
#ABCNews #ShannenDoherty #BreastCancer #StageFour
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My battle with Breast cancer started 4 years ago, after so many Chemo, Radiation and other natural therapy treatment that I took just to cure my Breast cancer, it all did not work for my condition. I have been treating this disease for the past 2 years, but today I'm here telling the world about my final victory over Breast cancer with the help of cannabis oil medication. This is a breakthrough in my family with so much Joy in our life today, I was told about Dr Harvey, when I heard about his good works from my friend I requested for the contact information of this man, after some days passed as I was always praying to God for mercy, I said to myself that God could use this man to heal me totally after giving myself this thought I immediately contacted Dr Harvey, I do really appreciate all the help and contribution from every member of my family for all they did for me. And if you have any kind of cancer diseases, there is no need to waste money on Chemo or Radiation, go get herbals from (…… C+2347047452344)
Dark Goddesses like Shannon Doherty NEVER HEAL with modern medicine, they heal with emotional healing, soul healing and holistic medicines… too bad she is stuck in the drone medicine corporation. @
Truly sad. God bless you and your family. Amen.
I don't care why she waited. That's her business. I'm sorry her life has been cut short. Godspeed.
Bon rétablissement ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ
My thoughts and prayers are with you Shannen in this fight to survive.
May the Lord Bless you…☦ï¸ÂÂÂÂ💜ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ
Wishing healing for you
State Farm claims Shannen Doherty using cancer diagnosis to get a payout
I watched the pain and suffering of humans for 14 years! Cleaned there bodies after death…so they would be ready for the morgue! And there is a god? A ghost? I never felt, saw, or heard!
Pray for you Shannen. You are a warrior through and through. We will be with you every step of the way ♥ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
You are one of the strongest women I have known throughout my childhood into adulthood & you have never let anything in your life be it showbiz crap or personal issues get the better of you. You are a survivor Shannon & I believe that you will survive this horrible disease again. you have looked cancer in the face & said 'NO' you will not take me NOW. you can do it again. Be strong Shannon, be brave – lean on those who love you & trust you.
Is that genetic or something that she eats?!! I hope she will be cured! pray for miracle 🌟🌟
Stop the legal fight. It adds stress, not good for health.
I LOVE her <3 Love, love LOVE her! (I am transgender and chose the name Shannyn after her because she's my hero). ANyway, in response to some of the comments I've seen, I don't think Shannen or anyone else thinks that she's more important because she's a celebrity. The fact that she's a celebrity means that people know who she is– people grew up watching her on 90210 and CHarmed, so it feels like we "know" her. It's similar to the way you would feel especially sad if your friend or a coworker you get along with had cancer– not because they matter more, but because on some level they are more than just a name and face to you, so it resonates more emotionally.
narcissists will always play on the stage 4 … and if she really does – Everyone is going to DIE !!! You start dying from the time you enter the world… your no special than anyone else that has nothing!
Poxa ela morreu
No one is promised tomorrow. You do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. I pray not only that she be healed of this cancer but also receive Jesus as her savoir.
ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂjust keep fighting 💕💕💓💞 my DeAr..
She just beat cancer in 2017. How did it progress into stage four cancer so quickly? Forgive me of my ignorance to anyone who is suffering through one form of cancer or another but can someone please explain to me how within a two-year timeframe the cancer progressed so quickly! I have lost many family members and cancer. I just have a hard time trying to understand why so many are losing the battle with this disease.
Often you don’t recognize how much you liked someone until something like this happens…always appreciated her confident vibrant energy. She was the quintessential lovable bad girl of the early 90’s…easy to hate but even easier to love. You always kinda knew she was just a super sweet girl having a bit of fun in the fast lane. Hoping she overcomes this.
Is she some sort of celebratory or something?
One of the great Little House Of The Prairie stars, I hope she pulls through .
Bless her heart – she's been through so much – sending prayers Shannen.
She looks way to healthy to have stage 4 Cancer. I bet she's making up this whole Cancer thing for the publicity.
Pray that she pulls through shes awesome actesss Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx good luck
I hope she will be ok.. ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ
Fuckin i thought that the blonde babe was the one 🙆🤦!! Ooh man ! God damnit the thumbnail!
This is unfortunate.
But the fact that it’s Stage 4 is not good news.
If she kept this in check regularly and early, it probably would’ve been caught early.
I wish the best for her though.
My daughter has Metastatic Breast Cancer. There are trials and lots of living she can do. My daughter is a warrior. Stage4needsmore. Research not Ribbons
This just breaks my heart. She’s never been my favorite person, but I don’t wish this on anyone. Hopefully she will pull through!
Praying for Shannon! ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ
I hope all works out well for her. Stage 4 sounds really bad, so not sure what will happen. Hoping for the best.
This wasn't a secret!
I hope she loses her hair again.