The explosion ripped through the venue, killing dozens of people and injuring nearly 200.
#ABCNews #SuicideBomb #Kabul #Afganistan #Explosion
The explosion ripped through the venue, killing dozens of people and injuring nearly 200.
#ABCNews #SuicideBomb #Kabul #Afganistan #Explosion
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Bahraini Airlines
can show how the ISIS claimed evidence out?
SUICIDE: From frying pan to fire (from earthly temporary short sufferings, to eternal hell).
My journey to life.
Life is gift, not to be rejected. Life is a privilege. Only one life. Live. Help available. Soul is worth more than the value of world. What profits a man, if he gains whole world, but loses his soul.
Nothing disqualifies anyone from the love of God.
Finding God helps find meaning, purpose, hope, acceptance, love, eternity, human value, human dignity, equality, God-given talents, family values, health, rest, peace, joy, compassion. Finding God prevents suicides.
Sin is pre-existing in all. Nobody taught us to sin. Sin pre-dates The Bible. The Bible explains origins of sin. The Bible provides remedy for pre-existing sin, through Jesus Christ death and resurrection. The Bible is best selling book in the world for this reason.
Sin is real, The Bible is relevant. Sin is born with every child birth.
Sin is disease of heart, and Jesus Christ is the cure.
We love truth when it enlightens us, but hate when it convicts us.
Instructing to "Heart wash" from sin is not "Brainwash".
God created universe, placed natural laws, made man in His image, gave talents, instructed man to multiply and explore – The Initiation of Science. Science is the legitimate child of natural laws.
The Bible provides answers to the scientifically unanswerable.
The universe is not a machine 'driven by motiveless, purposeless decay'.
We are made with good purpose and meaning. We are good. Then sin entered through satan and we all fallen. Disease, despair, deformities, deficiencies, depression, stress, guilt, greed, hate, anger, rebellious spirit, spiritual death entered. Sin plays spoilsport.
Satan is the enemy, came to steal, kill and destroy. It subtly misleads us to blame good loving God. God is not the author of evil.
Freedom in "sin" is not freedom, it is bondage. Freedom from "sin" is ultimate freedom.
Stay away from sin and satan to have peaceful life.
Do not give devil a foothold.
Penalty of sin already paid by Jesus Christ on The Cross.
Nobody died for our sins and resurrected – except Jesus Christ. Exclusivity.
Jesus Christ has authority to forgive sins.
God loves the sinner, but hates sin. Just like a parent loves child, but hates disease of child.
Salvation from sin and hell is not earned through works or deeds or pilgrimages or rituals or ceremonies or traditions or cultures or public displays or hypocrisy or making personal sacrifices or making animal sacrifices.
We are saved by God's Grace, not by our works.
Heaven is holy, sin cannot enter. Jesus Christ came from heaven, made entry to heaven easy and free. In heaven there will be no more pain, no more deformities, no more deficiencies, no more death, no more tears.
Unable to find any motive any reason for Jesus Christ to die on The Cross and resurrect – except His love to save us from pre-existing sin, and hell. For free.
Jesus Christ suffered, ridiculed, spat-on, punched, humiliated, wrongly accused, crucified on The Cross. He endured all to save us from sin and shame. He experienced sufferings first hand, therefore He understands our sufferings. He raised victorious, we will too. Those who endure till the end are victorious.
There are solutions to problems. There are so many talents, avenues, opportunities we have to explore.
We are weak, in our weaknesses we have God to trust and hope.
GRACE: Getting what we don't deserve – i.e. forgiveness of sin, eternity in heaven through Jesus Christ.
MERCY: Not getting what we deserve – i.e. punishment of sin, separation from God, eternity in hell.
God offers grace and mercy for free through Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. We are saved by God's grace, not by our works.
Consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
It is a lie to say that we are not loved. God loves us unconditionally. He died willingly on The Cross and resurrected, to save us from pre-existing sin and hell.
The God who died for us, is for us. God is not against us.
