Russia claims to achieve major goal in the war in Ukraine – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Britt Clennett reports that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are “successfully repulsing” Russian troops in the eastern city of Severodonetsk.

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By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Russia claims to achieve major goal in the war in Ukraine”
  1. Russia:were winning in the war of ukraine!
    russia loses north ukraine
    Today Russia:We are getting a major goal!
    Everyone:Russia you Literally lost the north

  2. Are they claiming or it is a fact? Ukraine have claimed so many imaginary victories, they should be in Moscow. The quicker the West accept they failed in Ukraine and failed with the sanctions.

  3. Posted on Telegram by Amir Tsarfati: The Russians are destroying the weapons depots, which the Ukrainians are receiving from the West, here tonight from the attacked city of Mykolaiv (near Odessa). Powerful sub-explosions.

  4. Posted on Telegram by Amir Tsarfati: The Russians are destroying the weapons depots, which the Ukrainians are receiving from the West, here tonight from the attacked city of Mykolaiv (near Odessa). Powerful sub-explosions.

  5. Well the Russian army are still failing. Their efforts are in vain, and they’re about to collapse.

  6. God will say while watching this war "My dear precious Earth one of the nicest place in heavens humans have killed animals for food, now you've killed fellow man for nothing?

  7. Молитва за Украину:

    Дорогой Небесный Отец, наш Мессия Бог, Ты милостивый Отец всего мира.

    Ибо Ты, Отче Боже, отделил немощных от сильных, дабы видна была слава Твоя по скудости пути их в жизни, ибо сила духа не по плоти, но по любви. Помилуй, дорогой Небесный Отец, украинский народ и его сыновей и дочерей, чтобы каждый мог жить вечно с тобой в Твоем Царстве.

    Всякое чудо, могущество, величие, честь и хвала Господу Богу на небесах, Который терпит вместе с преследуемыми людьми за их свидетельство о Том, Кто достоин избавить слабых во времена скорби и имеет благодать внимать их нужды во времена бедности, и кто один очищает совесть от всякого проступка.

    Господь, Всемогущий Бог:

    Мы в страхе, но воля Твоя исполнена по слову Твоему, и слово Твое нерушимо, ибо слово Твое есть имя Твое. Да спасутся все, призывающие имя Иисуса, и да не боятся и не стыдятся, ибо любовь Отца с теми, кого преследуют за правду.

    Мы благодарим Тебя, Небесный Отец, за то, что Ты благословил тех, кто терпит с семьей в раздорах и опирается на закон любви ради своих ближних, ибо, как сказано в Твоих писаниях: «любовь есть исполнение закона веры».

    Так да преисполнится вера и любовь к тем, кто слаб и преследуем за свою праведность, ибо они близки к сердцу Бога, как меньший наречется великим! А те, кто называют себя великими, будут унижены…

    Мы благодарим Тебя, Господь Иисус, наш небесный Спаситель за народ Украины, страдающий под игом воинствующего безбожия. Да придет к ним помощь быстро, как светлая стрела движется сквозь туман, и да будет проповедано слово Агнца открыто и усердно по всей Украине всем жителям, чтобы каждый мог познать любовь Отца, которая к ним и внутри. их всегда… Аминь

  8. o my god,,,, with all the progress, descoveries, technology, social inventions and we still kill and explode stuff to solve few issues,, what a disgrace,,,

  9. Listen to her confusion. She didn’t even know the news herself. Her news was not accurate either. Wow…

  10. UKR will not de-mine the port of Odessa for fear of Russia moving in and taking it. Russia has been de-mining their newly acquired ports and have opened up 2 shipping lanes but the sanctions are preventing Russia from delivering the wheat to Europe. The US and the EU brought this catastrophe upon us!

  11. Why do we keep reporting on what Russia (Putin) says? None of his words hold any integrity or truth. Stupid media.

  12. Success would have been an agreement both sides could benefit from. Is Russia taking advantage of the poor who made a home where they had yet to agree was going to stay part of Ukraine? This is exactly what I can't fathom? Are the Imperialist Russians the real creators of this type of aggression and are now saying Ukrainians are the ones who are the Nazis in order to master?

