The deal will increase the debt limit through early December.
Senate strikes debt ceiling deal

Were going to keep inflating untill the dollar bill is worth absolutely nothing.
The Government is 16 Trillion Dollars in debt. Instead of going after China for virus reparations, Old Joe keeps beating the drum to raise our taxes and increase our burdens.
Shortly after this agreement Chuck Shumer bashed Republicans. This offended the 11 Republicans that put their own necks on the line to join Democrats and pass the bill that puts off the crisis until December.
Now Republicans have vowed to never bail Chuck Shumer out again and advised the Democrats that they are on their own. If Democrats want to govern alone then let them.
Democrats should take that advice serious. They should immediately prepare to raise the debt ceiling through reconciliation. And if they don't… It proves Democrats want to destroy this country.
Update: Mitch McConnell pretended to get butthurt by a speech in the Senate so he isn't going to do his job anymore to pay off the debt which he personally voted to amass these past 30 years. Who would have thought that multiple 20-year long foreign war(s) and ungodly tax cuts would cost money?? This is unacceptable behavior from someone who is supposed to be a leader. It shouldn't be up for debate whether or not the USA should pay debts we knowingly accumulated for petty political squabbling. He knows that ~90% of his supporters do not understand the first thing about how monetary/fiscal policy works (or the Senate for that matter) and he is using their profound ignorance as a weapon against the Democrats. We need better economic education in the US (especially in the South…it's SO baddd down here where I live. I don't know how we haven't blown ourselves up by now.)
Dont care either way they still dont help ss
It's seems instead of paying off debt they just raise it up 😆imagine if we did that with our mortgage
Because of the DemocRATS stupidity the day when no one will loan anything to the US because it is evident the US is bankrupted is too close… it will matter nothing how high the debt ceiling could be. Who is the US going to ask for money? The American dream must be obtained by working hard, and by being financially responsible instead of asking everybody else to lend us money. Where is the American Pride?
Why do these people keep telling lies? They already said the money is not there and it will run out October 18, 2021. How you know they are lying, if they came up with a deal it would be no reason to vote again in December….😡😡😡😡
Why increase debt ceiling temporarily. Just remove it altogether and stop this drama for taking place every few months
Rep party has gone crazy. Im glad mconnal is coming to his senses a little . Congress shouldnt be allowed to hold each other hostage. Its all about the americans not the rich republicans. We the people not we the rep party wanting to default and let all americans suffer because the rep. Have all their pockets lined with taxpayers and big corpporation money. It discracfull and they should get down on thier knees and ask for Gos forgivness and Americas forgivness and do whats right. God help America i ask in Jesus name Amen
Short term extension will become long term extension. Hold my beer.
11 fake republicans.
We know what 11 fake azz Republicans we need to rid ourselves of.
The real question is who is collecting the interest and principal owed?
(Psalm 34.) 5. Look to him, and be enlightened; and his faces shall not be confounded.6 This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him from all his troubles.
Is his heart sometimes broken and hopeless? Know that Christ is the rock of our salvation.
On the cross, Jesus conquered death and hell. The heavy judgment of condemnation that was upon us, He took it upon Himself, for us, overcame everything. All endured for loving us. Seek it with all your heart. Ask forgiveness. Say prayers. Always read the bible. You are precious to God. Good Morning. ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂ🌹🌹🌺🌺🌷🌷🌹
Rigged 2020
You are SAVED by BELIEVING in JESUS CHRIST who DIED for ALL sin to SAVE ALL who BELIEVE in HIM. PROMISED ETERNAL LIFE by BELIEVING in HIM. He DID ascend to Heaven on the third day. HE IS at the right hand of God. He is preparing a place for ALL who BELIEVE. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for all. Know the truth. Know who IS your Savior. Know that he suffered for ALL. To SAVE ALL. This life is clearly temporary and when you know why then it will confirm the truth even more! SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH. FEAR GOD. NOT MAN. PREACH THE GOSPEL. ITS WHAT JESUS DID! All Glory to God. Look at the world! WATCH ðŸŽÂÂÂÂ
Venezuela ……here we come!!!
Republicans vs. Democrats:
Wow â˜ÂÂÂÂ︠.are so awesome they funds me a legit amount to my bank account today
Wow â˜ÂÂÂÂ︠are so awesome they funds me a legit amount to my bank account today
This seems stupid, raising the debt ceiling?!!? Or deciding not to spend a certain amount!! The government is in charge of spending the money and printing the money!! They have been making all the decisions including all the stuff we don't know about such as the lost 9 trillion dollars that was part of the black budget programs!!! That money still missing!!!
The U.S. West Coast crude oil leak has destroyed the marine ecosystem and destroyed the fisheries industry. To make matters worse, if Japan releases Fukushima nuclear contaminated water from next year, the biggest damage will be the west coast of the United States.Nevertheless, Japanese new Prime Minister Kishida announced that he would release contaminated water as Prime Minister Abe planned. Will President Biden just pretend not to know? Except for Japan from the military alliance, the United States, South Korea, and Russia must take over, rule, and check China.
The reason why it is difficult for the United States to truly ally with the Japanese.
1. During World War II, they attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, sacrificing thousands of young Americans.
2. The U.S. pretended to be an absurd victim of killing a Japanese civilian by the atomic bomb of Hiroshima and Nakasaki. – An absurd request to apologize to the U.S.
3. If the Peace Constitution is revised, far-right forces insist on attacking Washington this time – to restore the honor of World War II's defeat.
Therefore, eradication of Japan is for human peace.
Don’t listen to any of these retards in these comments. Especially me I’m the biggest fool of them all. Educate yourself, debt ceiling will be reassessed in December
The government should pay down their debt before borrowing anymore money.
The grand illusion/delusion continues. The greatest slow roll in history.
Don't you mean , click " LEFT " ??!!
What a fucking coward. Mitch is a traitor to the nation. He should have let the government default, and manage the money it has rather then borrowing us into the next darkage.
How about we just eliminate the whole 'debt ceiling' metric and just raise it to some massive number. Somewhere in the sextillion range.
Awful close to what the know illegals have cost in less than a year. Certainly not what we already gave out abroad…..while 30 trillion in debt.
the "war on terror" cost u idiots trillions and now that it's all said and done we live in a more dangerous world today than before. Billionaires love your stupidity.
The government should be funded by taxes from sales and generated by employment not borrowing money from Social Security…
what this mean is these prostitutes we call senators and representatives were able to get their 'piece of the action' that each of them was holding out. Dont think this means that they had your interest at heart. If you think that you are an idiot
Yeah laughing matter for all you high paid individuals…. Nice laugh at the end by both…. It sucks because we 9-5ers will be blown out
Tissue paper currency
Un huh.. and then in December ?
Here we go
Can’t make a budget balance and they want even more! Just say no!
Democrat need stop spending or cut their paid checks.
Government holds it's people accountable to pay their debts or face criminal charges, the people should be able to hold it's government to the same standards and bring them up on criminal charges, gross mismanagement of other peoples money.
It's just best to "do nothing" on the $3.5 Trillion whilst Tricky Nancy is in the House. Democrats always try to hide what they are spending "OUR" money on! Just wait till after the mid terms so the public can think about spending so much money. Its good to think first.