Sessions loses runoff, Bastille Day, newborn zebra: World in Photos, July 15

Sessions loses runoff, Bastille Day, newborn zebra: World in Photos, July 15

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28 thoughts on “Sessions loses runoff, Bastille Day, newborn zebra: World in Photos, July 15

  1. When intelligent thinking people think Jeff Sessions losing is a sign of sanity returning when in fact it is the opposite. He lost BECAUSE he wasn't enough of a crazy Trump sycophant, liar and cheat.

  2. Trump next 😂😂

  3. 😂😂😂 who cares about this bigot. Him and tangerine trump shared the same bigotry

  4. If you die today will you go to heaven? Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name as a curse word? Judgement day is coming and you must pay, but wait, God sent His son Jesus to die for you, receive His gift of salvation today.

  5. Next is Doug Jones Staying put. Let’s get out this year and vote. It’s not a given, we need to take our country back.

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