Severe weather causes flooding in several Midwest states

Severe weather causes flooding in several Midwest states

Flooding is expected to reach historic levels after some rivers are severely swollen and continue to threaten residential neighborhoods in multiple states.

#severeweather #flooding #midwest


42 thoughts on “Severe weather causes flooding in several Midwest states

  1. if my people, who are called by my name,will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

  2. Thank weather modification for this. I just seen where they explained a weather system in Wyoming… Don't blame global warming. Blame the government for using the world as a guinea pig and putting lives at the bottom of the barrel. All for science. Smh. It's a shame.

  3. At least they have some sun,…it's been raining here in Western, NY EVERY SINGLE day without ceasing. It's grey, gloomy and cold. It's raining outside right now as I type this comment. It NEVER ends,…we are flooded, cold and miserable here in NY.

  4. But yeah…climate change is
    Bullshit … 🙄 everyone NEEDS to start making changes NOW! This is serious stuff!

  5. This is devastating.. Bridges broke n roads buried in muds. May all be safe🌿

  6. God’s just tryin to teach these black folks how to swim.

  7. It’s comming.

  8. First the tornadoes and now the floods. If you didn’t believe in the end times, you do now. Thoughts and prayers are with everyone.

  9. "If it keeps on raining levees gonna break, if it keeps on raining levees gonna break. When the levee breaks you got place to stay. Mean old levee taught me to weep and moan, mean old levee taught to weep and moan, it's got what it takes to make a mountain man leave his home."

  10. God wont let white America see no more peace curses from the blood of black indigenous people of this world they're God is soon to return and judge this world

  11. The Lord revealed three things to me and I am going to share two with you.
    (1) He revealed to me that he can’t be honest or else he would have to treat everyone the same.
    (2) He also revealed to me that he uses pain and evil to get his work done, and he revealed Sodom and Gomorrah, Job, the story of Noah and the flood as an example to me and the man that was born blind.

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