Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called Russian tactics a war crime as they block the supply of humanitarian aid to besieged cities.

#Ukraine #Russia #HumanitarianCrisis


By carmodpros


26 thoughts on “Russian forces ramp up attacks in western Ukraine | GMA”
  1. Russia setting kids free in underground tunnels and destroying bio weapon labs the cabal built there… The bad guys can run but they cant hide

  2. the donnass ppl that arr lefy want to be a part of russia… the only way for putin to save face an not be revoved from office is to sit down with zelenskyy pitin is yosing trust

  3. zelenskyy is gping to have to surremder the donbass and crimea sadly BUT ukraing needs MORE WEAPONS and should have a special seat at the UN PERMANENT

  4. Ukraine was destroyed because of the leader. People are neutral Think again. The world is waiting to see a peaceful Ukraine after the end of the war. Many countries are helping Ukraine for their narrow ends. Let me give you the best example. the money or weapons gave by the countries that help you are in debt, so you have to pay the debt to the absolute number of your country and work to their word. I hope to see an end to the war anyway. Jesus is located.

  5. The only way to save Ukrainian is to surrender. Ukraine president should stop listening to the western and nato the only use him for their own benefits

  6. "May peaceful days come to Ukraine"

    Russia invades Ukraine and the Ukrainian people who lived in peace
    , Children and pregnant women, even babies on pregnant women's stomachs have been killed, more than 1000 innocent civilians have been killed, and 121 children have been killed. More than 500 school facilities have been destroyed
    Like Bellasi, dictator Xi Jinping's China is supporting Russia's Putin.
    The world is imposing economic sanctions on Putin's Russia, which is repeatedly violent. Sports also exclude Russia. Politics and sports are connected and used for propaganda.
    Russia's invasion of Ukraine must not defeat the invader Putin
    In Asia, China is cracking down on human rights and genocide.
    There is a plan to invade Taiwan
    Never make it a Ukrainian second dance
    The world imposes sanctions with the intention of cutting itself from the dependent Chinese economy
    The dictator's ambitions must be stopped
    Don't be a servant of China or Russia forever

  7. Babys on the hands of zelensky and putin.Both war criminals that should be locked up.Especially zelensky for guarding his seat at the expense of those babies. He knew this was a losing scenario for him but his seat was first all while trying to use the word freedom.GTFO…

  8. Why is everybody so surprised, it's predicted 2000 years ago….This is just the beginning ….You will hear of wars and reports of wars. Don't panic, because those things have to happen, but it's not the end yet. For nation shall fight against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. In one place after another there will be food shortages, earthquakes and pandemics . All those things are the beginning of the contractions.

  9. I have a question for all Americans and Europeans. Do you really think that our troops are killing civilians? Do you really think that our army is weak because it did not capture small Ukraine? Have any of you thought that your media is lying to you?

    Let's take a look at some facts from your media. First, Russian troops do not kill civilians. We use missiles to destroy bases with military ammunition and APU. But someone will say, 'What about the shots of rockets hitting houses?' Russia is attacking peaceful houses because Ukrainian troops are using them as shelters for themselves and ammunition. Well-known fake about the maternity hospital. The woman carried out on the medical bed is an actress. You all know this fake 'Kyiv ghost'. All of his flights and the killing of 30 Russian aircraft are computer simulations or footage from other hot spots. (if you want to know more read the articles on the internet) Also I'm sure many of you have the question 'why is Russia's strong army advancing so slowly through small Ukraine?' I have an answer to this question. Ukrainian troops are hiding behind civilians in the cities. In order for civilians not to suffer, Russia has to very subtly identify and destroy the enemy. That is why Russia has been at war with Ukraine for so long. None of the Russians wants carpet bobodirovak like the US in Iraq. Many of your leaders and the media are talking about supplying weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but by doing so they are only prolonging an already bloody war. They also don't tell you about the DNR and LNR – those are the parts of Ukraine that were bombed by Ukraine because they wanted to join Russia. For 8 YEARS!!! Over 1,000 children and 13,000 civilians, including women and the elderly, died there. I can assure many of you that Russia is not going to use nuclear weapons. We do not want to leave ashes from our brothers. I'm sure none of you have seen the opinion of the independent media. Your rulers lie to you to make you hate us. Read more about this conflict and you will understand that Russia is not the initiator of this conflict.

  10. Bravo Russia,,,❤️🇮🇩🇵🇸🇷🇺❤️

  11. Ukraine I said I would stand and protect Ukraine. Russia Putin I god of God's I am Miguel angel Mejia I will put a stop to Russia earthquake builds will fall ground will open and your every you be hiding the ground will swallow you. Don't you remember never to take live in any part of the galaxy. No one from the galaxy will help it's my return and you have chances to take the right path instead of taking many life's I will just take your. 3 days your chose as I am the beging the creator the end the everything beyond to end of this galaxy to cross over to gods of God's pharo federation galaxyia.

  12. Sick warmongers. It matters not who’s the president is because the military industrial complex rules. Vomit and propaganda. US is dying a humiliating death thanks to the arrogance and ignorance of our evil war mongering “leaders.”

  13. ❤❤🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺-🇱🇦❤❤✌✌✌✌✌🤛🤛👍

  14. 👎👎👎🐾🇺🇦🐾👎👎👎

  15. I stand with Russia, Putin, and Ukrainians in freeing their nation from the globalist circus in Kiev.

    Time for Puppetlenskyy to do the right thing now and surrender.

    The jig is up…

  16. It was so heartbreaking that there are many children who died . And it is so sad that we can't see them again laughing And playing . Pray for the peace🙏🙏

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