Sen. Ted Cruz reacts to coronavirus response, quarantine experience

Sen. Ted Cruz reacts to coronavirus response, quarantine experience

The senator discusses the urgency of making testing available to citizens.


37 thoughts on “Sen. Ted Cruz reacts to coronavirus response, quarantine experience

  1. So TX put this dumb sob back in, you reap what you sow. How did the hurricane relief work out for you? I always thought instead of any businesses getting monies, even in the 2008 crash, that all the American people should have been given the money, maybe 10,000+, and their spending, saving and paying off bills would have decided what banks or businesses made it or failed. Now we have Emperor crazy and his thieving band of merry men lining their pockets and giving it to whomever.
    Trump's new red hat, YOYO "You're On Your Own". Also descriptive of Trump. ©

    Trump: Without Coronavirus Testing ‘We Would Have Very Few Cases.

    Trump to teacher, “Without testing you won't find out how stupid I am”. ©

  2. HAY Teddy,,,, Enjoy Your Hurricane because your Buddy Lord General Donald Cornwallis Trump is done left you & the infected masses of Texas,,,, Soaking Wet, Starving & Without Shelter. “ You Get The Life You Deserve “ Teddy.

  3. I can’t believe how Americans can actually prize this IDIOT on all his BS, he was removed from the president election because he doesn’t have any brains and the same for RUBIO, we can’t have tacos eating arroz con pollo cubans communist in our country specially speaks to be our president, now he is defending trump in order to get re-elected in texas, well texas is ok because lots of Mexicans there and he fits right in with the them, GO U.S.A

  4. This is not new everyone has known this morning tv come from the other side more lies it will never stop and less we put a stop to it time to continue military tribunals

  5. No creo que la izquierda-socialista-democrata y los
    medios falsos. Si ganan en Noviembre,
    perderemos AMERICA y nuestro pais se convertira en Venezuela !
    TRUMP-2020 !

  6. Must suck to be a US citizen right now with a totally incompetent government. Probably Trump has it and is spreading it around to hundreds of people because he’s too vain to go into quarantine lol
    Then he will start to brag about how he was the one who spread it to the most people. 🤣

  7. 🤮

  8. Has two encounters with infected, doctors say no reason to test. Total of 8000 tests so far in US. Some are saying over 11,000 but that's counting some people twice because they have to test you multiple times. South Korea where they have successfully gotten the virus under control are testing 20,000 a day. This slow response, arrogance and seemingly lack of understanding how contagious this is even with NO symptoms is a reason this thing has most likely already spread like wildfire here in the US.

  9. It’s not complicated, Raphael. Germany developed the tests months ago and trump didn’t want it. It’s your party that’s fucking it all up.

  10. For the senators self quarantine means they’re going on vacation on our tax dollars


    Joseph McCarthy/Ted Cruz (They even sound alike; with similar Politics):

    Are we…ever more demonstrably…ALL Cosmic prisoners on an anciently "SET-UP", Galactic…(& insanely sadomasochistic!)…


    My suggestion? Try exploring this "1947 Roswell Alien Crash" Related Info:

    AND…Here's an excellent interview of Lawrence R. Spencer; the editor & publisher of the "1947 Roswell Alien Interview"…

    Oh…and…RE the whole, all-too related, 9/11 (IMNSHO) Horrifying…LONGTIME Governmental FRAUD…

    for anyone with a truly brave: "YES! I CAN handle the Truth!"…Rational/SKEPTICAL…yet, still: "Open minded/& always seeking the REAL & FULL (as is humanly possible) TRUTH"?…a very nice (if, indeed, rather disturbing) overall summary; leading to the obvious conclusion that:

    "WAR is THE all-time RACKET":

    BTW…Posted with LOVING & PEACEFUL intentions…ALWAYS! 🙂

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