Russia advances in the east as new US ambassador speaks out l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ Ian Pannell shares the latest from Ukraine and Bridget Brink touts Ukrainians’ success in an exclusive interview with ABC News.

#ABCNews #Ukraine #Russia


By carmodpros


22 thoughts on “Russia advances in the east as new US ambassador speaks out l GMA”
  1. May God bless Ukraine as it fights to secure a just peace. May Blessed Michael McGivney intercede with God for this, along with St Charbel, St John Paul II and St George. May the Miraculous Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God remove Putin and his minions from power.

  2. I think this is just an opportunity to test new technologies out and I think they picked Ukraine because it wasn’t tied to any big counties like nato or Russia. It seems like Americans are just giving them our weapons and Putin is just sending out pawns to test how it reacts to modern technology.

  3. Christians Jihad. Joe Biden has to kill 100 million Orthodox Christian as Hillary Clinton did kill one million Orthodox with Muslim Brotherhood support in Egypt to make Pope happy as hard line fanatics Catholics.

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  5. Over 1.2 million Iraqi people died as a result of USA illegal invasion of Iraq based on lies and NATO was just fine with that, it even helped America. So did Ukraine and Poland.
    Same with the UN and Europe.
    It's very interesting to me.

  6. So we thought the Russian military were professional,  not really,  they are a joke.. I never thought Russia was so weak, any country could win a war against Russia, they fit well in a circus army. Ha ha ha 😂

  7. China is probably aa weak as Russia, Chinese military is also a paper tiger like Russia, old junk. Japan alone probably can destroy China's military. China will lose just like Russia is stuck and losing in Ukraine.

  8. Ukraine is a criminal country,  same with Poland,  they both participated with NATO led war in Iraq, it also supported Azerbaijan's war against Armenia.
    Putin is an evil communist trash, but  you get what you deserve .

  9. Russia is an evil communist, old fashioned, broke country.
    Ukraine is a criminal country,  same with Poland,  they both participated with NATO led war in Iraq, it also supported Azerbaijan's war against Armenia.
    Putin is an evil communist trash, but  you get what you deserve .


    The end is near!! Will you wait until it is too late?
    Have you ever thought of what would happen to you today if you were to die?
    Are you sure you're going to heaven if you die?
    How can you be sure?

    The most important things we need to point out is that the only way to heaven
    is through Jesus Christ and being saved by his grace.
    What does it mean to be saved?
    To be saved means you have been delivered from the penalty of your sins, which is eternal death
    to enjoy and live in the presence of God forever

    1. We are ALL sinners by nature and choice.

    Romans 3:10 KJV
    "As it is written, There is none Righteous, no not one."

    Romans 3:23 KJV
    "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"

    2. The penalty for sin is death.

    Romans 6:23 KJV "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God
    is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

    The "death" mentioned in this verse refers to Spiritual death which means HELL.

    Wow!! The wages or payment for sin is death? How can I get to heaven then?

    3. We receive eternal life as a free gift!

    According to Romans 6:23 it is through the gift of God which is Eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    But why would he give us a gift of eternal life? It is because He loves each one of us
    and wants us to live with Him in heaven.

    4. God demonstrated His love for us

    Take a look:
    Romans 5:8 KJV But God Commendeth his love toward us, in that,
    while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

    Ok, that helps to answer ‘why’ ?

    Now the question is what must I do to be saved?

    5. Admit that you are a sinner, you cannot save yourself from death and hell, believe Jesus Christ died on the Cross for you and rose up on the third day, accept Him in your heart as your Lord and Savior

    Romans 10:9&10 (9)That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe
    in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    (10) For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness;
    and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    God’s Word teaches us
    that if you simply and sincerely believe in your innermost being that Jesus took your place and died on the cross
    for the payment of your sins, and that God raised him from the dead on the third day (found in Matthew 28: 1 to 20)you will be saved by your confession of being a sinner and asking the Lord Jesus to forgive you of your sins.
    Because we are not righteous (none of us are), the only way to heaven is to ask God
    to forgive you of your sins through believing prayer.

    Romans 10:13 KJV For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

    If you call upon Him for salvation God promises to hear you and you will be saved!!

    Go to God in prayer
    and sincerely pray a prayer like the one below and mean it in your heart:

    Dear God, I confess I am a sinner and cannot save myself from hell. I ask for forgiveness of my sins. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died on the Cross for my sins. I accept Jesus Christ in my heart as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for the forgiveness and thr gift of eternal life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

    If you have prayed this prayer and truly meant it in your heart ,
    God’s Word assures you that you now have eternal life.

    *Eternal life means going to Heaven when you die

    See John 6:37 and John 10: 27-29

  11. The major news networks on this war is beyond disgust. They are not news. They are CIA propagandists. They helped our government spend $63 billion to one of the most corrupt countries in the world that was headed by a nazi controlled puppet. God bless the MIC.

  12. I always pray to the Lord Jesus Christ every day for peace negotiations.. Forgiving each other and talking to each other looking for a peaceful solution.. Lord Jesus Christ the true and living God..who died on the cross to atone for sins and rose again on the 3rd day…owner of eternal life or heaven (a very beautiful heaven with Jesus  ) and creator of heaven and earth,,,, really hate nuclear weapons …… ,,because……,

    , Lord Jesus Christ the true and living Lord..who died on the cross to atone for sins and rose again on the 3rd day… owner of eternal life or heaven (a very beautiful heaven with Jesus ) and creator of heaven and earth… really hate nuclear weapons..because nuclear weapons is a big sin..a big sin is the eternal fire of hellfire..nuclear weapons are a big sin..a big sin is the eternal fire of hellfire..ballistic missiles and hypersonic missiles are a big sin..

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