The world honours success, and God honours faithfulness. For God our souls and their eternity are important.
If you successfull or even not, if you make it or even not, do not worry, there is vast middle ground to use talents, opportunities, to enjoy and be content, volunteer to help others.
Following God's morals have health, psychological and economic benefits, to individuals, families and nations. Following God's morals provide equilibrium. Following rules helps.
There is more to life.
Never found a sentence that is comforting on a death-bed – anywhere else.
Death is scary thing, but eternal damnation is scarier.
Death is not extinction, but accountability.
Other side of death is eternity. Either in hell; or in heaven through Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ coming again to judge all. The doors will be closed. Jesus Christ reveals every mystery, answers every question we all entitled to know. He is The Alpha and The Omega. He judges everyone.
One day every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
The First Christmas – Jesus Christ came to earth from heaven to save us from pre-existing sin.
The First Good Friday – Jesus Christ crucified to The Cross, died willingly for remission of our sins.
The First Resurrection Day, also linked to Easter – Jesus Christ resurrected from death.
Jesus Christ made entry to Holy Heaven free through Him. Repent of sin and be saved. Easy.
The First Coming of Jesus Christ – He is Lamb, slaughtered for remission of sins to save us from sin and hell. And resurrected. He remains Lamb for now, still takes mockery and insults, but still loves us, wants us to repent from pre-existing sin.
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ – He will be Lion, The Judge.
The Lamb and The Lion.
Jesus Christ forgave all who crucified Him, and now forgives all, even who reject, ridicule and mock Him. He loves all unconditionally, He wants us to repent of our pre-existing sins and have heaven for free. He knows our weaknesses and still loves us.
Believe, trust, repent of pre-existing sin in Jesus Christ that He died for remission of our sins and resurrected, and coming back to judge, accept Him as Lord and Saviour, and be saved from sin and hell. Any time, any where. Even now. Simple.
Nothing to lose, everything to gain.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
I found God of Bible loved me unconditionally, regardless of my sins, weaknesses, depressions and rejections by others. He believed me and has faith in me. I am not in competition with others. God loves you too, individually.
I came to know the Loving God, who knows everything.
(My journal. Journey to life – after testing all 'isms' and religions, after failing to find origins and purpose and meaning of life, after swallowing pride, egos, anger, hate, shame, depression.)
Poor people and innocent people are becoming victims of things they don't know.
Such a beautiful country Aghanhistan with beautiful valleys and lakes and beautiful mountains but destroyed by Terrorism and hatred and bitterness and jealousy. This whole country is under poverty,
People are poor and don't have food to eat but they have hatred and bitterness and jealousy in their hearts and minds unless they change their mindset and behaviour towards others they will never change. They should unite together first and guard their country from Terrorist otherwise they will have to live in constant fear.
SUICIDE: From frying pan to fire (from earthly temporary short sufferings, to eternal hell).
My journey to life.
Life is gift, not to be rejected. Life is a privilege. Only one life. Live. Help available. Soul is worth more than the value of world. What profits a man, if he gains whole world, but loses his soul.
Nothing disqualifies anyone from the love of God.
Finding God helps find meaning, purpose, hope, acceptance, love, eternity, human value, human dignity, equality, God-given talents, family values, health, rest, peace, joy, compassion. Finding God prevents suicides.
Sin is pre-existing in all. Nobody taught us to sin. Sin pre-dates The Bible. The Bible explains origins of sin. The Bible provides remedy for pre-existing sin, through Jesus Christ death and resurrection. The Bible is best selling book in the world for this reason.
Sin is real, The Bible is relevant. Sin is born with every child birth.
Sin is disease of heart, and Jesus Christ is the cure.
We love truth when it enlightens us, but hate when it convicts us.
Instructing to "Heart wash" from sin is not "Brainwash".
God created universe, placed natural laws, made man in His image, gave talents, instructed man to multiply and explore – The Initiation of Science. Science is the legitimate child of natural laws.
The Bible provides answers to the scientifically unanswerable.
