Sen. Feinstein: WH blocked FBI in Kavanaugh probe – Car Mod Pros Portal

The ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee characterized an investigation by the FBI as “very limited.”


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Sen. Feinstein: WH blocked FBI in Kavanaugh probe”
  1. If I was a woman I would be wondering why so many women get a pass on purgery ,treason and unconstitutional bills that violate our Rights and their oath of office? It would make me think men expect us to be ignorant and just give us a pass that they don't afford men. I suspect they think we can't govern and really are too stupid to know better.

  2. The portrayal of information from the 1997 book, “Wasted”, as eyewitness testimony is a hoax. The source of the information was intentionally withheld in an attempt to pass it off as eyewitness testimony. The media tried to cover up the source by claiming the book sells for $2000.00, when in fact it sold for as low as one cent used, before the hoax story broke, and now is available free online. The original handwritten version of the Ford statement with obvious edits was replaced by a different typed version by Senator Feinstein’s staff (with the word, “confidential”, added) to her co-conspirators trying to pass it off as eyewitness testimony rather than fabricated information it actually is. The information is sourced from Mark Judge’s book and there is nothing to confirm the existence of these eyewitnesses. Kavanaugh provided a calendar he kept at the time naming the actual people at the events he attended disproving that the alleged eyewitnesses were there. Leland Ingham Keyser denied knowing Kavanaugh and the events in her statement, but still she was pressured by Monica McLean, a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and Ford's roommate, and others to affirm the statement based on her eyewitness testimony.

    As is well known, Feinstein employed a Chinese spy to head her congressional staff and serve as her driver for twenty years. She allegedly said she thinks she was Chinese in a previous life. Her allegiance has never been to the American people.

  3. I'm 100% sure she tried to get into my pants in kindergarten. I don't remember exactly when or where. I think maybe during recess, but I'm not sure. it has wrecked my life. I didn't let her in, she was just too damn ugly

  4. Comments were disabled on a different thread. I hope Brett Kavanaugh gets nominated the Supreme Court and if not he should run for president to get your crusty old FUGLY ass out of the Senate!!

  5. The Spanish Inquisition and Salem Witch Hunts would also not have accepted an FBI investigation or refuted evidence by witnesses. Everyone is guilty, it is just a question of how much torture they can stand until they confess. Demand that the torture continue.

  6. When word stand against word it is needed to talk to many people to get a proper view. Then it can indicate so much that it becomes adjacent to evidence. According to Feinstein the investigation did not look to be done that way. And what about checking on the truthfulness in the hearing, as said is very important, did the FBI look into that? maybe they were not asked to do that by the White House and therefore did not do that?Christopher Wray and Kavanaugh are old classmates I read also. Will the public ever know what was inside the documents from the investigation? I will have a hard time to accept Kavanaugh as a member of the Supreme Court! People have to go and vote in midterm and change this Republican agenda.

  7. Lying lying lying old bag. They should exonerate her for exposing Dr Ford to this horrific experience. I fell super sad for Dr Ford being used by Her. Sad. He would probably admit it

  8. I was there, I had to leave, the report is in parts… But it looks incomplete…?!? How would she know if she had to leave? Also, what was more important that she had to leave? She probably had to pay the parkland school dad that she invited to confront Kavanaugh. I can't wait to vote Republican in November!!!!

  9. The FrankenFeinSTEIN Witch says at time 1:12 to 1:20 re: FBI final report that She "DID NOT READ IT ALL, SHE HAD TO LEAVE!!" What the FREAKIN HECK?? The most important report EVER that she is supposed to digest and understand and she thinks SHE IS TOO IMPORTANT TO TAKE A FEW MINUTES AND READ AND UNDERSTAND. She is a Clueless Criminal ignoring that Fords testimony has failed the basic rules of evidence. And yet after being caught in illegal tactics of delay and lies, SHE CONTINUES TO PULL EVEN MORE TRICKS TODAY, AGAIN to squirm out of being guilty of leaks and delay of evidence. When Kav is voted in, she needs to be called into the light AND CHARGED for what they did and are still attempting to do. THEN NEXT, SPY GATE of FBI FISA Courts, Dossier NEEDS TO BE THE NEWS CYCLE TO EXPOSE AND BRING INDICTMENTS FOR THE LEFTIST CRIMES of 2016 & 2017-18. THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE REALLY DELAYING BEING EXPOSED BEFORE MIDTERM VOTING. HERE COMES THE RED WAVE OF TRUTH!!

  10. Pelosi is failing to PROVE ANYTHING!!!!!!!! She complains about SENATE RULES that EVERYONE FOLLOWED!!!!! Not a WORD about Dr. FORDS LIES!!!!!! 2 doors, FOR A RENTAL ENTRY!!!! FEAR OF FLYING? A LIE!!! WHO DID YOU TALK TO ABOUT KAV? LIES!!! Don't be puppets to these DRAMACRATS!!!!!!!!!!! Vote TEAM TRUMP!!!!!!!

  11. Let's investigate Feinstein and her husband for the exclusive real estate contract with US Postal service. It's time to remove this corruption for good! Americans unite to fight for anti corruption on all fronts!

  12. Now they Can toss Ford to the side and waste another month saying the Investigation was not properly conducted put a fuckin sock in it Feinstein!

  13. What she's saying is simply untrue. As confirmed by the Hearing Committee a few hours ago, the FBI were not restricted in who they could interview, providing it remained within the time and competency constraints agreed. The FBI extended the interviewees at its own discretion from four to nine. It acted entirely properly and within its agreed powers in doing so. Had it wanted to extend that list further, it could have done so, but determined it had everything needed. Sen Feinstein is reduced to just making stuff up.

  14. Even Feinstein recognizes the FBI's ten-minute investigation was designed to exonerate the guy who said, "We are a group of loud, obnoxious drinkers with prolific pukers among us. We welcome girls with open pussies."

  15. White house did not block Fbi investigation. The judiciary committee picked who to interview. Those interviews bright out New names and Fbi interviewed them. Feinstein quit blaming the president. You have no right to. Look at your lying ass self. U r being investigated for ruining two families. Shame on u.

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