Sen. Elizabeth Warren officially announces 2020 presidential bid

Sen. Elizabeth Warren officially announces 2020 presidential bid

The Massachusetts senator joins a field of at least six other candidates hoping to challenge President Donald Trump.


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39 thoughts on “Sen. Elizabeth Warren officially announces 2020 presidential bid

  1. 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍

  2. Warren should quit but she wants to play kingmaker at the convention; she’s thinking of her political future and screwing the progressive agenda. “To hell with values and morality” she says, this is about MY OWN political future. And then she comes and sells herself as a decent person.

  3. As the Washington Examiner's Becket Adams noted, “Elizabeth Warren sure does lie a lot about her background.” The real question, though, is why does she mislead the public so often?

    Sadly, her backers are basically on a slightly remodeled version of the Hillary Clinton Express. I guess when you have the same lobbyists you also get the same 'house of cards style' corruption of truth and integrity.

  4. Tulsi gabbard 2020 she’s the vote warren is Hilary Clinton on whey protein not hgh I swear if she gets elected this country is more fucked up then I thought she pretended to be Indian for fuck sake I’m begging the American people Bernie and warren are gonna get rolled by trump plz vote tulsi gabbard she’s the only one who has a chance

  5. Now you may exit stage Left. We're done with you. It's not because we've raised Sanders to some God level. He's not untouchable or flawless. But he has integrity. You made a non-aggression pact. And if he'd said that, like literally said that, you should have backed out of that pact. I mean if he's a sexist, you'd sit back and let him deceive us?? So there is no okay way to see waiting 13 months to tell the truth and certainly unforgivable to wait to tell a lie. Bye

  6. It is amazing that Pocahontas Warren isn't hiding her head in shame for lying about having native American ancestry. She is obviously a liar so why would the voter believe anything she has to say? She should be ashamed of herself but alas she has no shame! Now she appears to believe that the founders simply forgot to add that every woman has the right to kill their own baby, as a basic human right.

  7. If Elizabeth Warren becomes president background checks will be expanded for all gun sales and everyone who buys guns will be required by federal law to pass a background check along with a criminal background check and criminals and convicted felons and people who were criminals will not be allowed to buy firearms in the United States and will need a license to buy firearms from all firearm sellers

  8. If Elizabeth Warren becomes president the amount of years needed for kids to go to school and graduate will be longer because kids will have to go from elementary school straight up to college and a high school diploma will be a thing of the past and college will no longer require a high school diploma and kids will be required by law to take drivers ed along with the fact that kids will have to go to college when they are finished with high school and kids will need to have at least a doctorate degree in college in order to get a college diploma and graduate and the amount of years kids will have to go to school to have a complete education will be 16 years and some people who choose to serve in the military will have to go through military school to serve in the military and college will no longer cost money and student loans will become a thing of the past and everyone who has student loans will have their student loans eliminated and forgiven and will end up no longer having student loans

  9. Elizabeth Warren has "NOTHING" !  On President Trump .  She runs against Trump,  the Democrats will FALL !  Trump 2020 !  Democrats and Far Liberal Leftist's are crashing and burning !

  10. Lizzy Warren is so amazing I just can't wait to vote for her : ). All of her policies will be amazing for the economy and with an amazing economy, the poor will be uplifted because in all nations where the economy has been socialized, the poor do better. The strategy is if you bankrupt the whole economy and make everyone poor and make the deficit huge than the poor will then be doing as well as the middle class and the rich. Come on all you dummies, Everything is relative! Anyone who thinks otherwise is a racist, a sexist, an alt right, a misogynist, an egoist, a non-globalist, a Brexitphobe, a transphobe, a homophobe…. Did I miss anything? How did I do youtube/Google? Did I get the narrative right and can I now post and not get cancelled?

  11. She is stealing Bernie's MED4ALL statements; she stole his agenda; and behind the scenes, is cutting deals with corporations, the Clintons and the DNC to take big-dollar donations and rigg it for herself. This is what Trump wants; he wants Warren to get it because he does not fear her. Trump and the republicans fear Sen. Bernie Sanders but the people can't see or smell their fear. No one wants Bernie's message as it is a game-changer and a win-win scenario. Warren is acquiescence; half the folks are voting for her due to her sex just to have a woman in the play. They care little for her self honor (i.e., lying on Native Americans), flip-flopping (i.e., Republican first and then democrat, for the Trump military budget and then for progressive values), stealing Bernie's agenda (i.e., so she won't be on the wrong side like Hillary in 2016), and betrayal (i.e., she praised Hillary after not supporting a fellow progressive Bernie in 2016 only to admit to CNN that she agreed the DNC rigged the 2016 nomination for Hillary). This is how I can determine that Warren despite the marketing glitter and smiles has little to no honor and integrity. Only Sen. Bernie Sanders represents the people.

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