The universe is not a machine 'driven by motiveless, purposeless decay'.
We are made with good purpose and meaning. We are good. Then sin entered through satan and we all fallen. Disease, despair, deformities, deficiencies, depression, stress, guilt, greed, hate, anger, rebellious spirit, spiritual death entered. Sin plays spoilsport.
Satan is the enemy, came to steal, kill and destroy. It subtly misleads us to blame good loving God. God is not the author of evil.
Freedom in "sin" is not freedom, it is bondage. Freedom from "sin" is ultimate freedom.
Stay away from sin and satan to have peaceful life.
Do not give devil a foothold.
Penalty of sin already paid by Jesus Christ on The Cross.
Nobody died for our sins and resurrected – except Jesus Christ. Exclusivity.
Jesus Christ has authority to forgive sins.
God loves the sinner, but hates sin. Just like a parent loves child, but hates disease of child.
Salvation from sin and hell is not earned through works or deeds or pilgrimages or rituals or ceremonies or traditions or cultures or public displays or hypocrisy or making personal sacrifices or making animal sacrifices.
We are saved by God's Grace, not by our works.
Heaven is holy, sin cannot enter. Jesus Christ came from heaven, made entry to heaven easy and free. In heaven there will be no more pain, no more deformities, no more deficiencies, no more death, no more tears.
Unable to find any motive any reason for Jesus Christ to die on The Cross and resurrect – except His love to save us from pre-existing sin, and hell. For free.
Jesus Christ suffered, ridiculed, spat-on, punched, humiliated, wrongly accused, crucified on The Cross. He endured all to save us from sin and shame. He experienced sufferings first hand, therefore He understands our sufferings. He raised victorious, we will too. Those who endure till the end are victorious.
There are solutions to problems. There are so many talents, avenues, opportunities we have to explore.
We are weak, in our weaknesses we have God to trust and hope.
GRACE: Getting what we don't deserve – i.e. forgiveness of sin, eternity in heaven through Jesus Christ.
MERCY: Not getting what we deserve – i.e. punishment of sin, separation from God, eternity in hell.
God offers grace and mercy for free through Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. We are saved by God's grace, not by our works.
Consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
It is a lie to say that we are not loved. God loves us unconditionally. He died willingly on The Cross and resurrected, to save us from pre-existing sin and hell.
The God who died for us, is for us. God is not against us.
The world honours success, and God honours faithfulness. For God our souls and their eternity are important.
If you successfull or even not, if you make it or even not, do not worry, there is vast middle ground to use talents, opportunities, to enjoy and be content, volunteer to help others.
Following God's morals have health, psychological and economic benefits, to individuals, families and nations. Following God's morals provide equilibrium. Following rules helps.
There is more to life.
Never found a sentence that is comforting on a death-bed – anywhere else.
Death is scary thing, but eternal damnation is scarier.
Death is not extinction, but accountability.
Other side of death is eternity. Either in hell; or in heaven through Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ coming again to judge all. The doors will be closed. Jesus Christ reveals every mystery, answers every question we all entitled to know. He is The Alpha and The Omega. He judges everyone.
One day every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
The First Christmas – Jesus Christ came to earth from heaven to save us from pre-existing sin.
The First Good Friday – Jesus Christ crucified to The Cross, died willingly for remission of our sins.
The First Resurrection Day, also linked to Easter – Jesus Christ resurrected from death.
Jesus Christ made entry to Holy Heaven free through Him. Repent of sin and be saved. Easy.
The First Coming of Jesus Christ – He is Lamb, slaughtered for remission of sins to save us from sin and hell. And resurrected. He remains Lamb for now, still takes mockery and insults, but still loves us, wants us to repent from pre-existing sin.
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ – He will be Lion, The Judge.
The Lamb and The Lion.
Jesus Christ forgave all who crucified Him, and now forgives all, even who reject, ridicule and mock Him. He loves all unconditionally, He wants us to repent of our pre-existing sins and have heaven for free. He knows our weaknesses and still loves us.
