Search expands for US woman kidnapped on safari

Search expands for US woman kidnapped on safari

The U.S. embassy in Uganda issued a security alert advising Americans to avoid an area of Queen Elizabeth National Park while the search for Kimberly Sue Endicott continues.


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32 thoughts on “Search expands for US woman kidnapped on safari

  1. New Revenue for criminals. This situation will topple the industry if the dont catch them
    Thank you for funding the DRC to commit more crime and death within the country. Congo has been doing ethnic cleansing and thousands of civilians have died within the last year and 25,000 have fled to Uganda. Visiting close to the border is naive and reckless

  2. I don’t get it. How did the news know she was kidnapped,if she was kidnapped when the news reported it ?Very confused? I think the news is lying.

  3. Ransom, Paid for the Release of Kimberty Endicott!!!
    Ransom, Paid for the Release of Kimberty Endicott!!!
    Ransom, Paid for the Release of Kimberty Endicott!!!
    Ransom, Paid for the Release of Kimberty Endicott!!!

  4. why the hell would you go to Uganda by yourself especially if you're a white female that's not ugly? You're asking for rape, and she prolly got raped repeatedly. American girls, take a group of male friends who are armed and make sure to take more than one tourist guide that are armed as well. Jesus Christ, think before you travel anywhere (especially Africa) and don't trust anyone in this world.

  5. What was this dumb butch doing in Uganda. White people always going to 3rd world countries and getting kidnapped. Then having the military rescue they silly and. They lack excitement in their life so they quit their 300,000 a year job and travel to dangerous foreign countries.

  6. Kidnapped by people in militia uniforms. Perhaos those are Kornny's mitia who have gought Ugandan governments for years, aducting women and chimdren rapping and killing the.. it will be diffucukt to catch them. They are used to l iiving in the jungle and and surviving on anything.. Hopegully whoever is responsible for this is caught soon.

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