Secret Service accused of deleting Jan. 6 text messages – Car Mod Pros Portal

A federal watchdog says the Secret Service deleted numerous text messages requested as part of a review of the agency’s handling of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

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22 thoughts on “Secret Service accused of deleting Jan. 6 text messages”
  1. Yeah, it is to be punished! Disorder is not for the Great America. The USA is the Greatest, Strongest and Richest Super-State of the world and the Supreme Ruler of all mankind! (A unipolar world was created for and under the heel of Great America for the glory and enrichment of America's Greatest Nation.) But the Biden administration failed to pressure Putin to unblock Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter in Russia. The weakness of the American Democrats is further proven by the fact that they lost the issue of abortion in the Federal Supreme Court! The Democrats failed to persuade the Supreme Court and even Steel Judge Kavanaugh to issue a new verdict on the topic of abortion. (This judge doesn't give up!) The Biden administration never even thought of negotiating with Putin to have a bank account or real estate in Russia owned by a Steel Judge of mysterious origin or "from the FSB with love"! This proves that the incompetent ruling Democrats are not able to use the available opportunities of Great America (FBI, NSA, CIA, State Department, world influence, national wealth, propaganda machine, subordinate foreign states and more) even to discredit one Supreme Justice. (The Steel Judge family and his family didn't even fled to Russia asking for political asylum and criticizing America so that the American media could accuse him of serving the Kremlin.) American President DeSantis could solve such a problem! (You can vote for him in 2024.) But now he is the governor of Florida. Americans, Vote Republican! The US has the right and the ability to dictate the behavior and direction of the rest of humanity – all foreign nations. (Migrants from all over the world are eager to get to the US, because Great America is the Promised Land and the Dreamland of all the rest of mankind.) But the pathetic Democrats are unable to even show the possibility of interfering in the internal affairs of Russia by blocking the development of the Spartak stadium on Chekistov Street in the Russian Kaliningrad! Some Russian billionaires bought this stadium to get rich at the expense of other people, and the American Democrats were unable to cancel this deal! Moreover, active citizens lost the protest lawsuit against this stadium with the connivance of the American Democrats and their media. Will the great USA firmly and consistently put pressure on the impudent Kremlin billionaires with sanctions, or is the Democratic Party the servants of the Kremlin? (The absence of Anton Alikhanov from US sanctions lists further proves the latter.) All the Great Power of the United States in the hands of the ruling Democrats is powerless to force the resignation of one Russian governor, Alikhanov, to show the firm independence of the United States from Putin's Russia and the ability to interfere in the internal politics of foreign states, using the Spartak stadium as an example. Democrats and their media are condoning Canada and Germany in handing over a gas turbine to Russia to run Nord Stream 2, sabotaging US anti-Russian sanctions. Continuing on this path, the US may lose Supremacy throughout the world! (Do Americans want to see this?) All of this together is the Great Humiliation of Great America and the Mighty Glorious American Nation, which the American Democrats are doing with the connivance of their media. To endure the rule of the Democrats in the United States is to endure the Great Shame!

    Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Ukraine are still not parts of Russia, so I am writing. Further proof of the American Democratic Party's dependence on the Kremlin is the Kremlin's oligarchic billionaire Oleg Deripaska's immunity to the Biden administration's anti-Russian sanctions! Deripaska has not lost anything as a result of these sanctions, so he does not try to kneel before the American flag – the flag of the Great USA. The Globalists are a single interdependent international conspiracy group that only the American Republicans can resist! What does this mean for you Americans? Vote Republican! President DeSantis will be able to defeat the globalists and their oligarchs, billionaires and other loyal servants in Russia, the United States and around the world. Moreover, the weak Democrats did not start an international trial of Donald Trump for the crime against Venezuela – an attempted coup d'état supported by the Trump administration, the State Department, the CIA, the Republican and some other American media and the American navy! (Trump was preparing the same thing against Iran.) If this international tribunal in The Hague Court happened, then President Trump would be sent to prison on a conviction, but not for the US presidential election in 2024. This proves that the Democrats are not able to effectively engage in politics , although they have the confession of John Bolton and other evidence of the attempted international crime of Trump and his administration against Venezuela and Iran! The storming of the Capitol on January 6 could be sewn into this tribunal as a provoked attempt by Donald Trump to do what he wants in the US. But some important records on the January 6 case have already been lost by US intelligence agencies with the connivance of US Democrats and the media! The Biden administration has allowed this shameful mess and should be impeached with the label of inadmissibility of further employment of these stupid incompetent federal officials in US government organizations. But the Democrats cherish the Biden administration! It was the feeble and stupid Democratic Party and media that surrendered to Donald Trump. Weaklings have no place in the politics of the Great and Mighty USA! You can go relax at the Boston Pizza Festival, but think about the future of Great America! Secret Service deppads are to be punished in anyway.

