Bernie Sanders strengthens his strategy for approaching mini Super Tuesday and how important a Michigan win is for his chances of competing with Joe Biden.
Sanders double downs on his medicare-for-all plan as the coronavirus spreads

Bernie Sanders strengthens his strategy for approaching mini Super Tuesday and how important a Michigan win is for his chances of competing with Joe Biden.
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Simple solution, Start working with the premise : health care is a need, not a commodity!
Obviously, no one on this thread has done their in depth research. Has anyone actually read the extremely long, historical results under President Trump & his Admin in only 3.5 years while being attacked by multiple fronts 24/7. Trump 2016 was the original blue collar worker movement. Maybe actually read his results & compare results in Biden & Bernie’s long careers in office. you will NOT get those long lists of accomplishments under ANY Dem or Progressive. Put down the TDS koolaid.
Sad to see America being the backward, ill-prepared, western country in this Coronavirus situation. Having no national healthcare system to allow all Americans AND illegal immigrants to get tested and get healthcare services while being protected from the exorbitant costs from providers creates a perfect storm for a disease like this to create major havoc and death. If 50% of Americans end up contracting this disease, and 1% of them end up dying, that equates to 1.64 million Americans that could die because of Coronavirus. That’s more deaths than all of the wars throughout all the history of the American republic. But, hey, at least we aren’t paying $3.4 trillion/year for a Medicare For All system, right? Oh wait, we ARE paying about that much now, but 30 million people remain without coverage and another 40 million with insurance have too little coverage. I guess we’re going to have to learn the hard way that NOT having everyone covered ends up affecting EVERYONE. Given that special interests control American politicians, it makes one wonder if even this level of carnage will move us toward Medicare For All or some kind of National Health System. Best of luck to all reading this. That’s what the American healthcare system comes down down to – luck.
Who is the one we can trust,Berney? or Biden?
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Can't find hand sanitizer? Do what I did and make your own
Bernie Sanders is saying that Joe Biden and social security is our huge problem. What world does he live in and can you find it with a map?
PROPAGANDA 😂 I swear we AINT blind and know how Biden in the past wants to cut Medicare 😂 y’all are scared that Bernie will win.
He can't exactly crawfish now can he? Been spewing this nonsense for so long there is no turning back.
There is no more democratic party after this election
Feel The Bern!!!
Bernie's out as of March 17!! H.A. Goodman!!
All Bernie has to do is ask "Where's Hunter?" but he won't, because Bernie's in it for the payoff. Trump will though, every day. Old Joe can't hide his guilt and he will crack.
It is interesting to hear Biden supporters wanting Medicare For All, and voting FOR a person that now has stated that if Medicare For All would reach his desk, that he'd throw it in the bin.
You still have a chance, vote for Bernie Sanders.
He's going to win. No doubt.
Why didn't we get to see the Round Table with Bernie? You're the News suppose to be keeping us informed. It's a Presidental Election…
30 percent of our nations citizens don't have health insurance or they have health insurance that doesn't pay anything to you reach a deductible. 80 percent of coronavirus victims have mild symptoms and probably won't pay the average of 160 dollar doctor visit to get tested. That's how it will spread. It's either medicare for all or security for none.
Work hard get good healthcare simple as that and don’t be lazy
Trump 2020 🇺🇸
There is zero that a health plan can do for the coronavirus. It's a virus. You can get it or not. That's it. Eat and live healthy. If you are sick, stay away from as many people as possible.
Trump 2020 🇺🇸
Medicare for all never sounded so good, huh?
If you want an octogenarian communist as your president– vote Bernie!
Good to give advice but not to protect his fans and cancel his massive event!
"us, not ME" is just another way of saying
How dare anyone put people's health above corporate profits?!
Can someone cover how Biden tried to cut Medicare, Medicaid, and social security???
I want to live in a country where Bernie Sanders becomes president.
Trump 2020
Bernie needs to release his medical records, what is he hiding????