This senseless epidemic of gun violence must be addressed, said Mayor Darrell Steinberg during a news conference Sunday afternoon.
#ABCNews #Sacramento #GunViolence
This senseless epidemic of gun violence must be addressed, said Mayor Darrell Steinberg during a news conference Sunday afternoon.
#ABCNews #Sacramento #GunViolence
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This is a low testosterone sort of guy. He won't get anything done.
Shut your mouth politicans you have no room to speak.
"This morning, a know violent psychopath maniac we let out of prison so he could commit such atrocities did just what we had planned. California is so proud of this. We will do it again. It is the guns, of course."
Leading Causes of Death
Heart disease: 696,962.
Cancer: 602,350.
COVID-19: 350,831.
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 200,955.
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 160,264.
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 152,657.
Alzheimer's disease: 134,242.
Diabetes: 102,188.
Leading Causes of Death
Heart disease: 696,962.
Cancer: 602,350.
COVID-19: 350,831.
Accidents (unintentional injuries): 200,955.
Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 160,264.
Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 152,657.
Alzheimer's disease: 134,242.
Diabetes: 102,188.
I'm glad to see this comment section offer both, heartfelt condolences and support for the 2nd Amendment. The Mayor clearly assumes that Americans are too stupid to see through his lie.
What new law would have prevented these law breakers from committing this act? The mayor wants to disarm law abiding citizens.
I left California, the best decision a responsible parent can make.
This dude has no sense. Gun laws for felons work? Maybe?
This dude is a joke. Let’s have more gun laws so felons can abide by them.
sounds like he has rehearse these lines 5 minutes before
Ah put criminals in jail and keep them there! Stop releasing dangerous people from jail! Stop allowing people who do not belong here, or belong on the street. It is your fault that the crime is so high!
Rip to those that lost their precious lives. Prayers to the survivors and prayers to all the families involved. May they find the culprit(s) and bring them to justice.
I am sorry that all everybody lost their lives though I really am but sometimes you just have to say things like it is because drugs and guns are a big money maker and it's a money maker for the United States too all the ones who are involved in slipping themselves a little extra money for doing busting some crime what they need to do with that money is hire more officers but still like to know what they do with that money when they bus drivers when they bust drug people well I have to say is I'm sorry to hear that people are getting killed left and right I truly am sorry lady and I hope that you succeed in everything you do and I'm broken hearted too because nobody should have to go through that it's just downright disgusting but if you and your friends can think up of a brilliant idea to stop all this then good for you I hope to see your face again on the news saying you came up with something brilliant to keep guns off the streets and keep guns out of people's hands that have felonies people that do not have a felony they have a right to have a gun but those who's been in prison the felonies they do not have to me don't have a right to have a gun because if they're violent as it is we don't need to put guns in the hands of those people but first of all you got to start with the streets getting the guns off the streets because there's gun dealings and gun sales just like there is drug sales on the street you're just going to have to figure out a brilliant way to fight back I hope this encourages you and like I said I'm not sorry my tears are with you really I wouldn't wish this on anyone and it is heartbreaking
Rip to those that lost their precious lives. Prayers to the survivors and prayers to all the families involved. May they find the culprit(s) and bring them to justice.
Rip to those that lost their precious lives. Prayers to the survivors and prayers to all the families involved. May they find the culprit(s) and bring them to justice.
Watching these "officials" is like watching a 1984 disinformation campaign. "Gun" violence is responsible, we are told, not individuals. Then we hear the typical demands for more money and are told the real solution involves more restrictions on law abiding citizens. Only when law abiding citizens are disarmed will this violence end, bellow the propagandists. Intentionally absent is any description of the murderers. Do these woke fools understand we can see exactly what they are doing – or rather not doing? All of them tiptoeing around the obvious, afraid to say the words, handcuffed by political correctness and drowning in blood. Nothing will improve until people are honest about what the problem is and where the responsibility lies.
