Russia announces conditions for end of war l ABCNL – Car Mod Pros Portal

Plus, the growing calls to put a ban on Russian oil imports as Ukrainian officials continue to plead for the West to implement a no-fly zone.

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By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Russia announces conditions for end of war l ABCNL”
  1. US propaganda is such BS. I do not know how Americans can be so stupid to believe anything major media, CIA’ mouthpiece, after Iraq WMD and Russia-gate. Does anyone believe that Russia is ALL BAD and Ukraine is all good? Nazis have great influence in the Ukraine government and has been making war against ethnic Russians in the Donbass since the US backed (if not orchestrated) coup in 2014. Congress in 2015 restricted the Administration from providing weapons to Ukraine because of that. These NAZI’s have openly stated they enjoy killing, they love killing, and they have been killing while the Ukraine government allowed them to shell and burn people alive after locking them in a building. The US has been doing like the FSU tried to do in Cuba. Do Americans really think it is OK for NATO (aka the US) to put missiles in Ukraine and Russia should allow that?
    Would the Us allow, and would the American people tolerate Russian missiles im Mexico? Hell no! And everyone with part of brain in their head knows it.
    This is also about gas and the Russian pipeline; just like Syria was about a pipeline.
    And by BTW, why are these actors not telling the people any of this? Because that is not the scrip.The script is Ukraine is a Democracy and we need to help them. This is a lie. As these people reported about Russia shutting down reporter and blocking news reports, so has Ukraine. Ukraine closed three major radio stations and jailed the opposition leader. Did anyone know that? And the US locks up whistleblowers for reporting US war crimes and DNC election rigging (Sanders in 2016). The US has laws on the books almost exactly as the NAZI’s did under hitler. We have secret courts (real constitutional) and American can be whisked away and locked in prison without trial, and without judicial review except from a secret court that let an FBI attorney falsify a warrant application, withholding material evidence that if known the court would never have allowed surveillance of a presidential appointee, and he got probation. PROBATION for perjuring a warrant application under color of law.

    It is sad that Russia is no longer Communist, but the US is getting there if not already. Ukraine is being portayed as a democratic state but it is no more so than Russia, and perhaps less if its government allows a NAZI battalion of national guard make war on people in eastern Ukraine because they do not want to be under a US puppet government.

    Wake up people. Do not support war or boycotts. The American poor will suffer for what? Ukraine will not beat Russia and the US is just getting more people killed by pushing them to fight. Ukraine needs to be neutral in the east west issue as would Mexico or Canada if it came to that.

  2. 澤倫斯基是你应该清醒的时候了!英美只是想透過烏克蘭拖垮俄羅斯。是個核心戰略而已。根本就是隔岸操控的各種假動作而已。尤其美國完全沒有出面調停的動作,只是一邊不斷強調自己絕不出兵,一邊不斷透過金融制裁、給錢、運武器、搞米格機,在烏克蘭的戰場上去製造、擴大俄烏雙方的更多犧牲。澤倫斯基請看清楚美國與其他西方國家的面具。如你还不能清醒喊停,将会有更多平民百姓被当炮灰犧牲!

  3. 中国外交部:美国在乌克兰问题上散布针对中国的虚假信息!北京日报 03月09日16:14 外交部发言人赵立坚表示,近日,美国政府在乌克兰问题上接二连三散布针对中国的虚假信息,企图转嫁矛盾,挑动对抗,借机渔利,可谓手段卑劣,用心险恶。乌克兰问题演变到今天,来龙去脉十分清楚,正是以美国为首的北约的所作所为,才一步步将俄乌矛盾推向了火山口。美国无视自身责任,反而指责中国有关乌克兰问题的立场,给同时打压中俄两国的图谋寻找操作空间,以达到维护霸权的目的。美国政府越是费尽心机造谣污蔑,渲染操作,就越是让国际社会看清楚其信誉账户的累累赤字。

  4. We can’t ban their oil. Biden let them have a pipeline and not us so we do that we all pay more so y do it? Our administration let him have access to oil money so y would we ban? Was Putin really a better person or leader before the invasion? Weird times we live in. Corona all over again to give rich people a reason to make me pay more. It’s a shame.

  5. Ukraine (Ro1;20) is like as Jesus was and Russia is in the image of Arron's Priesthood (church). NATO & America represents the common people of Jesus's time that allowed the shedding of innocent blood without taking action! Go ask China if we may stop this,

  6. They’ve stated their issues since before the invasion. It shouldn’t have gotten this far in the first place. The US and NATO made it worse. The US president is a scoundrel. I’m sure he and some of congress owed Ukraine favors. There’s definitely conflict of interest going on in the White House.

