Sarah Palin running for Congress l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

The former vice presidential candidate announced she is running in Alaska’s special election to fill the vacancy left by Republican Rep. Don Young, who died last month.

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#GMA #SarahPalin #Alaska


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Sarah Palin running for Congress l GMA”
  1. Karen traverse seems to be really excited about Sarah Palin and 40 other candidates running for the special election to replace Don Young! Wow Karen glad you're happy! I joke

  2. But Sarah Palin is a QUITTER! In On July 26, 2009 with a year and a half left in her term. She was crying like a little girl saying that was to much for her to handle.

  3. What are the Democratic candidates fcol. This coverage is like giving Trump that unnecessary preferential coverage that destroyed America.

  4. She must be a prescription pill addict- every sent her incoherent rambling speeches?
    Remember she quit Alaska and doesn’t live here year round. Palin, like Gaetz, Greene, Borbert and Cawthorn act like clowns and say stupid outrageous things for the fame and money.

  5. I hope she wins, when she was VP nominated, she was popular, more popular than McCain the RINO, he along with the press trashed her day and night and really have not stopped. They went after her family, said she was stupid beauty queen. I really realized that the swamp ran McCain and Romney against Obama. They found the two worse no loads so Obama would win.

  6. If we keep allowing idiots to run for office and win, we're doomed. Her popularity is a clear sign of the cognitive dissonance and lack of critical thinking that is rampant in our country.

  7. Biden he has no answers for you….He thinks he's on track by trying to pull a fast one on the US Citizens, Trucking / Supply Chain issue BS today (Was never an Issue when Trump was in office), did he forget that the trucks behind him run on Diesel Fuel 99% of them / made from Oil – cost 50-75% more today than when he took office, that cost goes across all the goods in the trailer that the truck hauls – this would be called Inflation – WAKE UP SHEEP, do not fall for the Biden BS, Smoke Screen that they are putting out…..Taxes they are trying to pass to cover their ass…the Debt is going up / up / up due to the needless on going spending..stop the spending…no new taxes, if you raise taxes on Corporations / Business Owners, this just gets passed down to goods cost – YOU THE US Citizens pay that Tax by increase in product cost – again Biden does not understand economics…YOU WILL PAY MORE FOR GOODS.
    Border – out of control, Biden and his crew are trying to flip the USA Population, that is why there is nothing being done about an Illegal action taking place at the Border, we have laws, you can't just walk into the USA at any point you choose, when did that become ok, all under Biden – and remember YOU – THE US Citizen, it was your duty to get vaccinated, 2-3 times, ware your mask, but all the while during the World Wide Pandemic, Biden, allowed millions to flow into the USA / Illegally – did not check them for COVID, or any other illnesses that could spread within the US population – did not vaccinate them, sent them to cities all over the USA / medical treatments, housing, credit cards, transportation – all on your dime, and exposed "YOU" the US Citizen to Covid – BIDEN exposed US Citizens during a WORLD WIDE Pandemic to additional risk – its all on his hands, how many died due to Biden's lack of leadership – lack of care for actual US Citizens.
    Inflation is his fault / day one as he promised during his Election Run, he would end fossil fuels – day one he ended key Pipeline production, and oil / gas leases, added additional taxes onto the Industry, limited future exploration by adding additional restrictions – day one this caused Oil and Natural Gas Pricing around the world to go up – at the same time as this "Oil" is key to all goods, transportation / production – thus Biden started the current run of Inflation – his buck, remember the Buck Stops Here – and Biden has forgotten that, its everyone's fault but his (Its Putin, Its Trump) not his Dumb Ass Energy Policy, his show of Weakness all ensured that Russia would invaded Ukraine, ITS JOE – HE HAS TO GO..

  8. 😂😂😂😂
    This a "late April fool's" joke..

  9. Sarah Palin was one of original Nut Cases along with Michele Bachmann…!!!…But the new herd of the GOP Nut Cases have somehow managed to make the likes of Sarah Palin to appear reasonable and sane…!!!…LOL

  10. funny she just gets into the races when the oil companies make their highest profits. seems strange doesnt it? but thats what she did before the grey sat in.

  11. She left her job as governor, left Alaska to earn easy money filming videos, resided in Arizona for a while, lost a lawsuit against the NYT, and has not worked in more than 18 years. Who is going to vote for her?

  12. Prefect now that she's dumped her husband who's going to help her with Trig?.Her daughters have kids so they're already busy,what's she thinking?.Not much obviously.

  13. Oh jeezus, Hasn't she (and her FAMILY) already caused enough HUMILIATION to Alaska, and the Republican party? I'd imagine Saturday Night Live will have endless fodder to again HUMILIATE Alaska (FOR TWO MORE YEARS) LMAO, the Republicans and bring Tina Fey back to SNL. I can't wait for it! Don't forget; Sarah Palin IS the reason the late John McCain LOST a presidency for the Republicans!

  14. Sarah Palin used to be a laughing stock because of her gross stupidity, ignorance and utter lack of character required to be a member of the Senate. Sadly the GOP has embraced conspiracy theorists, morons, weirdos, lunatics and traitors widely and she is no longer an outlier, but rather one of many such lowlifes. Furthermore she quit her last elected office halfway through, she is literally the last thing Alaska or America needs

  15. Bless her ignorant heart. donald aka tiny, loves the poorly educated – looking at sarah, a dilettante and long-term deplorable. she will fit in well with the fascists, white nationalist+sedetionist party aka republican party. she is low on funds, hence will get her grift on by tapping into the wallets/financial
    werewithal of fellow brain-dead easily misled-duped marks+rubes of tiny's Al Qaeda/base.
    These mutts put impetus on steroids to the saying, "… there's a sucker born every minute…".

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