Royal feud in Middle East

Royal feud in Middle East

Prince Hamzah of Jordan says hes on house arrest and denies accusations he conspired to overthrow the government.

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37 thoughts on “Royal feud in Middle East

  1. This is all about ethnicity. The Nation of Jordan is at least 60% Palestinian and about 40% East Bank Tribes. Prince Hamza understands, that with population changes, Syrians and poverty the Tribes are feeling left behind. The Jordanian Tribes understand that the nation has already become a majority Palestinian State. So Tribes are freaking out that they have already lost power. So Hamza has been reaching out to them to try to calm them down. The King has to show national unity as he should. Everyone knows that it is already a majority Palestinian State. This issue won't go away

  2. سيبقى الاردن بعون الله شامخا وقويا بغزيمته ثم عزيمة رجاله الاوفياء وعطائهم وحبهم وولائهم وانتمائهم لقائد الوطن (ابا الحسين) ولوطنهم ولشعبهم . حفظ الله قائدنا وشعبنا ووطننا في ظل القيادة الهاشمية 🇯🇴🇸🇪

  3. Prophecy is unfolding. LORD let Thy will be done.

    And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. (Matthew 24:6-7)

  4. It must be so hard to be a corrupt King these days . God willing He'll will open up soon and there is plenty of room there . unless America gets judged first ?

  5. If they can arrest a member of their royal family, why isn’t Trump in jail for trying to overthrow the government?

  6. Royals should all be banned. We’re all just as Important and should never be ruled by royals.

  7. No Honor amongst Thieves welcome to the middle east and our gas get ready for all the Thieves Here and the middle East were sitting on all the Fuel we need get it

  8. Great distraction when we have a lot of s*** in America that needs to be distracted from the Democratic party right like the billions of dollars for the infrastructure plan that Obama and Biden didn't 2009 now bindings trying to pass trillions of dollars for infrastructure well the 2009 one didn't there's like 9% of the money that I actually went to fixing anything and it still didn't fix anything it went to the corporations that were supposed to fix their failing infrastructure but didn't it went to the corporate assholes in there I went to those f**** with the high-speed rail that completely destroyed the Sacramento River delta here in California so everybody has to worry about the environment now after they completely ripped out an entire ecological system for the state with that billions of dollars for the infrastructure plan under Obama and Joe Biden nobody wants to have trillions of dollars with that when the American people haven't even gotten the stimulus checks from the West 1.9 trillion dollars he passed less than three months in office and he's already planning on spending over 3 trillion dollars to goddamn like close to $14 and less than 3 months in office and he hasn't done a f**** thing the f*** is kind of what the f*** out of b***** is that we're going to go on about this crap to distract the American people hoping news reporter start getting some kidnapping insurance

  9. 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺 MUST SEE AMERICA AT WAR,,,,,,,,,,,,,FRONTLINE YOUTUBE 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺

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