Sad that this happened anywhere in the world, but does not California have some of the most stringent gun laws in the country? In addition, did they not implement the 3 strikes policy in California? Other than the death penalty, California appears to be the most proactive for what lawmakers claim are the right steps to end gun violence, only to show these policies do not work. Unfortunately California largely uncovered under the treatment of criminal mental illness and actual rehabilitation of criminals, which is a huge issue across the entirety of the US. The majority of politicians are very reactive in nature with a "Lets lock up people who commit minor offenses" instead of rectifying the issues that are the root of the causes.
I sure the first time these people have been in trouble.
How is tragic if this the second mass shooting of the day and one of dozens of shootings that happen every day and is just your way of life? This is how you choose to live by putting guns in everybody's hands. How are you still surprised when this happens almost hourly in your country?
Did they say anything about all the criminals they released from jail during the pandemic?
@1:00 "Once again, my sleep was interrupted by your kids who you failed to raise properly"
I just saw the video of what happened; I'm not loosing my 2nd amendment rights over a bunch of drunk a**holes; somebody with a knife could have killed more people; luckily these idiots don't know how to shoot; considering how many people where there; where lucky only 5 victims.
Guns . . . The U S. has the most firearms per capita of any country in the world (Yemen is second). Not surprisingly, we also have the highest rates of gun violence of any country in the developed world by far. This is the price you pay for "freedom." I hope it's worth it.
Ah, classic Californian politicians. They blame an unanimated object for their own failures.
Rip to those that lost their precious lives. Prayers to the survivors and prayers to all the families involved. May they find the culprit(s) and bring them to justice.
Suppose cars can kill, or the tons of drugs walked over from Mexican border. Who voted for this crap.
Stop releasing criminals. Problem solved.
Criminals don’t obey gun control laws, only law abiding do.
Politicians across this country have to stop letting these career criminals that commit crimes with guns EVER out of jail. Keep them in till they’re dead.
Remember God loves you♥ï¸ÂÂÂ!
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
If you trust in Jesus Christ and repent, you will be saved..
He is coming back soon😊☺.
Root cause is Arrogance & Denial
letz zee how the California Cartel is going to control it. 😋ðŸÂº
Epidemic of Gun violence ðŸ¤â€â€Â
Poetic Karma.
“Cure the sickness†by easing up on the gun laws.
The issue is a combination of "Moral Failure & Poor Mental Health"
Blah blah blah that's all our politicians do in sac.
I’d rather get shot than listen to these two idiots. one is JB want to be and other is Ms. I need to go to the gym.
There is a reasons why these idiots hold press conferences so quick after the shootings. Ironically, It’s actually a trait of good leadership. The ability to show compassion and sympathy goes a long way . The issue is they’re using this horrible tragedy to push gun control and other agendas. All that I have to say is keep voting these people in seems like they care, right. 😉
More reason to stayed armed. Because of fuking idiots like this, law abiding gun owners will have to suffer with more gun control. Maybe they should close down clubs and bars downtown instead
Blame guns dems setting up for screwing you out of second amendment when's it's because of there policy of catch and release open up prisons let monsters out we will blame guns
Male pattern violence
Stop the violence! 🛑
What color was the suspect
DemocRATS never miss a chance to use a tragedy for pushing their twisted ideology🤮🖕ðŸÂ½ Democrat policies kill more people than guns ever will.
As long as voters still elect Democrats there will be more bloodshed. They blame "guns" for their failed social policies that let criminals out on the streets to commit these terrible acts. They make excuses for the moral breakdown of an entire culture. How many more people must die before voters realize progressives and their policies and ideas are dangerous failures? When will the media stop lying to the American people about what is really going on?
What a beautiful lady.
I’m pro 2A and will never allow a tragedy to strip away my rights or entertain the idea. We’ve seen what gun control does in Europe where Ukraine had strict gun control and got invaded by Russia or what’s happening in Mexico where only criminals and drug cartels have guns and citizens are left defenseless.