Kyiv is on edge as Russian forces close in on the city. Thousands of Ukrainians fearing for their safety are racing to leave the country. ABC News’ Andrew Dymburt has the latest.


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “Russian forces advance towards Ukraine’s capital”
  1. In this context, are you saying that all of our US presidents were mad mad men when we invaded Iraq, Lybia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Syria, Cuba, Panama? .. . Ukraine military have been firing artillery shells into its own buildings

  2. Ukraine needs to surrender. The US is not Ukraine's friend. The US, hijacked by Corporate America, only cares about oil and gas. Ukraine can not win; they need to live to fight another day in another way. There is nothing to be gained by dying in futile resistance; that's a Hollywood thing. As Kenny Rogers sang: You need to know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em.

  3. My opinion of the Russian army has went down they are getting a kicking 🤣 if Nato sent in the US 🇺🇸 uk 🇬🇧 forces Seals, SAS, delta, SBS Marines etc they would have victory against the Russian within a week shame that lunatic Putin is threatening Nuclear war as he knows this 😏

  4. War,is totally foolness..Make Bond each other countries with love care sacrifice or happiness with progress or success not a war or unhappiness 🙏

  5. Just remember,the same legacy media who lied about covid for 2 years has seamlessly switched from covid to Russia/Ukraine now..They lied then, the probability of them not covering this accurately is pretty high.👍👍

  6. We are from third world countries and this west called us backward but look who made world war 1 and 2 and now 3 ( this is civilation !) and then any bomb on toilet they will fight against whole Muslims in world 😂 but now thier countries fight but you will never find Muslims in billion Muslims who could Say something bad about Christianity or Jewish ( you know why ?) this question is totally heavy on you guys but I will make simple it is because islam is true relegion who called to belieave and love all religions ( if we deny one of these relegion. Then we would not be Muslims !) find answer again ( if Islam is false why it asked all its followers to love and belieave in Christianity and Jewish ?)

  7. Why would you listen to the legacy media at all? They've lost all credibility by lying to you, the last 2 years, about the virus, where it came from, mandates, lockdowns, vaccines, vaccine passports, and they are continuing to lie to you now. If you think that they have any credibility left and you continue to believe their lies, there is something seriously wrong with your head!

  8. "The strength of a civilization is not measured by its ability to fight wars, but rather by its ability to prevent them."
    — Gene Roddenberry, Star Trek creator, (1921-1991)

  9. God Bless President Trump back into Office. Amen.

    Religions are corruptable. God is not. God is Truth, the Way and Life.
    Christians are free thinking people that abandoned the Catholic church in year 1064 to seek a righteous faith in God.
    Catholics were extorting money for prayers.

    Christianity is faith-based. Christians congregate together to learn about Jesus. Matthew 18: 20, "Where two or more gather in my name, I am with them."

    Most Christian Churches have righteous intentions but, all free thinking Christians know to be cautious of the Devil.

    Declaration of Independence, " All American citizens have an inalienable right to think freely."
    Gee, I wonder what Divine Philosophy for humanity that came from?
    God rule is not tyrannical.
    In 1994, Ukraine gave up nuclear power, in a Deal to be protected by another government.
    This is why you never give up your weapons to the government and expect Government to protect you.

    Greg Gutfeld is the best Rapper.

  10. Nato is really going to take us to the third world war… STOP ANGRY THAT BEAR THAT IS FURIOUS… Russia has many truths and it is time to negotiate… the Russians DO NOT WANT MILITARY BASES PUT IN THEIR YARD

  11. So let them take it otherwise the rest of us in the west will have no more internet no more electricity the price of food will likely go up about 100% Ukraine government has horrible anyway their Healthcare is garbage they let people suffer instead of giving them operations for like severe sciatica and things like that. Horrible government. So who cares your replace one Tyrant with another.

  12. LIARS, COWARDS, and ASSHOLES: BIDEN & DEMOcRAT Party; war is the continuation of politics by other means and not a personal human relationship: retaliate with war or accept it and stop fucking over the economy because the politicians are too cowardly for war….

  13. Let's Go Brandon 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯

  14. Russians need to overthrow their own government! Russians need to stop Putin. War is nothing but a fight between pathetic scared men with no balls. And Putin is a freak psycho. He is destroying Russia and himself. Russians you need to stand up and speak loud against him. Russian future is pretty much destroyed by the freako Putin.

  15. Zelenskyy's account is getting fatter like Asraf Ghani, a runaway doll with trillions cash.
    insistent on joining NATO and willing to sacrifice the lives of millions of Ukrainians.
    Viktor Yanukovich tries to stay in the Eurasian unit but is overthrown by the traitors of the nation.
    Now feel the consequences of the crimes committed by the traitors of the nation.

  16. Munich agreement of 1938. "Sedent lands." Putin only wants two break away areas. Hitler's play book. Europe need to wake up. Putin is repeating History. And he's not going to stop until countries unite and stop him. Hello Georgia he was their already. He might return. ?

  17. Russian troops have already killed hundreds of Ukrainians. 👹👹👹 Putin is a devil ❢❢❢ 👹👹👹

  18. Feminists: Women are oppressed and we want equality
    Ukrainian government: Men over 18 must report for duty
    Feminists: (crickets)

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