Sen. Rand Paul Objects To ‘Sham’ Impeachment Trial Of Former President Trump | NBC News NOW – Car Mod Pros Portal

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., spoke on the Senate floor to voice his objection to the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, calling it a “sham” and “dark blot on the history of our country.”
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#RandPaul #Impeachment #NBCNews

Sen. Rand Paul Objects To ‘Sham’ Impeachment Trial Of Former President Trump | NBC News NOW


By carmodpros


21 thoughts on “Sen. Rand Paul Objects To ‘Sham’ Impeachment Trial Of Former President Trump | NBC News NOW”
  1. Im glad Rand Paul switched his poistion on Trump. 5 years ago Rand hated Trump, but of course that was before Trump got into office and showed the world what an amazing leader he was. He's one of the very few people I'll accept changing their poistion on Trump, and that's only becuase he's a smart man and an incredible speaker.

  2. "Sham"

    Word most often used by brainwashed Trump supporters to describe investigations into the corruption and violations of President Trump, usually without further arguments or explanation.

  3. It's in legal for a private citizen rampaul is correct he knows all too well what happens I saw his dad get ripped Apart by the mainstream Media quite like the English Royal Family have had it the store the angry people from the summer it's a simple as that the problem is you can only push the American people too far it was the biggest acting I've ever seen people pretending they're getting gassed with onions in their hands the man with a spear and the horns on his head was being guided around by TV cameras and told where to stand and it's an absolute Sham

  4. Another sham trial after he left office. Why am I not shocked? 😂

  5. rand paul is full of absurd lies, put in his mouth by the best ventriloquist Trump. A True Coward Chicken! Stop wasting the Senator's time , and spreading your saliva infected with covid and focus on the most important major issues. Convicting TRUMP will pave the way for the return of Democratic USA.

  6. The new terms are Trumpian and Bidenese.. 🤣🤣🤣

  7. Wonder how much $$$ Rand is making on Trump's payroll? Th GOP crooks know that Trump is dangerous and must be held accountable for the deaths and the riots he himself orchestrated.

  8. It's time to start removing Rogue senators who continue misdirection, misleading with no answers to today's problems where they are expected to resolve example for 8 yrs he's caused nothing but confusion instead of resolve .. having a seat as a senator is a privilege not a right as per article's in the constitution ! It's been almost a 1oo yrs ago Senators were removed & jailed for unlawful treasonous acts against the The United states government exactly like today. We must not fear exercising or condemning the very same acts committed today against We the People's !

  9. President Trump was a great President and kept our nation free! Biden is going to destroy our country by opening the borders and allowing immigrants from all over to enter!!!! What a disaster that will be! Eventually our country will be a socialist /communist /freedom less country!!!!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

  10. This is great!! Impeach Joe Bite me and Tomato Harris for their crimes. Then go after those who allowed the rioting, looting and murder intheir own states that they labelled as a preacful demonstration. America wake up before you are called The United States of China.

  11. Greetings:

    Well now …….

    …..Consider the following:

    Members of the House impeach (charge) a President during his last days/weeks in office with one or more high* crimes or misdemeanors.

    Impeachment trials can take days, weeks and even months to reach a conclusion.

    From what I am able to determine:

    A Senate Impeachment Trial of a sitting President that results in a conviction requires his immediate removal from office the moment the gavel strikes.

    The Senate may, with an additional vote, also ban the former President from holding office in the future.


    Should a President be allowed to avoid a Senate Trial (and potential removal from office or other punishment if convicted) simply because he resigns or that his term might well run out before such a trial can even begin or run its course?

    I feel that most would would agree that this cannot happen.

    Conversely, should a President be allowed an opportunity to commit high crimes during his waning days in office with the knowledge that he could not be impeached and tried before his incumbency ends?

    Again, I suspect that most would say that this should not be the case.

    (Could it therefore be assumed that the framers of the Constitution would have answered these two questions similarly?)

    Now, given the above….

    It would be my understanding that a Senate Impeachment Trial that convicts a former President (either resigned or left office at conclusion of his term) would also enable the Senate to vote and permanently ban the former President from ever holding …’Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States.’

    I do not believe that such a decree, once made, can be rescinded.

    I may be in error, but I believe….

    A civilian court trial conviction for ‘high’ crimes committed by a former President may not be able to effect such a ban from holding office to the degree granted the Senate by the Constitution following an impeachment trial conviction.

    This is a very important distinction, in my opinion, that is portent to the survival of the United State’s constitutional democracy.

    Stay Well….

    *’high’ referring to someone holding a high position in government. In the 1700’s this would would have referred to a crime or misdemeanor committed by a King, Queen, etc. (Colonies under English rule) or a sitting President, Congressman, Secretary of War, etc. (United States Government).

  12. Impeachment should be held off until FBI and other investigative authorities are completed with Capitol Hill investigations. A guilty Senator should not be allowed to vote on Trump's impeachment!

  13. The senators who voted  against impeachment are forsworn.  For over 4 year I have blamed the Trump, the GOP and conspiracy media, for the destruction of our democracy and values, I was wrong!  The

  14. An executive has volunteered to provide pillows for all Democrats for their comfort during the impeachment trial. I think the Democrats should check what is inside the pillows before using them.

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