  2. Put all the secret service that did this criminal act in prison with Donald Trump when he goes to prison. They can all play ping pong together in prison and talk about the good ole days. Rotten scum the lot of them !!!

  3. God bless the January 6th committee and God bless America 🇺🇸.

  4. How does the English upper n middle class, decide that they going to rule the world, after WW2 without getting caught ? These narcissistic globalist animals, thrive on pure greed ! If it was not for Trump, we would be none the wiser !! I believe that all Banks and corporations owned by the greedy swines, must be taken away from them, and given back to the people of the US.

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  6. The incompetent decisions not to protect 1/05 & 1/06 Secret Service texts because they were deleted (and not backed up) “as part of a device-replacement program” should be blamed on the ghost of Rose Mary Woods, the secretary President Nixon, remembered for erasing 18.5-minute gap in one of the Watergate tapes.

    There's a famous photo of her trying to demonstrate how she could have accidentally erased it — it's known as the "Rose Mary Stretch."

    So now we have the Secret Service version of the "Rose Mary Stretch” as their excuse why these texts are not available to the Inspector General or the January 6th Committee.

  7. Funny that the secret service said they provided thousands of texts leading up to Jan 5th and 6th and somehow started "changing" their phones on Jan 5th. Why would the SS suddenly pick THAT day? Strange I can't find any fox coverage of the story here. Why is that? The SS don't use cloud or a secured service for back up? Are you fucking joking?

  8. Multiple Pulitzer Prize winner for Investigative Journalism (2014, 2015, 2018), Carol Leonnig, said that members of Donald Trump's Secret Service detail cheered on the insurrection of January 6, 2021. "There was a very large contingent of Donald Trump's detail who were personally cheering for [Joe] Biden to fail," she said. "Some of them took to their personal media accounts to cheer on the insurrection and the individuals rioting up to the Capitol, as patriots. Leonnig said that it was "problematic" that some of Trump's detail appeared to support the rioters on January 6. These claims were made when she spoke to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow following testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson in the Tuesday Jan. 6 Committee hearing. So, if the comms between agents was deliberately deleted the data should be accessible on the servers they used – even if they are not accessible on the individual phones.

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    And please share it with everyone.

  10. The Secret Service has turned into Trump Taliban Royal Security Force. They rape and beat their female opponents and send the remains as dog dodo in a small brown bag to the parents.

  11. Destroying evidence is illegal under both federal and state law. The secret service agents who deleted their text messages should be charged and convicted of evidence tampering.

  12. Silly me thinking that the US Secret Service had one of the very best cyber security divisions on Earth. You know the one that advertises the work they do on recovering and preserving evidence that was erased from mobile devices. What was I thinking? They are just another bunch of KKK Keystone Kops. If the US Secret Service has been penetrated by radical far right influences, America is already in a Fascist state with its own operating Nazi SS.

  13. Whenever US Secret Service officials label a secret activity with terms such as "Device Replacement" or “Operational Preparation of the Environment (OPE),” it is deliberately misleading and designed to prevent lawmakers from overseeing their clandestine work. It uses labels to cut lawmakers out of the loop on operations. Labels are used to disguise activities as non-intelligence or administrative functions to keep lawmakers from overseeing secret work.

  14. Trump is a cancer on our Constitution, our democracy, our flag, our 330+ million people—even those who have been too duped to realize it.

  15. No wonder the GOP uses Dems like a mattress at the Chicken Ranch.
    Joe Biden should have immediately placed the Scrt.Serv director on Admin. leave and called him out for dereliction of duty, lack of judgment and incompetence.
    Even assuming innocence (I don’t), NO ONE would ignore the historical importance of ALL communications on Jan 5th&6th!
    Biden sleeps as bullies slap him & take his lunch money every day!
    The ScrttServDir retires for a cush job July 30th. Snapchat should be deluged with calls to cancel that arrangement.

  16. AOC admits Capital cops were in on the whole deal😂🤣😅👏😭👏🇺🇸

  17. Sppe yaR read it backwards the committee is terrified of his testimony but we he will be on the hot seat after November Pelosi also

  18. Glenn Kirschner, former DC prosecutor, explains how good the Secret Service’s forensic recovery of data on computers and cell phones is.
    “Federal prosecutors in DC routinely use the Secret Service Forensic Sciences Division to perform forensic searches of computers and cell phones, including when prosecutors seek to retrieve information deleted from computers and cell phones.”

  19. "The secret service even has an internal memo on how to avoid oversight.
    Whoever is the journalist on this should be getting a hold of that memo
    which is available on the internet. This memo on how to avoid oversight
    by the IG and any sort of accountability cuts across all the different
    divisions of law enforcement in the federal government. Whoever wrote
    the memo should be fired or maybe brought up on charges. They're
    actually trained in how to avoid this stuff."

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