Russia warns that a WWIII ‘would involve nuclear weapons’

Russia warns that a WWIII ‘would involve nuclear weapons’

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov argued against NATO involvement in Ukraine by claiming that a broader war would involve nuclear weapons.

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22 thoughts on “Russia warns that a WWIII ‘would involve nuclear weapons’

  1. not afraid of covid. let alone ww3 if it has to happen. especially knowing we are on the right side of history. when u fight for the right cause to defeat a tyrant (Putin and any other that support him), die in the battlefield will be an honor.

  2. Too many ignorant cowards unwilling to do what must be done. Kill Evil. In Russia, In the United States, all over the Globe.

    Too many evil douche-bags running the World.

    It's probably best humanity goes extinct.

  3. The only nation that deserves to be nuked is the one that holds the world hostage over nuclear weapon use. Russia should be a candidate for a first strike due to Putin’s threats. Unfortunate… The Russian people deserve better.

  4. At this point Putin has lost his mind. He’s doing what Hitler is doing by throwing threats at his enemies as a last attempt to be feared

  5. Ukrain gave up their nukes in an agreement that America promised to come to Ukrainian aid if they were attacked as result of weakening their defense by giving up the nukes.
    Where is our word? Where do we think our honor as America is when, we allow Ukrain to suffer at the hands of this child molester named Putin. How can we allow a criminal to go on killing babies. What form of self justification can America use to justify the laws in our own country if we allow these war crimes to continue, to the people we gave our word to.

    We gave Ukrain our promise to defend Ukrain if they were attacked. Are we like putin child molester and no honor. We need to honor our word to protect Ukrain now that Putin's army has attacked Ukrain.

  6. Wow they gave them thier nuclear weapons and Russia still invaded?
    yea thats straight up tyrannical.

    They most definitely should of kept those nukes cause Russia broke a treaty and agreement for exchange of thier arsenal and protection.

    and still screwed them over..

  7. May the Russian people see Putin’s greed, lies, love for power and recognition. May they see him as murderer of Ukrainian civilians and the cause of economic havoc worldwide due to his initiated war. May they unanimously overthrow him from being president. May the Russian military stop supporting him. Putin has lost a sound mind.

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