Russian missiles strike Kyiv l GMA

Russian missiles strike Kyiv l GMA

The attack on Ukraines capital happened while the U.N. secretary-general was there meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelenskyy.

American killed while fighting in Ukraine:

#ABCNews #Ukraine #Kyiv #Zelenskyy


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28 thoughts on “Russian missiles strike Kyiv l GMA

  1. There goes your summer gas prices💹⛽️🆘💣

  2. What will I tell you about Donald John Trump Jr. without using acknowledgment he is going hide with using as in like muthafuckin in a song dang where he go I saw him here yesterday I was going to ask him to go to the bar with me.

  3. I didn’t have a usd to make money and he sold me a house as in like a home in amounts to an altitude without spelling to numerical acknowledgment $100,000.00 USD so I just told him randomly.

  4. Seems dum for everyone to go to a potential bomb site to meet instead of Zelensky either video conferencing to a remote or him going to another safe country to meet. Then they all cry about how horrible Russia is for bombing their meeting site, LOL, wtf.

  5. NATO fooled Ukrainian administration to sell Ukraine to the EU. Then Ukrainian administration fooled Biden administration to sell the US to Ukrainian administration. Thus, both Ukrainians and Americans are the victims. This is the bottom line of Ukraine war. That's it.

  6. When you think some are low the bar gets even lower …sending prayers to all who are trying to reach peace in Ukraine 🇺🇦

  7. What a joke this once respected news agency has become. You can believe about 90% of their international news, but when it comes to their coverage of American news, about 90 % of abc's news is filtered, suppressed and protecting corrupt liberals and democrats, while bolstering fake news about conservatives and republicans. If you are interested in getting truthful information about the news of the day, don't look to crooked liberal progressive democratic abc.

  8. They edit the videos to show only what they want us to see to support their narrative; min. 1:03 you can see in the upper right corner a car driving down the street, where you can see some fire – edit – and then you can see how the car has already backed up almost half the block when a missile strikes the area where there was fire. What is it they didn't want us to see? and why?

  9. The correspondent: "min 0:22 …the Russians say that what they were targeting was a factory that was making rockets, now, there is a large factory complex right here THAT WE CAN'T SHOW YOU, the windows are blown up THERE'S SOME DAMAGE THERE…" But what they have orders to show us only is the damage to the building in front of that rocket factory that was hit by the missiles, and they didn't bother to inform us what that large factory complex hit by the missiles manufactures, that is not "important". Blatant disinformation, and it's the same with ALL U.S. and Western media.

  10. I'm sorry to ordinary good people of Russia, but your leadership is poking the bear increasingly. It seems like the United states will be involved more intimately here pretty soon. Make no mistake, the Russian military is incapable logistically and skillfully no match for us. And that's not even including a single NATO country.

  11. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  12. Russians blowing up Russian facilities in Russia
    23,000 dead ☠️ Russians
    30,000 wounded Russians
    42 generals killed (AZOV snipers lol)
    3,000 tanks and armoured vehicles destroyed
    $750,000,000.00 Moskva SUNK BLAHAHAHA

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