  13. There is no such a thing in America as an independent press, unless it is out in country towns. You are all slaves. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to express an honest opinion. If you expressed it, you would know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid $150 for keeping honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for doing similar things. If I should allow honest opinions to be printed in one issue of my paper, I would be like Othello before twenty-four hours: my occupation would be gone. The man who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street hunting for another job. The business of a New York journalist is to distort the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to villify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread, or for what is about the same — his salary. You know this, and I know it; and what foolery to be toasting an "Independent Press"! We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are jumping-jacks. They pull the string and we dance. Our time, our talents, our lives, our possibilities, are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.- John swinton

  14. God Bless Russia 🇷🇺 a Christian country fighting Zionist war pigs 🐷 Biden and zelensky

  15. Captured certain area of Ukraine and strategic eastern city? Why she didn't say that Russia captured almost all Donbas region(Donetsk, Luhansk) and Severodonesk ciy, and Ukranian(including US, UK governments) are lying. Historically Crimea, Donbas region were parts of Russia and Ukraine was born from Russia's retreat and concession of land during World war I by Lenin.


    "And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life.
    And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.
    The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. 
    Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire." (REVELATION 20:12-15 NKJV)

    Today, while you are still alive and able, may you repent from your sins, believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that JESUS CHRIST is your Lord and Savior, so that through Him, your name will be written in the Book of Life.

    "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him 
    should not perish but have everlasting life.
    For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. " (JOHN 3:16-17 NKJV)

  17. It's funny. Do you dopes still think Russia is losing? Lol. They never were losing. And now we've given them the top performing fiat currency on the planet. Lol. Brandon is an absolute stud of a president.

  18. I always pray to the Lord Jesus Christ every day for peace negotiations.. Forgiving each other and talking to each other looking for a peaceful solution.. Lord Jesus Christ the true and living God..who died on the cross to atone for sins and rose again on the 3rd day…owner of eternal life or heaven (a very beautiful heaven with Jesus  ) and creator of heaven and earth,,,, really hate nuclear weapons …… ,,because……,

    , Lord Jesus Christ the true and living Lord..who died on the cross to atone for sins and rose again on the 3rd day… owner of eternal life or heaven (a very beautiful heaven with Jesus ) and creator of heaven and earth… really hate nuclear weapons..because nuclear weapons is a big sin..a big sin is the eternal fire of hellfire..nuclear weapons are a big sin..a big sin is the eternal fire of hellfire..ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles are big sins……

  19. I always pray to the Lord Jesus Christ every day for peace negotiations.. Forgiving each other and talking to each other looking for a peaceful solution.. Lord Jesus Christ the true and living God..who died on the cross to atone for sins and rose again on the 3rd day…owner of eternal life or heaven (a very beautiful heaven with Jesus  ) and creator of heaven and earth,,,, really hate nuclear weapons …… ,,because……,

    , Lord Jesus Christ the true and living Lord..who died on the cross to atone for sins and rose again on the 3rd day… owner of eternal life or heaven (a very beautiful heaven with Jesus ) and creator of heaven and earth… really hate nuclear weapons..because nuclear weapons is a big sin..a big sin is the eternal fire of hellfire..nuclear weapons are a big sin..a big sin is the eternal fire of hellfire..ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles are big sins…….

  20. America should stop the war against Russia. US started this they should end this. If they really care about the innocent people of Ukraine then should they need to support the war financially and supplying weapons. They can simply reject the Ukraine request to join NATO. It has 223 years of war history yet the Nobel peace award is given to the American president. Totally sick of this world politics, the most dangerous part is they are killing people of their own and other country under the name of saving them. Zalensky is the puppet of Biden. Brave putin is trying to save his people.

  21. Remember fake news keep the focus off biden ! No matter what ! 😂😆😂😆😂😆

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