Sen. Bernie Sanders addresses the state of his campaign | ABC News

Sen. Bernie Sanders addresses the state of his campaign | ABC News

Speaking for the first time since yesterdays primaries when the Vermont senator was outperformed by former Vice President Joe Biden, Sanders vowed to fight on, saying Trump “must be defeated.”

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48 thoughts on “Sen. Bernie Sanders addresses the state of his campaign | ABC News

  1. Love sanders ❤️❤️❤️

  2. The delicates should not dictate who wins the election. The people represents our country. Don’t give up Bernie.

  3. As an interested European following what is happening in america, i have changed from the Trump-camp to the Bernie-camp.
    I liked Trump because he seemed to be a no nonsene straight forward man,
    what we miss in europe, but… Sanders really shows the attitude of how
    a civiliced country MUST be. Otherwise it will go on as before in the
    US, the super wealthy feeds of the working masses. But please guys… forget about Biden, he is seriously unfit and a real danger.

  4. He has already lost by calling trump a religious bigot.

    US has too many religious fanatics, if want to be a president need to side with them to win,
    even if have to lie otherwise won't win.

  5. "I really like everything Bernie stands for, but i think the guy with borderline alzheimers who insults people at his ralleys and has not a single noteworthy policy to run on is better suited for office."
    -democratic voters

  6. Both Trump and Biden will push a lot of young voters to the right! None will fucking take adress the global problems we're facing properly and swiftly!!!!
    When it comes to it, I guess voting Biden for a marginally better policy on climate change makes somewhat sense but fucking hell, that's a big and disgusting fucking pill to swallow. If it wasn't for that, it would absolutely make sense to show the DNC they need to change and change quickly if they ever want to elect anyone again.

  7. To those who think Biden can beat Trump, sorry I don’t see it happen. Bernie is the one with a better chance. I am sure Trump can’t or won’t treat Bernie like he has with his opponents.

    In spite of the fact that Bernie doesn't have a chance in hell of winning the nomination, instead of coming to help support the effort to get rid of a man who is so corrupt and delusional that he approached a German firm trying to buy the EXCLUSIVE rights to a cure to a world pandemic, Bernie is stomping his feet and complaining that he's the victim of voter suppression. How is that helping the people? That's fanaticism and an overwhelming interest in self.
    I previously supported Bernie, but during this national emergency (Trump), Bernie needs to take his ass home and pout in private – THAT'S what's in the interest of the American people. If Bernie can't see that, everything else he's spewing is just political rhetoric designed to promote his own interests.
    Our primary objective is to get Trump’s ass out of office, and Bernie staying in the race and promising “pie in the sky” and free unicorn rides is not going to accomplish that objective. If Bernie really cared about the American people and all of the rhetoric he’s spewing, he’d stop being so divisive and place the interest of the American people above his hurt feelings and wounded ego.
    That’s why about a month ago I turned my back on decades of support for Bernie. I believe in following truth wherever it leads and regardless of who’s ox it gores. So after taking a fresh look at Bernie, I began to recognize that demagogues aren't new in American politics, and we've got to learn to spot them, regardless to how painful it is to accept. After all, I owe my greatest loyalty to myself. (MORE)

  9. Sanders is making things harder. Quick to question Biden when he’s for the gun companies. Weird! Don’t troll me either,

