Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday that a recession was not “at all inevitable” despite some experts forecasting it could happen within the next 12 to 18 months.
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Our country doesn't need a cheerleader madam secretary, we need someone in government to be honest with us. Oh, it would also be nice to have ELECTED officials make huge economic decisions about our country, who are accountable to voters, and not appointees.
Meanwhile Putin's missiles destroy Command Centre in Dnipropetrovsk; Ukraine Generals 'killed' in strike~Hindustan Times
Hindustan Times
Putin uses gas to divide EU; Vows supplies to Hungary, squeezes Germany, Poland, Finland
Kremlin denies blame for mounting food crisis as Putin meets African Union leaders • FRANCE 24
The woman is a pathological liar! Clinton’s Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers said, “ It's more likely than not we'll have a recession within the next two years.†Great job, Brandon!
Yeah well she’s an idiot
Now eating her words. But should she be the one to solve the problem after politicizing & spinning with transitory?
Gas prices have risen all over the world but typical Americans live in a bubble and think it's all about them.
If Americans want the gas prices to go down then they should mass protest outside the homes of Oil company CEOs.
Americans follow Fox TV conspiracies and protest outside vote official homes and yet 'too stupid' to protest for reality.
Democrats and republicans are just American words that mean absolutely nothing outside the US. Wake up
You can blame this woman for a large amount of the inflation.
Well she’s a moron so
Well that F she’s talking about Nothing is changing Everything is going bad.Gas price.I want to go on a Vacation.I don’t got no damn money Everything to Expensive.
Joe put missiles on Palau and test fired 2. He's attacking China. Get ready
RETIRE!!! 75! MANDITORY RETIREMENT for gov. leaches.
“Don’t worry, the recession won’t be that bad†says the media!!!!!
The MAJORITY of Democrats & Independents are PERSUADED.: ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ😧😳😱ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ😨ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ🤥😬😯😮ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ🫢😟😕😕ðŸ™ÂÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ😎ðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ🫤😯😲😮……
The ✌ï¸ÂÂÂÂ,😜😜😜ðŸÂ´ðŸÂ´ðŸÂ´ðŸÂ´ðŸÂ´’s..………NEED TO BE FOUND & INCARCERATED, or made to testify at the REAL January 6th committee, (after November)
Notice her eyes dart about… massive tell that she is lying!
Despite the economic downturn, I'm so happy 😊I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days.
The secretary should know that it is against the law of economics to print money at will to pay for 800 military bases , 330 factories of biologic weapons em 30 countries , wars and invasions , coup d' etat etc …The U.S. defrauded the world for too long and now all its crimes have to be paid . America reached 1 million of victims of the terrorist attack with a biologic weapon against the people of China and there is no end in sight . Good luckey does not help criminals .
📌 22:22 Hermosa elección ðŸâ€Âž KIYOHARA.UNO yt
de los mejores conciertos 💙[🇪 🇷 🇴 🇹 🇮 🇨] wormRedBlue
15:55 Setacy: "Hyper"
11:12 Sun: "Hotter"
11:12 Hopi: "Sweeter"
00:18 Joonie: "Cooler"
18:00 Yoongi: "Butter"
15:55 Amoy: "Monks"
23:23 Son unos de los mejores conciertos, no puede ir pero de tan solo verlos desde pantalla, se que estuvo sorprendente 🖤
Forget the recession. The depression will result from the loose monetary policy of her, Bernanke and Powell.
Meanwhile, the peasants are sharpening their cutlery.
Let’s go Brandon!!!
She believes if an accident occurred involving Bidden, Harris and Pelosi and they were unable be commander in chief for the next 2 years, then yes we could avoid a recession
Recession is not forever maybe only in a period of 12 years.
That means hunker down. Wait for this to blow over. What about the enormous prices?
A lot of weak people in the government 😢
Because we are in the second Great Depression and a recession would be an upgrade smh 🤦
If she says it's not inevitable… You know it's inevitable
Yellen already admitted that she totally missed the "inflation" call by declaring it transitory. She was wrong then so in my opinion why would anyone listen to her again. She also said that the only way to stop energy inflation is to go "green". Wrong, green energy will never be able to supply all the energy needed in the USA or the World and can only be a partial solution I think.
sell everything now
Common America we cant stop now.
We are this close to whipping out the poor. And now we have excess unimagined. I just sent my son to the Bahamas for graduating 5th grade!
Hell yeah!
"We’ve created the greatest economy in history." –Patriot Bone Spurs, January 6th 2021. Trump is the worst jobs president in recorded history presiding over a loss of 6 million jobs from when he took office.
It is, this old hag has a fried brain litterarly lying through her teeth or in a boomer bubble brain
If it isn’t inevitable doesn’t they just make it evitable?
If i were lost i wouldn't take directions from her.