“Last night was obviously not a good night for our campaign.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks following losses to Joe Biden in several primary states, arguing his campaign was winning the “ideological debate” in the Democratic Party even as it struggled to beat Joe Biden. https://abcn.ws/2TW0bP0
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i'm glad bernie's stupid ideas – are failures. the taxes are too high , on working class. poor bernie , can live in a dumpster. loser greens. billionaires owe greens and poor – nothing.
Look now you haters 🖕ðŸÂ¾ BIDEN HARRIS 2020👊ðŸÂ¾
Oh wow who would have thought
sanders is a fraud and weak👎👎👎
Bernie is a TWO-TIME LOSER? PAID OFF A G A I N!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW! Gotta watch this🤫ðŸ¤ÂÂÂÂ🤥
Dear Bernie, please run as an independent. Democracy. is on the line. Biden can't win. The two parties have presented us with two mentally ill candidates. You are our only hope.
Bernie sanders is a good and great man but he will bounce back and give Joe Biden a run for his money. This other candidate might have a say in this presidential raceâ€â€ÂÂÂâ€â€ÂÂÂhttps://youtu.be/F8GkFVMqCbM
We need Bernie in the White House. If you believe in “We The People…,†instead of Drug Companies, Fossil Fuel Companies, Insurance Companies and the Super Wealthy(top 1%) – he is the only choice. If believe in:  “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…†We need Bernie in the White House. If you believe in “We The People…,†instead of Drug Companies, Fossil Fuel Companies, Insurance Companies and the Super Wealthy (top 1%) – he is the only choice. If believe in: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…†then you must vote for Sanders. Just think about who the Founding Fathers would support; or Jesus, Buddha and Gandhi would support – the choice is clear. And not only that, but vote for Bernie and you will be in good company!
In spite of the fact that Bernie doesn't have a chance in hell of winning the nomination, instead of coming to help support the effort to get rid of a man who is so corrupt and delusional that he approached a German firm trying to buy the EXCLUSIVE rights to a cure to a world pandemic, Bernie is stomping his feet and complaining that he's the victim of voter suppression. How is that helping the people? That's fanaticism and an overwhelming interest in self. I previously supported Bernie, but during this national emergency (Trump), Bernie needs to take his ass home and pout in private – THAT'S what's in the interest of the American people. If Bernie can't see that, everything else he's spewing is just political rhetoric designed to promote his own interests.
Our primary objective is to get Trump’s ass out of office, and Bernie staying in the race and promising “pie in the sky†and free unicorn rides is not going to accomplish that objective. If Bernie really cared about the American people and all of the rhetoric he’s spewing, he’d stop being so divisive and place the interest of the American people above his hurt feelings and wounded ego. That’s why about a month ago I turned my back on decades of support for Bernie. I believe in following truth wherever it leads and regardless of who’s ox it gores. So after taking a fresh look at Bernie, I began to recognize that demagogues aren't new in American politics, and we've got to learn to spot them, regardless to how painful it is to accept. After all, I owe my greatest loyalty to myself.
He should have figured out by now that America just doesn't want a Communistic government! "We grew up in a FREE country, and we want our grand children to do the same"!
I don't know what it's going to take for Established Democrats to understand that we are repeating history if Biden beats Sanders. Trump will dominate Biden heavily, defeating him as he defeated Hillary. Bernie is the perfect match for an outsider like Trump. They have a similar ground movement pull on their supporters. They both galvanize the masses.
Bernie and Biden are both garbage
bernie will never be president because the truth hurts for americans.
Bernie is a pathetic push over
Everyone in my small business community is already seeing losses and client cancellations during this epidemic. We are taking a hit and it's only week 1. Who knows how long this epidemic could last. All Trump has offered small businesses is low interest loans: more debt not relief. Nothing substantive for the people, but already trillions of our tax money to bolster the bottom lines of the rich. $1.5 trillion for Wall Street and $2.6 billion for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Biden will do the same: protect only the rich, throw us crumbs. This epidemic will be the nail in the coffin of the middle class if we don't get someone like Bernie in the White House to protect and invest in us during this national crisis.
This is Joe Biden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSu3khaJunE
Here for Bernie tears 😠Feel the Bern ðŸâ€ÂÂÂÂ¥
They Should Put Clown Suits On Bernie And Joe Biden.
This is a replay of 2016. Staunch Bernie followers are starting to look like Trump followers. After reading the recent article in NY Post about seeking revenge on Biden. WHAT ???? WHY ??? What did Biden do ? Because he is most likely going to be the Democrat that goes against Trump ?? I've always said , No matter who runs against the Oompa loompa , I will vote Democratic. But here we go again with Bernie people sitting on their ass and throwing a hissy fit and deciding NOT to vote at all , or voting for the spray tanning so called President. Get real people , I don't want to hear your belly aching after you get another 4 years of Dictatorship and Communist OOMPA LOOMPA DOOPITY DA TIMES. But its a free country to be stupid. Stuck on Stupid again.
awww cmon, Joe Biden is a NO BRAINER get it hahaha
Can I ask a serious question to the “progressives†out there? Joe Biden is KILLING it with the black vote, which is a big reason he’s in the lead, and will likely win. So, progressives, are you going to start blaming the “evil black man†when it’s all over and done with, and Joe’s officially the nominee? I’m just wondering how you’re going to assimilate the black vote for Biden into your victimhood. Any ideas?
Boomers gotta ruin everything again
joe biden couldnt win against trump, with or without bernie dropping out. he doesnt have a strong enough presence to tackle a guy like that NOR does he have the mental/intelectual power to debate well. everyones convinced he can win and bernie cant because thats all his campaign is, and it is misleading. even if he wins office, he will do nothing. the country will become stagnant, with the occasional policy that makes things Worse for everyone. you do not want that fucking guy. america needs someone who will Do Something.