  10. I'm not sure what the future will bring but I make this promise that if Bernie does not get the nomination I will try to influence the Bernie or Bust group to vote Blue, and I will also start a movement for a new third party which, if Bernie agrees, will be called Social Democracy. I want to see this country change before I die because I have been dreaming about this for over 30 years ever since I met Bernie as a college student. I am 59, and I've been accused by Trump supporters who don't know me that I am a mindless millenial, I love it because I instantly lose 29 years. When I inform them that I am 59, have a degree in history, political science and have a glancing knowledge of historic and modern foreign affairs and I can effectively counter every ridicules lie that Trump tells them they are shocked. Even Bernie is not aware that among my numerous friends, a number of whom are either in my age group and some are in their 70's and we support him wholeheartedly. This is not a battle between different generations because we all agree that politics have become so corrupt that we are at a loss as to what to do should Bernie not receive the nomination. We are very well aware that the large media outlets have demonized Bernie and that has affected peoples belief that he is not electable. I pray he gets the nomination because some of us are tempted to write-in Bernie Sanders in States that allow write in votes and let the DNC burn to the ground because they are no better than the GOP and they demonstrated that very ably by creating special rules to allow billionaire Bloomberg to join the race and debate at the 11th hour. My groups sent Bloomberg's FaceBook site messages that his joining the race had demonstrated to all of us that the DNC was as corrupt, if not more corrupt, than the GOP. We also did a write in campaign to the DNC stating the exact same message. The DNC is sending me 10 texts a day asking for money to turn the Senate and the House Blue and I have given them pennies on the dollar because I'd rather see them burn. They are shocked that their grass roots support has dried up. Finally Bloomberg retired from the field but gave his delegates to Biden as did Buttigieg. I am praying that Warren will have the courage of her convictions and give her delegates to Bernie because I don't believe that sleepy-Joe has what it takes to debate Trump and win. A young friend of mine calls Biden – Trump Lite. I will check back for comments good or bad. Can we survive another 4 years of Trump? Unfortunately people like myself are so sickened by politics as they are that we all may go for Bernie or Bust but that is what Trump is counting on. If you've gotten this far I would like to read your comments and your position on a new party.

  11. This breaks my heart. He’s such a good person and he’s losing to a senile figurehead of the democratic establishment. It’s infuriating. 😤 This is the media’s fault – they have never given bernie’s campaign a fair shot.

  12. I don’t understand what electability means, when Bernie has been elected by so many to win the nomination for President.Electability=ability to be elected.

  13. I'm Voting for Bernie Sanders. 🇺🇲
    Bernie has the balls to stand up and fight for the little guy. I'm surprised Biden is forming complete sentences again. Trump is a childish businessman who tweets classified national security information, and has put Americans at risk.

  14. Even if Biden wins and beats Trump so what? What do we have to look forward to? 4 years of typical establishment bullshit? 4 more years of no change, no universal healthcare, no minimum wage boost, etc?

  15. Sanders wants something that is normal here in most countries in Europa. Come on guys, with Corona virus, wouldn't you like to have affordable health insurance and don't have to go to work and still get paid.

  16. Folks, watch this:

    BERNIE & BIDEN will NEVER be the PRESIDENT of the USA!

    Have a great day to y’all

  17. Wow, listening to this, you can see his strategy. He's actually throwing a lifeline to Joe Biden here. It is not a concession speech, but a means to take Biden to task before he does actually concede. He's prepping to help unite the left to defeat Trump, which, at the end of the day, is the primary objective. Admirable indeed, sir. I salute you!

  18. Vote and donate to the Bernie sanders movement 2020. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️

  19. He sees the bigger picture. I love Bernie but the writings on the wall. He knows that we need to remove trump from office or the alternative result will be detrimental. He knows that if he doesnt succeed and given the choice between trump and joe biden, Biden would be a better leader. And he would have a much better chance advancing some of his aggressive policies with Biden than he ever would with Donald Trump. Very smart man. He doesnt want his supporters to lose hope or give up. I love him even more now

  20. Apart from Trump, all the challengers were concentrating on Bloomberg, no one attacked Bernie. Now Bernie is not attacking Biden and still attacking Trump.Unless you are the last man standing.No one has put forward policies to win the mind and hearts of the voters.No doubt Bernie has great ideas but whether it is acceptable to the general public.America is build on capitalism and people created a wealthy country.When you want to dilute,your plans must be feasible and funds to support it.When you cannot find both, your great ideas has no place in the mind of the voters.The other big problem is the mainstream media and the Democratic Party doesn’t want Bernie to be their nominee.Bernie is really marching towards the end of his campaign.

  21. May be it’s good side for Bernie without audience on debate with Biden, let people who watch at home choose wisely who they are going to pick.

  22. Anyone who speaks of condemnation of a standing president is show of classic fear mongering. Take a class in psychic 101 and you will learn who the true psychopathe is here.

  23. Comrades, your aristocrats have deceived you by saying that socialism (communism) is something terrible. But it will be terrible for them (the bourgeoisie). For the rest, socialism will be medicine for the working class.

  24. In other words, he is winning among people who haven't had to take care of themselves yet and understand real world economics. As they go out into the real world and get large doses of reality, they will eventually turn away from this pie in the sky ideology.

  25. You know this is about policy and not winning when you’re man enough to give your opponent the tough questions ahead of time.

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