San Francisco couple allowed to use driveway after being fined $1,500

San Francisco couple allowed to use driveway after being fined $1,500

San Francisco officials say the fine was based on a decades-old city code.


32 thoughts on “San Francisco couple allowed to use driveway after being fined $1,500

  1. You’re paying all that money to live in that house, on top of that you’re paying to park in front of your house .San Francisco’s is Joke of city.

  2. I feel 7/13, 7/14 might have earthquakes happen in San Francisco. Please be careful and prepare in advance if possible 🙏
    The reason I feel that is because I saw an image in my mind and recently I noticed when I saw some images in my mind, the similar images are very likely to show up in the news in the near future.
    I saw an image of a light yellow building with 4 or 5 floors during daytime. The building has windows and I feel there are white lines or stick out part between each floors. I heard some people said there would be earthquakes in California around 7/13 or 7/14, so I think there would be earthquakes happen in San Francisco around that time.
    Please be careful and prepare in advance if possible. Hope Im totally wrong and everyone is safe and sound 🙏

  3. San Francisco and theyre stupid new city codes all by the new rich white people is just ridiculous Trying to push the original people that lived there out! MFS @san Francisco

  4. i wanted to say san fran sucks but it's really the whole country but it's really the whole world and in fact it, thanks to burgeoning scientific breakthroughs, it may soon be discovered that it's the whole universe that sucks and argue all you want about my logic but a cursory glace around will prove me correct time and time again.

  5. You idiots are all so lost & confused out there, can't get anything right😄

  6. I'm glad they stood up for themselves and put the government in it's place! 🇺🇲

  7. I get ticket for parking In front of driver way in sf it’s all mafia

  8. Really!!! The City of SF is concerned with a car parked in the driveway when other parts of the city is litter with human waste, drug paraphernalia and homeless camps. Wonder if Nancy Pelosi filed a complaint.

  9. Politicians are elected not for their intelligence. Why would someone build a concrete driveway if it wasn’t to park some sort of vehicle? To build a driveway you need a city building permit, they could have grandfathered the driveway to before the ordinance was written, instead of having to show a horse and buggy parked on the driveway.

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