Seagull snatching woman’s lobster roll goes viral

Seagull snatching woman’s lobster roll goes viral

Alicia Jessop tried to take a picture of her first-ever lobster roll while on vacation at Nubble Lighthouse in Maine when a bird swooped down and stole a bite.

#LobsterRoll #Seagull


23 thoughts on “Seagull snatching woman’s lobster roll goes viral

  1. But this song 🤣😂😭

  2. and that’s why people need to stop taking pictures of their food and just eat

  3. Fuck that seagull.😆

  4. Got lobster jacked 😂😂😂

  5. I had a pigeon snatch a half-sandwich out of my hand in a London park. I was sitting with my husband, and when I rested my elbow on the armrest of the park bench, head turned to talk with him, a pigeon gulped it right out of my hand. Fortunately, I still had the 2nd half of the sandwich! People 'were' there feeding the many birds, and we had gone to rest, eat, and watch …them! SURPRIZZZZZ! lol

  6. Seagull: "Mine, Mine, Mine!!!!!"👍

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