Senate Abruptly Called Into Recess As Protesters Gather Outside Capitol | NBC News NOW

Senate Abruptly Called Into Recess As Protesters Gather Outside Capitol | NBC News NOW

As the Senate debated an objection to the Electoral College vote count, a recess was called as protesters gathered outside the Capitol.
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#ElectoralCollege #Senate #NBCNews

Senate Abruptly Called Into Recess As Protesters Gather Outside Capitol | NBC News NOW


20 thoughts on “Senate Abruptly Called Into Recess As Protesters Gather Outside Capitol | NBC News NOW

  1. Russian riots and thousands are arrested..

    US riots and and a couple of hundred are id'd after broadcasting selfie videos.

    Treason and killing 6 people is less of a crime in the US than being black eating subway sandwiches.

    Inciting murderous riots is acceptable in the US. Democrats and the families of those murdered need to move on?

  2. Pinky power and colonial cronyism are the world's biggest threats, both domestically and internationally..

    Capitol police suffered brain injuries, smashed spinal cords, cracked ribs, eye injuries, stabbings and 6 related deaths.

    The world already associates the US with racism, school shootings, invasions, riots, stupidity and lying.

    Treasonous Traitor Trump deserves a multiple life jail sentence for each of the six murders. RIP Brian Sicknick.

  3. Churchill's "We shall fight them on the beaches" speech was made at the UK Parliament House of Commons on 4 June 1940.

    6 June 1944 four years later, Churchill was nowhere to be seen on the beaches of Normandy.

    Traitor Trump's "We're gonna walk down Pennsylvania Avenue and we're going to the Capitol" speech was made at the white house.

    6 January 2021 Traitor Trump and his family hid in the white house bunker watching the riots and the 6 murders he incited on TV..

  4. Dear God🙏♥️ in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.
    I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.
    You said in the bible that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.
    Right now I confess Jesus as my Lord. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Amen.

  5. The Gospel of salvation: 💜💕💜💖💞💜💕For what I received I passed on to you as of [first importance]: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,  that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve.  After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time,

  6. 🤫Alert 🚨 I watch Newsmax and One America 🇺🇸 news and get real news. Stop watching bias fake news put out by CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, New York Times, Washington Post to name a few fake news sources.

  7. The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes everyone on earth; his eyes examine them. The Lord examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion. On the wicked he will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur; a scorching wind will be their lot.

    Psalms 11:4‭-‬6

  8. Trump has manipulate and swayed his base for years. He knows how they act, what they say and how they respond. With his talk of walking up to the capitol during his speech and taking the country back by "Not showing weakness," as well as Rudy Giuliani's talk of "Trial by combat" along with toxic rhetoric by others present at the Pennsylvania Avenue speech; means they knew exactly what they were doing.

    There is no alternative meanings or innuendo; what they said is what they meant. There is no other way to take those comments. Not to mention the rallies with crowds chanting "Fight for Trump!", which recently occurred in Georgia. What other way would they "fight," since the facts aren't on their side but conspiracy, lies & violence?

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