A male student at a high school in Santa Clarita shot five students, killing a 16-year-old girl and 14-year-old boy, and then himself.
READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/358QCAi
#ABCNews #SantaClarita #SaugusHighSchool #SchoolShooting
A male student at a high school in Santa Clarita shot five students, killing a 16-year-old girl and 14-year-old boy, and then himself.
READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/358QCAi
#ABCNews #SantaClarita #SaugusHighSchool #SchoolShooting
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A show supposedly for children, kids, babies. For 1 minute plus, the opening credits have in its background shot guns, pistols, revolver and rifles being shot. For over a 1 minute, and we wonder why our children are so violence? Tall Tells & Legends, it is the name of the show.
Bully….one of d main reason
Guns are dangerous unless you are brain healthy and responsible to carry it. Every scum mustn't be allowed to acquire it.
Gosh when i saw the parents crying I started sobbing
Did FBI clean this scene? Did it make it to court? If so, where and with who?
WHERE DO THEY GET THEIR GUNS FROM?!?!? I'm not from America so I don't understand
i will never do that on my birthday & ever!
i just wanna see the moms that there child got shot so i can see how sad they are cause there child didnt come back
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
https://youtu.be/cUIHCDg_C-U Watch my exploits in among us
Sou Brasileira. Brasileiros assistem isso na tv que passa para o mundo todo e ja estamos copiando isso, e no Brasil ja teve uns 3 massacres em escolas. Brasil. Sou Brasileira . E antigamente nao tinha isso no Brasil. Quem copiar os Estados Unidos, vai se dar mal pq os Americanos nao tem nada de bom para nos ensinar, só nos ensinam a ser frios e racionais, e isso é ruim para nosso paÃÂÂÂÂs Brasil Brazil . I am Brazilian. Brazilians watch this on TV that is broadcast to the whole world and we are already copying it, and in Brazil there have already been about 3 massacres in schools. Brazil. I am Brazilian . In the past, there was no such thing in Brazil. Whoever copies the United States will do badly because the Americans have nothing good to teach us, they just teach us to be cold and rational, and this is bad for our country Brazil Brazil . North Americans we do not speak Spanish. We Brazilians speak Portuguese ok. Por que voces Americanos são tão frios e racionais ? why are you Americans so cold and rational?
using a fudd 1911
why is everyone are not telling the truth
We need better school protection policies Cameras that can detect weapons , external doors locked , gates around schools that can only be opened with a keycard and more security gaurds . Also teachers should be equipped with tasers and pepper spray so they can defend the students . I also belive that doors within the hallways should automatically lock when detecting a shooting.
I pray for the lives that where taken…😕
I dont understand why guns are still legal after all these shooting incidents!!!!!
I remember coming home from school and hoping on YouTube seeing this all over YouTube news
Looking back on this, I still can’t belive we were only 10 minutes away from this.
Food thing were quarantined so ppl cant shoot up the school