Senate report reveals security, intelligence failures before Capitol riot | WNT

Senate report reveals security, intelligence failures before Capitol riot | WNT

The bipartisan report found that Capitol Police intelligence had uncovered information about the threat of violence weeks before the attack, but failed to disseminate it.




#WorldNewsTonight #CapitolRiot #January6


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38 thoughts on “Senate report reveals security, intelligence failures before Capitol riot | WNT

  1. Um… I'm going to call bull.
    Pilise had ALL THE POWER to pre ent an incident. She wanted it to be as BAD AS POSSIBLE. Contact and cooperation with Antifa.
    And guards opening gates waving people threw… are they the guards that Were suicide? I think the order to shoot Tulsi Gabard was deliberately done to inrage the croud. Get the rage up… to entrap Trump suporters ino ahigh nal state. The shooter said I was just following orders, doing my job… ordered by who? Nasty Pilocrapsie set this up out of hate for Trumpe… his suporters, feared his popularity, because she is the queen of the swamp. The buck stops with her… her responsibility to safe guard, but instead she incited. To incite, makes her the real criminal.
    Blind eye to real… ( convienient ) ANTIFA Looters arsons and rioting anarchists. But to the greatest extent the law allowed for anything Ttump. Can ya see it now?
    Where are the guards caught on camera… waving attendees threw to the capitol. E hat are their names… what were the assigned posts, of the guards that ALEGEDLY COMITTED SUICIDE.?
    Not the crying jag, of Nancy boys, who are hardened veterans, oncharce of security. Instead we get… they frightened me. I wet the bed for weeks after…my feelings were hurt. They said mean stuff. Grow the F-up. Man up… and schiff is a crocodile, tear shedding twat. That is not getting his way!
    It's a shame, we all feel it in our guts. Nuff said.

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  3. Who the F cares if ITS partisan! WE ALL want and deserve the TRUTH! Republican 45 Hypocrisy party doesn’t want the truth known because they ARE GUILTY and it would hurt their ability to win any seats, not to mention keep their own seat. How DARE Mitch even use the term partisan as THAT is ALL he McConnell McCarthy Graham are about!
    Nancy stand UP and GET it DONE!!!
    EXPOSE the TRUTH!!!!

  4. This is what happens when you Steal an Election 🇺🇸

  5. It was a complete set up with BLM and Antifa on site hours before Trump's speech and capital police who murdered an unarmed woman waving people in. Say it like it is or shut up.

  6. So, where were these "Glaring Security Failures" headlines during 10 months of rioting from BLM and Antifa throughout 2020? Is the left still pretending that nothing happened last year?

  7. Oh my god, the insurrection. The insurrection, guys. The insurrection! Did you guys hear about the Capitol insurrection? Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump. Insurrection, Russia, Russia, Trump, Trump, Trump, guys. Did the left crack their skulls? Did they forget about the CHAZ and CHOP insurrections in Portland and Seattle? Was anyone held accountable for allowing the CHAZ and CHOP insurrections to take place for a solid month in those cities? 

    Did CNN, ABC, and MSNBC shove this down our throat when they destroyed a courthouse and took over a police precinct? Did they call them violent insurrectionists or domestic terrorists? No. You see, this is why liberalism is a mental health disorder. Billions of dollars worth of property damage, looted merchandise, and the deaths of a teenager, David Dorn, Dave Patrick Underwood, the cop who died outside a Los Angeles hospital, and a few others meant nothing to the left in 2020.

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  9. Trump planted the seeds of the insurrection when he repeatedly told his cultists that the only way "WE" can lose the election was if it's stolen from "US."

    Using loaded words like "we, us, and them," in an effort to make your followers believe that their fates are directly connected to your fate, is classic-cult brainwashing lingo.
    David Koresh and Jim Jones used the exact same rhetoric on their followers.

  10. We have to ask the GOP’s permission if we can investigate a riot at the Capitol? F the GOP, do an investigation anyway, our democracy is worth protecting.

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