Semiconductor shortage puts the brakes on car industry | ABC News

Semiconductor shortage puts the brakes on car industry | ABC News

ABC News Deirdre Bolton explains why a shortage of fingernail-sized microchips is stalling the delivery of millions of new vehicles as Americans prepare to hit the road this summer.

ABC News Live Prime, Weekdays at 7EST & 9EST

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30 thoughts on “Semiconductor shortage puts the brakes on car industry | ABC News

  1. Make everything in Asia and assembly them in America???? What could go wrong 😑

  2. and with gas prices soaring again on top of that, its a serious time now for people to consider doing more research into making an electric vehicle their next car in a few years when the market goes back to normal.

  3. Well guess what gets done, when you pay people To do Nothing ? Just keep printing money Biden, it’s going to get far worse !

  4. Can confirm, no one likes DFM on their Chevy 😂

  5. …..A few months ago, I could’ve bought a new car…. I bought a 2002 GMC Yukon for a $1000 cash instead. After watching this piece… Best $1000 I ever spent!!! She may not be that pretty but she runs like a dream and is low maintenance!!! …You guys can keep buying these vastly overpriced new cars if you want… I’m good!!! #WINNING 💯💯💯💯💯💯😉

  6. Repost? 🤦‍♂️

  7. First they took away dodgeball, then they gave trophies just for showing up, then they started teaching to hate America and all her accomplishments, then they instituted as a right that those born male should be allowed access to the little girls room, and it is all sanctioned by the media, hollywood home of perverts and predators, all over seen by the liberal democrats and judges they put in place, now it’s against the law to be patriotic! How does it make you feel? Like we have a generation of lambs being lead to slaughter? I know it makes this sonofaWWIIveteran :face_vomiting:. Keep voting not for lifetime politicians but those with the values you know deep in your heart are true and right. Thank you for listening. P.S. border crisis, employment crisis, gas crisis, Middle East war crisis, inflation, uncontrolled spending of your hard earned tax dollars goes on. Just remember it’s all President Trump’s fault. Remember it’s all President Trump fault

  8. 😂😂😂😂😂 They remade this video spelling brakes correctly. Well done 👍🏼

  9. We need chips for our video cards 🤌

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