Search intensifies for missing Utah college student

Search intensifies for missing Utah college student

Mackenzie Lueck, 23, was taken by a Lyft driver from the airport to a park, where she was left with an unidentified person and not heard from since. READ MORE:



47 thoughts on “Search intensifies for missing Utah college student

  1. And then there is the handyman…. I didn’t tell the cops because…….. why again ?

  2. Probably listen to rap music all the way from LA to Utah not knowing she was about to become a Nigerians back yard BBQ. She should have told all the men that she met that she was keeping phone records and email communication records on her main computer at home for safety purposes

  3. I live in Salt Lake City the guy she met lives 10 minutes from the park. She got off the plane and went to meet him. He is an author, published a book, has a good job, graduated college, he was a model, his friends love him. So it's not like she went to meet a guy that she thought was going to hurt her. He is still not under arrest. Everyone just wants her to be safe and to call her parents. Don't judge her I'm sure half of you have lived with people you shouldn't have trusted.

  4. Dear Padre Pio, please help this beautiful woman in jesus name be praised. I believe in the miracle and I am asking you please please and please let her see the light again… TO LO NGAN MO PO CYA MA LI G TAS

  5. Bullshit ✔ the lyft drivers background

  6. That’s just plain bad lueck.

  7. Right now police are searching in a house in Slc. And it does not should like good news😓😱

  8. Lyft driver sounds like a sketch ball,yeah he’s cleared for now they might catch up with him later.

  9. Uh, yeah, let’s all go ALL IN to find this one white girl. We just can’t have this sort of thing going on in Amurca. Dear Jesus, please help!

  10. “Welcome to Utah.”

  11. Who doesn’t go home at 2:30am? People are responsible for their safety not ride share companies. Especially in states where there is a long history of serial & mass murderers who can easily vanish. Everybody is a murderer until proven otherwise IMO. Evil has no description nor race.

  12. I’m a bit concerned I’m about to go to Los Angeles and I’m in utah

  13. She is probably raped and murdered by a mexican but praying for her safe return!❤️

  14. Can't believe people still will get in a stranger's car using Uber, Lift, etc. OR meeting strangers from online in person these days after seeing so many being killed & disappearing. So thankful to be growing older & not being a young adult post internet, dating & just finding your place in this broken world. Aren't things theoretically suppose to get better with time?????

  15. Part of me believes she might’ve been a high-end escort or a stripper . But if she’s watching, telling her to check-in wont do a darn bit of good

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