  7. Bravo Russia… Ura🇷🇺

    USA – NATO go to hell🔥

  8. Why do Ukrainians think we are as stupid as they are. One minute they say they are defeating the Russian invasion, the next minute they beg the west for help because they say they are losing. So which is it? But I guess you cannot expect much more from a cocaine addict neo naZi.

  9. 俄乌今天發生的一切,其實是有機會避免的,如果澤倫斯基保持中立,不要傾向美國與北約、不要支持將加入北約寫進憲法,就不會踩到俄羅斯的紅線。事情走到今天,普丁是戰爭責任者之一沒錯,但澤倫斯基不能說是無辜的。專家分析,美國背棄承諾、北約一再東擴,俄羅斯不會無止盡退讓,普丁事先已宣告意向,而澤倫斯基選擇對幹,再拖著全國人民的生命财产陪他一起承受後果,這不是英雄,這是自撞冰山;與其說澤倫斯基是英雄,他更像「被當作棄子的悲劇演員」。

  10. Whats happening in the world? Opening escape route to Russia for Ukraines who wanted to stay away from Rusian govt, to begin with, hardly seems logical?

  11. US Joe (biden) to Pootie "We will stop hurting you when you pay reparations for your war and hand yourself into the International Criminal Court to answer for war crimes."
    Of course a coward like Pootie would never admit his scumbaggery.
    Perhaps the russians will do it for us soon enough – the russians have a tradition of unseating the top thug by marching them of to the local prison to await the firing squad (forced retirement Russian style)

  12. 美国去到哪里,战争災难就去到哪里!各国政治家請三思而行!不要将平民百姓推向死亡之路!

  13. I suspect : These are conditions for ending the conflict in Ukraine: : (Condition 1): No NATO-OTAN ICBM nuclear missiles will be installed in Ukraine or Donbass and aimed at Russian federation. (Condition 2) No NATO – OTAN military bases in Ukraine. (Condition 3): No NATO membership for 50 years or for 100 years. The future government in Kyiv after 50 years has to be a friendly government. (Condition 5): If you think Kyiv owns Crimea, them show Russian Federation a genuine land gift document and land title signed by former Secretary General Nikita Khrushchev, saying that he as supreme commander was hereby giving /Crimea from Russian to Ukraine, with his own signature and other relevant proof of gifting, all genuine documents.. (Condition 6): If Donbass area becomes an independent Russian speaking country in future, then future cash strapped Donbass will not sell military bases in exchange for cash from NATO – OTAN group. NATO – OTAN is a non terrorist group. Nearly all the top 20 cities and towns of Ukraine are Russian speaking cities and towns of Ukraine except Lviv.

  14. Us has no balls to back up ukrain what do you expect from Brandon he don’t even know where his sorry azz is half the time. Such a great leader look how he with drew last time an left how much military equipment behind . We should not have to have these kinda gas prices they are pressuring to all electric. Yet you wonder why people stormed our capital.

  15. The separatist regions can be surrendered in my opinion, and NATO membership delayed but just temporarily. The Baltic states are NATO members and that was not an issue so why is this an issue now ? EU membership is not a threat and should not be an issue . If the Russians oppose their EU membership they are not genuine and not reasonable . In that case the fight should go on.

  16. We need to have an investigation into our government for violating our freedoms. When I pay for a subscription to a service and I want RT (Russian television) and I am paying for it, and the government comes in and takes it away from me because it doesn't agree with the government's views. That is state-sponsored censorship! That is what communist China does! Pretty soon if you speak out in favor of Russia this crazy country is going to be like the Gestapo and inform on you with the ever present smartphone informents. America is slowly tipping into the abyss of tyranny.

  17. Let's be clear, on the day that Biden took office, the US was a net exporter of energy (including oil & gas). On that day, Biden declared war on the fossil fuel industry in this country. And lets not be mis-directed, when somebody like Crazy Nancy says "Ban Russian oil now" she does NOT intend to replace it with anything – letting prices go up and up … because the Dems with their Leftist Green New Deal nuts … want all fossil fuels to be eliminated. And when Peppermint Patty says "The elimination of the Keystone XL pipeline didnt reduce oil imports, it still comes to us from different means" … she completely misses that if we have BOTH the Keystone pipeline AND the other routes, we get much more oil on a daily basis (reality is she knows she was being deceptive and simply telling a lie). The net net is … we need leaders that FUEL THIS COUNTRY, not ones that FOOL THIS COUNTRY!