Believe, trust, repent of pre-existing sin in Jesus Christ that He died for remission of our sins and resurrected, and coming back to judge, accept Him as Lord and Saviour, and be saved from sin and hell. Any time, any where. Even now. Simple.
Nothing to lose, everything to gain.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
I found God of Bible loved me unconditionally, regardless of my sins, weaknesses, depressions and rejections by others. He believed me and has faith in me. I am not in competition with others. God loves you too, individually.
I came to know the Loving God, who knows everything.
(My journal. Journey to life – after testing all 'isms' and religions, after failing to find origins and purpose and meaning of life, after swallowing pride, egos, anger, hate, shame, depression.)
islam is a curse to world peace
ahahahahaha niccccccc
While US is continuing peace talks with Taliban
Peacefulls are spreading peace by reading their peacefull holy book and following path of their peacefull Arabian prophet
I’m honestly so sad
My friend went to Afghanistan yesterday and I see this.
So many civilians die because of heat from people like me. They exist and when enough people research, it catches up to someone who’s hurting people somewhere in the background or they do something to send a message
The Taliban and ISIS hate their own people more than they hate Americans.. This is why there will always be war in Afghanistan..
Because of America this is happening…….. Go back
And next time u will get more doing this instead of my way
Indian and American secret services are behind this. Seriously believe me
Shias are not safe in whole world haey 😠😠😠they are peace loving but saudi's supporters always killing especially shia hazara
Afghan brothers people underneath commenting against Pakistan are khawarijs…
We were brothers and we are brothers…
This is an evil game…
We win InshAllah stand beside you and if needed we will again ready to open our borders to welcome you….
This is anti Pakistan and anti Islam game…
Wake up
I wish the Afghan society was secular and peaceful
See at least the person who did this is burning in hell
Creeper aww man
Isis and amireca responsible thes blast.
Of course it was in Afghanistan.
Only a major war and the subsequent destruction of Saudi Arabia can bring peace in Afghanistan. A war where the United Sates attacks Iran and as a retaliation: Iran and Russia obliterate Saudi Terrorist kingdom.
Rip to all the dead, God brings peace to Afghanistan , your brother from Iraq .
India are responsible for this attack bc it done by #raw
You useless fake people
In which book of Islam it written to do sucide in wedding party like seriously don’t take religious name,I don’t have even a name for these type of people
Unfortunately Afghanistan is became arena of war from last 50 years. I am from Afghanistan and I never see peace in Afghanistan in my 28 years of age. Every superpowers came to Afghanistan and destroyed us. The country who destroyed us many times is Pakistan with the help of ethnic community of Pashtoon. Pashtoon community never like peace or humanity. Every time ISI use them for their purposes. ISI created Taliban, mujahedin, hizb-e-islami etc, And unfortunately all of them belongs to pashtoon community.
The one and only solution is that Afghanistan must be divided into two parts south one is for pashtoon and north one is for other ethnic communities.
Otherwise I am 100% sure for next 100 years peaceful Afghanistan is impossible and ISI always use them.
If this was in America then every news source would be on this. It’s a shame that people think differently of others just because they’re on the other side of the world.
How can we stop this? Poor people killing each other and the destruction of our beautiful planet while those responsible watch safe in their towers. I don't know what to say or do anymore, I took some solace hearing from acquaintances how Kabul was better, but just like always, whenever that city ,or other regions like it, get some stability this happens and everyone quickly forgets or doesn't care. A few years ago these bastards killed over 200 Afghanistan soldiers while they were eating and praying. We need more good people of action, I can't enjoy life until this is stopped
I am Indin
Very very sad
Lagta h atankbaadi India ka gussa in masumo per nikal rhe, gaand me damm h to India army se fight karo jahilo atankbaadio
Blame those who started the war.
The problem is USA and Pakistan, very dark and dirty politics,,,,,
Makes me sick 🤒
Bomb control
What is going on in my country when this gonna end my god please help my country people my god bring peace to Afghanistan ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