Judge Brett Kavanaugh said he was not going anywhere as a second accuser accusing him of sexual misconduct in his youth.
These bitches should be hung out to dry.
He needs to stick it out and fight. Both of these women are making crap up… It is obvious. No witness…no proof…no problem
How deep this rabbit hole is remains to be seen.
Who will wait for 30+ years to report a crime this is just bs wonder what he did for ppl want to lock him judicial system is a joke
Kavanaugh is so Obviously Guilty!
Conservatives are the worst kind of Hypocrites.
''She shoved him away, touching him without her consent''. How do you touch someone without YOUR consent? SHE touched HIM without HER consent. Does that make any sense? Also, first she says she doesn't remember anything, then she consults a lawyer, and comes out saying ''i am 100 percent confident in what i remember''. Yes, this is definitely not political. What a vicious people. It's unbelievable.
I hope ABC loses their license after Kavanaugh is confirmed !!!!
This is fucking ridiculous. I dont even like the trump administration but this is soooooo fucking stupid
Avenatti will bring u down like trump
Strange how both 'accusers' can't remember exactly what happened as they were both 'drunk', both have no evidence, both are Liberal, both waited thirty years or more to 'remember' what they now KNOW, both waited until after the nomination process had almost finished, both are completely believed by Democrats who said they're voting no to Kavanaugh 'Before the hearings'. They both may be telling the truth and as the burden of proof is on the accuser, prove it please. Just your words are not evidence enough to ruin a persons life.
FOXnews, come on Kavanaugh it’s Trumps fav channel. You surely want Trump to watch you first.
40 years later haha what a joke this is fucking it up for women who have REAL trauma from rape or real sexual assaults. Joke
SHE went and got pissed up and played drinking games moaning bitch these women are pathetic money money money
Kavanaugh is that guy who bullshit his way through life but now the bull showed up to claim what is his.
Kavanaugh kept using canned answers over and over, even when it didn't make sense. He is going to get hammered on Thursday because he is going to try the same bull and Dr. Ford's Lawyers aren't going to have it!
“If you make peaceful revolution impossible, you will make violent revolution inevitable.â€ÂÂÂ
Molon Labe
Really?? How desperate is he to bring his wife along for the ride. And I am guessing against her will. Men. I have no respect for this person. Period.
Sooo next week when we hear from them? (by next week I mean the week that never comes) as I get to have the people with sexual assault held accountable and to praise those who been sexually assault for standing up and such but ummm it's started to look more like a delay/switch attention from something that should already been over and not something to have another unwanted thing get approved while distracted and or get more time to decide/find dirt on someone that they don't like.
As a victim of a sexual assault, I have to say that the assaulters in most cases have vague memories about this but victims have strong memories due to the long lasting pain and trauma. So, I think we shouldn’t just impulsively say that these women are liars.
Why don't you people recognise that every thing Trump does firings. Appointments is designed for his own personal protection. He has always been a fraud…Can't wait for Mueller to hang him and his sleezy family Melania ready to jump ship asap. Trump and Judge Grope are sexual predictors. Great job by Democrats in exposing and delaying the nomination. Payback..Make America Believable Again. Trump is commander in chief of the Swamp Dwellers.
So our government is acting like little kids now! This is what it has come to! Wow
ABC is as bad as the national enquirer. "Gaps in memory." A friend who wasn't there remembered and was "100% sure." This is nuts that some people find allegations of this sort credible.
36 years later? Does anybody really believe this lying bitch?
©™ TMALX Transnational 🌠Militant💥 ArmedðŸâ€Â«Liberation⛓ Xecutive🕶 Observation ✠âœÂÂÂ
More womens accusations against Kavanaugh coming soon 72 hours.
What's wrong with these fucking gold diggers maaann. Look how many fucking years , y now. Smh. Feeling pissed. I wasn't there but omg come on why wait this long. Like really girl. At first she didn't remember 6days after wallaðŸ¤â€ÂÂ😡🙆🤷. Am not expert but neither is this rocket science .
Only a lawyer can help you regain memories from 30 + years ago🙄🙄🙄
(SEXUAL ASSAULT//MISCONDUCT//ATTEMPTED RAPE)–kavanuagh night as well kiss his confirmation into the supreme court goodbye
All I can picture is the shaggy song playing
Who the hell calls someone by their full name? This isn't a court hearing.. People either call your first or last name but never both in a friends setting
Man that bitch wanted that dick she just don’t wanna see buddy shine
These women are standing up now not because of political motives totally, but because now women can now openly speak of this where 30 and 36 years ago you couldn't do anything about these things without women being accused of asking for it. Even if women were raped it has been proven that nothing was done with rape kits.