  18. 💙💛 Don't just support with words. Please donate, even just a little, & join protests & demand companies & gov reps to take further action. Report russian misinformation & propaganda on social media. Encourage people close to you to do these as well. Please.. 🇺🇦

  19. Hello world, do you not realize that WW111 is happening as we speak?? It's now being fought in Ukraine by Ukraine citizens in some places with their bare hands. Nato is useless and do you think Putin is going to stop there because if you do you're delusional. China is watching and taking notes as they know Nato will not get involved, this is just the second part after 2014 and it's not over by a long shot. Russia will take Moldova and keep going. The necular power plant should have been a huge eye opener but apparently not. Shame on Nat. I don't blame Ukraine one bit for withdrawing its request as in the Presidents words 'not begging on our knees'

  20. Can we please stop with all the propaganda. Ukraine is a weak and corrupt country that could never hope to defeat Russia by itself otherwise they wouldn't have lost Crimea and the other lands controlled by the rebels in the first place.
    Secondly how in the heck does paying more for gas hurt Russia's economy more than ours? The E.U. countries gets most of it's gas from Russia not the U.S., which is a reason why they have the Nordstrom pipelines. A U.S. citizen paying more gas will have the same effect as paying $1,000 for a $400 PS5 at Target, which is making the people who stockpiled it richer while boosting the lawmakers and congress representatives investment portfolio.
    Thirdly Russia has NUCLEAR WEAPONS a.k.a Weapons of Mass Destruction(You know the things we sent troops to Iraq for) while Ukraine is playing with toys such as tanks in AR-rifles. If Russia wanted to take over Kiev they would have done it.
    Fourthly why all the Russian hate? Why destroy their livelihood unless it's to preserve ours? Many Russians are Christians as well, they live and breath air like you and I and attend church services. They send their children to study in American universities, they made contributions to science and technology. I know Putin isn't innocent but surely he isn't the most ruthless dictator. Why is the hate against this nation similar as the hate against Israel in Arabic speaking countries? Why are some people so obsessed with destroying this nation?
    Finally how long will we keep playing this "I'm not touching you game" but yet keep saying all these things to enrage a nation. Just like a husband who doesn't hit his wife but yet calls her ugly, fat, and worthless to the point she feels suicidal! Russia definitely deserves some the blame ,but why do we keep escalating the problem? Why not just solve the NATO Expansion problem?

  21. The President of Ukraine is leading his country to an early grave. So sad. The world doesn’t need another NATO country fueled by greedy defense contractors. This whole invasion seems similar to the US invasion of Iraq.

  22. Ukraine’s people don’t afraid and don’t agree with Russia’s announces ceasefire that’s foolish mind because Russia’s armies weak down now. Russia’s Vladimir Putin armies run out supplies for soldiers use to attack Ukraine’s people now.

  23. What he didn 't say is that the left stood in the way with America tapping into its own resources. And had a problem with Trump trying to convince European countries to try to do the same. Never mind the left had an issue with these countries investing more into their militaty. Putin was already taking notes on how biden failed Afghanistan. Putin may be evil but he's not stupid.

  24. oh for heaven's sake Putin, just stop being a big baby and asking people around you to wipe your ass for you. Get your big boy pants on and go ask Zelenskyy for a 1-1 fist fight if you dare. Hiding behind missiles and other people's lives(even children, I
    can't fathom how you're not embarrassed) to sate your greed and need to show "how tough Russia is." Seriously, if you think you're so tough stop cowering behind dead bodies with threats of nukes and get your ass out for a simple 1 to 1. God it's almost impressive how cowardly and stupid a man
    can get thinking he's a king, it's the cringiest thing I can find in the history of mankind.

  25. usa is master mind .. usa should be banned .. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan …. USA just love war business with obsessed superiority complex.

  26. Putin is a war criminal
    Archaic blast from the past era of Bolshevik KGB tactics
    Old man desperately clinging to his imaginary version of a dead world
    An ex spy without any knowledge besides effectiveness of poisons , manipulations , lies ,.
    Power hungry killer
    Putin has to taken down!!!

  27. The treaty actually seems pretty fair other than the neutral stuff
    Ukraine recognize Crimea as Russia: seems fair, Khruchev gave Ukraine Crimea while they are still in the Soviet Union (for nothing ofc) and when the left it, Russia requested Ukraine to give Crimea back but receives no response, hence the territory is legally disputed and Russia can have it (usually it would be decided in a third party country but Russia and Ukraine aren't in the same level so why should they)
    Ukraine must recognize Russia-controlled separatist as independence: pretty normal if you ask me, it is literally just say that if 1 reason wants to join Russia, they can and Ukraine have no rights to stop them
    And Ukraine must be neutral: Idk about this, not joining NATO is reasonable enough but not joining EU is a bit too much
    All in all this is a decent demand, nothing too much, it basically say that: "Let's stop the war and pretend like Russia won shall we?"
    And Russia can't lose so what is the point?

  28. Seems like Russia do care Ukrainians citizens otherwise if its done by gang bang notorious nato and usa group’s then it will be like Syria Iraq Libya etc people falls for western hypocrisy 😉

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