Sending extra AstraZeneca vaccine supply to India under ‘active consideration’: Fauci | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

George Stephanopoulos interviews Dr. Anthony Fauci on “This Week.”

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #AnthonyFauci #AstraZeneca #COVID19 #Vaccine


By carmodpros


25 thoughts on “Sending extra AstraZeneca vaccine supply to India under ‘active consideration’: Fauci | ABC News”
  1. Because it’s not a vaccine but instead it’s an experimental gene therapy treatment. To be considered a vaccine, it must accomplish two things: (1). Must provide immunity and (2). Prevent transmission. This injection does neither and has not passed FDA guidelines but instead capitalized on being designated as a “vaccine”. Which said vaccine coincidentally is permissible under a “Medical Emergency Use” provision or declaration. So now, we know why they needed the lockdowns/masks to ensure vaccine rollouts worldwide. TV fear porn (24/7) with MSN collusion, takes about two months of consistent programming to ensure control of the majority of the population using fear versus facts. Evidenced by the feelings versus facts ongoing propaganda, in every aspect of our lives. Without the lockdowns/masks (visual reminder and compliance metre of the population), there’s no visible cue to the “pandemic”. Therefore, the populace would not comply with: lockdowns, masks and experimental drug injections aka vaccines. Especially, when coupled with complete indemnity for the governments and pharmaceutical companies. Follow the money. This should be a huge red flag to everyone!

  2. Fauci traded on his NIH position to weaponize technologies for:
    – DARPA
    – Department of Defense
    – Navy
    – Army
    – Air Force
    …not to mention >>> the military of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth <<<

    Newly discovered whistleblower information reveals that the NIH’s Anthony Fauci is at the epicenter of exploitation of:
    – nanotube
    – nanowire
    – nanopore delivery systems
    …to weaponize all of this immoral biotechnology research

    Which leaves us these questions to be answered:
    Why is Fauci not a traitor to the American Republic?
    What is the full extent of Fauci’s loyalties to the British-American Pilgrims Society?
    How did Fauci get control of so much NIH funding to practice obviously fascist insider financing of selected companies and researchers?
    Why is the NIH funding nano-biowarfare?
    Why are Fauci’s activities not racketeering of the most hideous kind?
    Are nanobots from Harvard being used to spread Coronavirus? How? Where?

  3. This is a gain-of-function engineered bioweapon from the Wuhan lab that ANTHONY FAUCI directed with $ 37 million of OUR U.S. TAXPAYER DOLLARS. This is ALL FAUCI'S FAULT!!! Get rid of this clown Fauci!!!!!

  4. F,#k America & Biden…You have cheated India that helped you during your difficult times last year. You are now blocking Vaccine raw materials to India … We India can cope up with this on it's own.

  5. We should already be sending vaccine to India. We have many here who outright refuse and reject this miracle of science, I say give their dose to an Indian man or woman, it could possibly save lives.

  6. Clearly Anthony fauci does not care about the people of India. AstraZeneca has been banned in 21 countries!!! And the list probably is longer by now. And the whistleblowers have come out that state that vaccinating with an experimental vaccine during a pandemic can produce mutant strains and viral shedding. And by locking down and masking for such an extended. Of time that also produced mutant strains. So we have people all over the place walking around like little bio weapons. I don't want to be anywhere near unvaccinated people. And experts are even saying if they would have never locked down and masked up and just protected the vulnerable people we wouldn't even be in the situation we are in now…. but we have to look at the agenda behind this and that would be the great reset and the strange idea of vaccinated people with this new therapy. I think they want to turn people into QR codes trans humanistic. And look at all the damage this going to be done to people with these massive Strokes heart attacks with the blood clots going into their lungs heart brain you've got clotting in uterus. People are going to be getting Alzheimer's dementia as this mRNA start attacking the other proteins in the body. And the problem is you may not know from six months to a year if your body's going to start clotting from these vaccines. And it's really a great weapon when you think about it if you were vaccinated six months ago and all the sudden you have a blood clot in your brain so it's just a stroke cause you're older. Then you have people getting the Gian Beret syndrome other neurological issues. I have a strange feeling that come December of 2021 we're going to have a whole lot of sick and dying people. Equal they're going to blame it on mutant strains from unvaccinated people but clearly it's going to be from the vaccinated people. Google search and they're going to try to keep pushing vaccination but when all these people get sick from all these bizarre clotting and their immune systems just become ADE. It's not going to fly trying to blame unvaccinated people for what they've done to humanity. I hope I'm wrong but when you listen to the whistleblowers and you see all the things that are happening. It project 2023 Nuremberg trials!! That's right crimes against humanity. This virus would be 40 naturally at herd immunity if they wouldn't have done all the things that they've done this is a man-made events in all aspects..WHY???.?

  7. After all, it's not like the USA has any intention- or need- to use anything other than the Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. Why not send others to other nations.

  8. After all, it's not like the USA has any intention- or need- to use anything other than the Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. Why not send others to other nations.

  9. Babushkas : use Russia's Sputnik V‼️It Works Way BETTER💯

  10. I hope they are not talking about those jabs, which one company recently announced that there was a malfunction in the processing or making those. 😳

  11. Well in the news "AstraZeneca vaccine is not authorized for use in the U.S., we do not need to use the AstraZeneca vaccine here during the next several months," said White House COVID-19"
    🤔1/4 part of the world population lives there….

  12. Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective Safe and effective

  13. The very essence of the word and that of the meaning behind that of 'consideration' appears to be a dissolvable bygone word! To the degree infact that the lack of human empathy is verging towards the point of no return!

  14. The Lübeck anti-Covid-19 vaccination formula is free available online and better
    than mRNA vaccins. is based on a trivial recombinant antigen that can be easily and cheaply
    produced in the retort. It causes high levels of virus-neutralizing antibodies
    in 97% of those vaccinated and did not cause any serious side effects in the
    first hundred patients. Recombinant antigens supplied from outside, such as those used here, have
    long since proven themselves in vaccination against hepatitis A and B, and the
    vaccination is almost risk-free. Vaccination is done with a peptide that has
    already been synthesized and there is no risk of infection as with
    microencapsulated RNA, weakened or killed viruses or vector viruses. Since the
    production of the vaccine antigen takes place outside the body, there is no
    need to be afraid of the uncontrolled spread of genetic information introduced
    into the human organism. The Lübeck anti-Covid-19 vaccination causes hardly any allergic reactions,
    not at all to polyethylene glycol, which is used by the Biontech company to
    microencapsulate mRNA, and in contrast to the vaccinations already approved in
    Germany, more than a hundred vaccinated people have been vaccinated no one
    reported sick, but continued working uninterruptedly. Any doctor can legally
    administer the vaccine in their practice. Each person is vaccinated three times 15 micrograms of recombinant RBD
    (receptor-binding domain, Arg319-Phe541) of the spike protein S1 subunit.
    Alhydrogel from InvivoGen serves as the Adiuvans. The vaccine can easily be
    produced in large quantities. Excellent for mass vaccinations. A single 2,000
    liter reactor can produce 35 g of antigen per day, which would be enough for 1
    million people. A high-density culture system creates five times the amount.
    Within a quarter of a year, vaccine could be produced for 80% of Germany's
    population in a medium-sized laboratory.

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