Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., discusses his new book The Violence Inside Us: A Brief History of an Ongoing American Tragedy on the historical causes of gun violence in the U.S.
Sen Murphy: Guns throw kerosene on the fire of American conflict

"Pet Cemetary" political governance theory
This is the method (Pet Keeping and pet value of its life) by which monarchies operate in an authoritarian system for utilitarian purpose , its' crude or basic essence is there are two ranks of people, aristocracy and
commoner of that the commoner is of essence descript as only the value of a "kept pet" while "living lifestyle circumstances" are good and healthy.
Because by this binary structure of rank system , the power and economics and its final ownership and workings belong by vast quantity to a tiny minority (the aristocracy) and the majority population are commoner, the
"living being alive value" of any individual commoners' life and citizency in economics terms and power influence terms of any granted rank or all of them collectively makes them best described as "pets (as in a context of
a kept pet animal)" while also this too can be given as "a view of the properties and attributes operative mechanisms" also in place to handle , manage and keep them.
— It clearly shows that the commoner is heavily economically subsidized and preparation for subsidized economics to supply to a commoner(or citizen) is in place ready regardless their personal economic status.
— It clearly shows that their living (allowed to be alive as a non "threat" (e.g. threat = criminal) value as a commoner to law enforcement officers and authorities is no better than how cooperative to authority manipulation
they are and effectively their lives(alive or dead) are the same value as a criminals' life (alive or dead) in an enforcement situation, that being , the human tool collateral is being protected by law enforcement NOT the
actual lives of them.
— It produces excess duplicates of types of workers as "deliberate spares" more than actually attempting to screen by training excess numbers to obtain quality as paramount.
(*)– It values completely useless people in huge excess numbers as much as the able bodied or intellectually trained commoner and somewhat as comparatively of criminals when managing rank status for critical service "supply
to" purpose management (e.g. waiting in line).
*note: Of the game Chess, there is an element of binary to its pieces ranking "pawns" , the front row (vastly as a type of piece outnumbers the other piece types) , and special pieces the back row.
This analogy ("Chess") is too simple because it does not relate the structures, contexts and purpose that living creatures posses and are not structured at the specific required level of living beings that are collectively one
unit of people in a governed management structure for living as a community.
She spoke of untraceable guns coming into this country. Wow. A speck of truth. When u can disarm the criminals in mexico, then talk to us in the us about disarming the criminals before disarming the people of the least used weapon in all crimes. The so called assault weapon.
My Red State doesn't have businesses being set on fire each night for a month straight. Strangely, that's limited to "Progressive" cities.
Democrat Chris Murphy is attempting to take political advantage of violence seen in riots in Seattle, Portland, Chicago, and other Democratic cities. It's somehow Donald Trump's fault that AntiFa was born in 2007 in Portland. It's soemhow Trumps fault that Minnesota has a knot of dissidents that has been building for a decade. These things would have NOTHING to do with community organizers that have been working in those cities since Reagan was President. Decades of governing by the Democratic Party has built the problems they now say are the fault of Donald Trump since he has been in office since 2016. My Red State doesn't have businesses being set on fire each night for a month straight. Strangely, that's limited to "Progressive" cities.
The Democratic Party woman says, "Trust us." And Kamala says that while having two armed officers stand behind her shoulders, as she reaches a manicured hand, and says most reasonably, "Now, give me your gun, please…………or else, these two will take your gun. We can't trust you with such things. Trust us; you will see." And the Cheshire cat smoothly spreads a wide smile, showing all of her white teeth.
I agree. Some of the right-wing terrorist that caused trouble in Portland were from Texas.
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Guns should be prohibited where the riots are taking place
This guy… smh.
Ban assault rifles and semi auto weapons.. problem solved. My country needs to quit this gun toting bravado. Unfortunately our culture keeps promoting that.
dude, the quickest way is to stop the damn racism! gotta get gunz
This would still be happening no matter who the president is…. It just happens to be in Trump's term…
Genocide USA, 2020, sponsored by Satan in the White House…..
American beauty. live by the gun, die by the gun mentality.
When The People are denied the right to bear arms,
Then only the Dictators will have the right to bear arms,
as can be seen in the country of
While it is true that the people of
did drive the Dictator of Belarus from
office, the unarmed people of
Belarus suffered much bloodshed,
The first step taken by any
Marxist Movement,
is first to remove guns from any
resistant Freedom Fighter,
Fortunately the
United States Constitution
guarantees the right of the American People to bear arms, to protect themselves from
DNC Marxist Despots,
much like the
Marxist Despot in Venezuela.
Violence is not connected to a weapon , it will happen with or without guns
Guns aren't the problem. And your not getting mine
Senator represents the classic protected childhood he went to law school and has never been exposed to the street violence
IN God We TrustÂÂÂÂÂ
What does it mean? God is in control.
He can do upside down. Fraction of a second But people are ignorant If they would know.
Let lower our tone
And have a thought
How did we reached utmost confusion Loosing job!
Loosing life!
How is this happening?
God is in control
We are in close to self-destruction American economy is on free fall
Who is to blame?
Trump said “ One day, it’ s like a miracle, It will disappear.â€ÂÂÂÂ
But COVID-19 still causing destruction Who is to blame?
Happy! Happy!! Face
It was month of February. Economy is booming. Panic covered on face People are homebound
It was month of April. Thirty millions jobs lost. So quick
How that is happen?
God is in control.
Man still stand tall and are arrogant They would not learn a lesson? God is in control.
Science tell the truth.
“ It’ s a kind of spook, Coronavirus is a small flu.†Trump ignored science
Let people for dying
Who is to blame?
Death bodies were filling up
Read my book from my website.
Especially guns that nobody outside of military combat has any business carrying!
Sorry but can anyone ever remember a candidate that won't take questions from reporters???
He is an idiot. We have to protect ourselves since all criminals have guns and we can’t count with s police who can not do anything g to da e us.
They use blacks as slaves to this day for votes and to stand on their shoulders to cause racial division to bring forth communism