Rubio: Trump pardoning Manafort ‘could trigger a debate about’ pardon power

Rubio: Trump pardoning Manafort ‘could trigger a debate about’ pardon power

Sen. Marco Rubio weighs in on the latest court filings from the special counsel and federal prosecutors about Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former longtime attorney Michael Cohen.


33 thoughts on “Rubio: Trump pardoning Manafort ‘could trigger a debate about’ pardon power

  1. Rubio has always been a whimp the NRA owns him and he's scared of #45🤭

  2. don’t y’all say nothing bad about Marco Rubio cause with them big ass ears he can hear EVERYTHING

  3. I would love to give every person that voted for Trump a T shirt that says in the front "I voted for Trump" and in the back the number of days he or she supported the orange clown….if in my power I would make them wear it for the rest of their lives 24/7….so the world can know how dumb they were and how bad their judgment is…

  4. If Trump pardons anybody, that person can be called to testify, with the 5th amendment is out the window. If Trump manipulate the Mueller probe, there's the House ready to investigate.

  5. President Trump is being set up by these deep state traitors. Rubio can’t be trusted. He has never been a strong supporter of President Trump and draining the swamp. There are many swamp creatures in both political parties that need to be fired. The documents need to be declassified. Manafort was targeted to try and undermine President Trump. He should be pardoned. Little Rubio needs to turn off the dishonest mockingbird media and Q the truth.

  6. Maybe he’s been lit on fire or maybe he’s not been lit on fire. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Don’t count on Marco to know the difference.

  7. The FBI shouldn’t frame people!


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