A candidate’s microphone will be turned off whenever his opponent is providing the initial two-minute answer to debate questions. ABC’s Andrew Dymburt reports.
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Find Joe Biden's video here in GNEWS : https://gnews.org/zh-hant//
Trump Condemns White Supremacy 20 Times over 20 Years (Compilation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZWJdQysUw0
Marxist SOROS BUYING BIDEN A WHITE HOUSE FOR $70M https://richardsonpost.com/howellwoltz/18533/soros-paying-for-biden-presidency/
I saw Biden’s mic being muted more than Trump and they also let Trump go rogue several times.😢
This buds NOT for you Joe Hidin…
A Patriot and a Veteran sets the record straight. So if you heard what Joe Biden claimed tonight, then this alone is hard evidence he is a LIAR!
Do NOT let Biden win!
Tony Bobulinski held presser claiming Joe Biden knew about Hunter's busi… https://youtu.be/aiiSq7toqlQ
I could never in good conscious try to explain to the Lord why I supported a Democrat. From abortions (Democrats pushing LATE TERM abortion! 🤢) along with the obvious lies Dems tell to cover crimes. Then the push to eliminate God from America. The Lord has used Trump to save USA
All talk no action biden…we elected an outsider Donald J Trump 2020
C'mon….Can't you see I'm a professional liar" C'mon….C'mon….
No gasoline engines according to Biden…..congratulations Donald J Trump you just won reelection Mr. President. And who put immigrants in cages? Barrack Hussain Obama
Wait… Who the hell is Tony Bobulinski??!!
Trump saying no one has done more for Black People in America than him. Guess he forgot about Harriet Tubman, Martin Luther King Jr., and all great African American activists in history. #Biden2020
Trump basically won on the Last Debate
Trump did fantastic absolutely fabulous
Ridiculous! Only The President was muted! Biden had NO ten second or thirty seconds responses! This was so left leaning its atrocious!
How is trump going to whine like a five year old? What a little girl.
I get in every poll I can. I say I am a black woman, 45 yrs old and a democrat voting for Biden. In reality I am a white old guy voting for Trump. I am sure I am not the only one giving Biden Pollsters the wrong info. TRUMP 2020
Jaykee the Wolf: screw that!! with LEADERSHIP being the only topic where trump could hang that old trout biden's ass to dry on account of his and his junkie kid's corruption, WAS PUT TO THE END!!
Luis: yep. the dems are going to run out the clock so that the old trout's dirty laundry does not see the light of day.
Jaykee the Wolf: damn! damn! damn!!!!
Luis: yes. we will need beer tonight.
I bet Biden will have a Ear Mic again ..
Hey Ask joe if I can have My Fair Share of his 10% of the chinese Company that the ccp gave him for his help. If not I'll take 50k a month and
kick back 50% to '"the Big Guy" I have no skills but Hunter and I can smoke crack with the human traffickers so let me know. I can also go to
russia and pick up some cash when you need it. Don't thank me now but I think I can really help you.
Trump is a god to his supporters.
The President will dominate Mr. Biden anyway.
Kristen Welker CAUGHT FEEDING QUESTIONS before she was live.https://youtu.be/OI8hO-FsOQU
If you need a mute button then your moderator sucks at his/her job
Biden and the moderator are practicing together in his basement.
Would you shut up Man 😂😂😂
Oh my god… 😂😂😂…Open your eyes
Trump doesn't care about 215,000+ deaths
The USA is chaired by an incompetent fool
Vote This Liar Out
😷 😷 Shame On Trump 😷😷
“You can silence the President but you can not silence the American peopleâ€ÂÂÂÂ
– Kayleigh Mcenany
Would you shut up man 😂😂
Who else thinks this is going to be one of the biggest landslides in decades? And I shouldn't even have to say in favor of who.
Superman more like Stupidman… Fauci is the Superman..
Finally ! Biden will get a chance to fully articulate his thoughts…
New Rule – If you don't want to hear Donny's big mouth – hand the morbidly obese Man Baby a Milk Shake!!! Remove Trump at the ballot BoX! People are tired of G R U M P! vote h i m away today!
you can't mute the election results.
Will the corporate puppet (J. Biden) be asked the following questions?:
-Are you gonna defund the police?
-Are you gonna abolish the 2nd amendment?
-Are you gonna raise the taxes?
-Are you gonna let more illegal immigrants in?
-Are you gonna ship some more jobs overseas?
-Are you gonna pack the court?
-Are you gonna keep sending the American youth into endless wars?
In Biden's case, the answer to all those questions is YES, but he will refuse to respond (if he even gets asked by a liberal anchors). Be smart America, don't vote for this corporate puppet or you will be sorry in the matter of months.
Will the moderator be muted if they interrupt??
I want to commet about the First Lady. She started a program about bullying, i think she did that because her husband bully her all the time.
Ask Trump to make America great again by showing that he can eliminates those fires in the west in a week
They have forgotten what he havent finish such as those chilfren in cages. Only talking about the covid 19.
Can the moderator ask Trump what is he going to do with the 545 childrens still detain in cages and can't find their parents. Can they send Baron in a cage too for a year to see how they like it?
Just vote people. Vote now, vote early
Hi my name is Robyn Blum last year I lost my sister Kali I am diagnosed with trichotillomania which causes me to pull my hair out it is associated with OCD I also have, major depressive disorder PTSD borderline personality disorder and severe anxiety to the point where I am almost mute I am a stay-at-home mother with very little income disability has denied me many times due to the fact I have very low income to get the help that I need in Missouri psychiatrist consultation is $500 and appointments range from 100 to $200 visit which I would need a few to get my medications correct therapy is 100 to 300 I do not have any type of insurance because Medicaid has denied me. I am asking help to feel normal again and become better and to have a happy full happy life. https://www.gofundme.com/f/2685dn8j9c?utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer&utm_campaign=p_na+share-sheet&pc_code=ot_co_dashboard_a&rcid=4f7e813b80f546ebb101bfeda659de4e