Robert Mueller takes questions for 7 hours from 2 committees

Robert Mueller takes questions for 7 hours from 2 committees

He testified publicly about his investigation and the president, defending his team against claims of bias and confirming Russia’s election meddling was not a hoax.




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25 thoughts on “Robert Mueller takes questions for 7 hours from 2 committees

  1. All you fucking people are insane this is What our country has become full of shit people lying don't you know that this is all costing us millions Because we have a bunch of pussies on the left

  2. Can we just please move on if this man is charged with anything why is he hasn't he is being charged because he cannot be because there wasn't enough evidence can you man just be president whether you agree with him or not the Democrats have control of the house and they have done nothing but launch investigations sound off and committees that result in too many political speeches I am so sick of it what are you doing just do the job Democrat and let's move on. Look whether you agree with this president or not people voted for him Russia whether they try to influence voters or not he was voted president and the right of the voters need to be respected. Secondly I am so sick of the democratic party trying to make Republicans look bad in Republicans trying to make the Democrats look bad this is getting to be where everybody looks bad if you are soundly professionally doing your job the you don't have to worry about how to make someone else look bad this is a circus and as an American citizen I am sick of it I am sick of the Democrats going after president in everything from immigration to words that come out of his mouth Trump is not a politician get that in your heads he's a businessman secondly the Mexican border issue has been there since President Obama was President and never was a light shined on what was going on including the rape and molestation of hundreds of Hispanic children in Women. Not once did the media go to the Border I am sick of everyone acting like this is a new thing this is been going on for the past 16 years and I am sick of the media playing on things that are not true slighted influenced or politically targeted I just want to hear the news I just want to present to do the job whether I agree with him or not whether I think he's a jerk or not.

    Guess what America Trump is a baby you birth and everyone wants to stand on a high horse reality media nasty mouth foul-mouthed people Trump is the representation of America understand that and we don't want to own that!!
    And you have people largely liberals who wanted to do Insane things when it came to marriage and abortion and children and people set silent because if you disagreed you were racist or homophobic or I hate her When people's opinions were covered up shut up and ignored and when Trump came along he said what was on a lot of people's minds every time I disagree with you doesn't make me a homophobe or racist and because I'm a pro-lifer doesn't mean I don't respect the rights of women what it means that I have my opinion and the left shut up the right way too many years and the liberal thought made of our brains fell out and people were tired of it and they didn't want a politician they wanted Trump so would like him or not America this is a baby U-verse raise him and let him finish this 8 years

  3. will fake news, abc news network be reporting on former disney executive, michael lane who will serve 81 months in prison, punishment for sex crimes made on a seventeen year old girl or pentagon officials endorse operation baby raper as unknown rider, designates mike pence in same manner as the designation of john maccain and ghwb? and if not why ?
    sheep no more, nothing can stop what is coming. WWG1WGA Is Father in heaven, leading this movement aginst satanic chid sacrafice, human trafficing, killing babies, clean out the swamp.

  4. While this J-School weasel/shill tries his level best to put lipstick on a pig, I'm reminded of several quotes from the administration's inside source, QAnon, who has posted many times, "They never thought she would lose."  "These people are stupid."  "You are watching/witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard."  "Never interfere with an enemy who is the process of destroying himself."  And I love it.

  5. I’ve found a lot of liberals/ Democrats will say one thing and never come back to the comments again to defend themselves.

  6. Interesting how they claim that knowingly accepting assistance during a presidential campaign is unethical and a crime. Hillary received unparalleled financial and media support and prior to the 2016 elections the Clinton Foundation received huge sums of money from, you guessed it, Russia. Somehow none of that gets talked about.

  7. This is an ABC propaganda video. When I was young, this network had integrity. The representation of the hearing that this video tries to portray did not actually happen.

  8. Prosecutors do not exonerate, they charge people with a crime and then they prosecute them for the crime.
    POTUS has been denied his right to innocence until proven guilty. How would any of you like for that to become the new standard? Is that the change you believed in? Is that not Anti American, even, dare I say, absolutely Russian for equal justice? Prosecutors do not exonerate, they charge people with a crime and then they prosecute them for the crime.

  9. I Only came here to DISLIKE this nonsense !! 👎👎👎

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